Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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Category — niteflirt chat

I use your weaknesses against you!

It’s very easy to train a submissive beta male when you find out what his weaknesses are.

You use that weakness against him.

Weak for My ass. I ply him with ass photos (for a price of course), descriptions of how I will use My ass to break down his defenses, and then start to train him to pay the ass….

Then I use My ass and his love for it to reinforce the kind of behavior I approve of (Clicking and paying for example!)

Soon when his cock throbs, he will find that he seeks Me out, because I understand how to use his weaknesses, to get him aroused.  But more importantly, that arousal will make him spend and spend on Me!

And I usually discover, or create (sometimes purposely, sometimes accidently) other little fetishes I can leverage. Each trigger becomes like a mooring line, hooking the subject more securely in My service.  He needs, that need grows, and I become the most effective avenue to satisfy his growing need.  Very often I am the ONLY avenue.

I am often asked by one of My addicted subjects how they may break free of My ownership of them. I have studied and experiemented how to harness my skills and powers (and having a Dominant Female personality *is* a power!) to enslave men. I am very good at it, as hundreds can attest to.  I have not given any energy into learning how to help men get past their addiction to Me.

Perhaps someday, many years from now, when I am retiring on all the riches I have maniuplated from you all, I will give that some energy, and devise a cure, which I will of course sell to the desperate slave. A final slap in the wallet!

And of course, I have thought about writing a book on how to DO Financial Domination for the aspiring FinDomme. The prevailing myth is that she sits on her lazy ass while men pay her, which sadly enough is pretty far from the truth. There is an art to this, and also a need for bread and butter income in between the cash rapes of the big whales.  It would be a cruel book to unleash on mankind, but a gift to women who are confident and ruthless enough to use the techniques.  So that is why I would write both books. A double cash out so to speak.  But that’s still many good years away, I’m not done using all of you yet!

Now, a couple new pay to views for you to throw your cash at!

This fetish assessment tool, helps Me get the goods on you, so that I can train you oh so effectively!

Maximize your submissive experience with Mistress Lauren!

and this is a delicious photo set for the summer I did. Bare feet lovers will lose their mind, but you all with love it!

Featured PTVsAnd

and this is a revamp of an old pay to view, it’s not oriented to FinDomme, but it is a controlling jack off instruction series.  Now I can do JOI with a FinDomme bent, and Chat is a great place to try that (right titpig?)  Chat Me up on Niteflirt and I will show you how. Better load up that account first though.

Maximize youand r submissive experience with Mistress Lauren!

oh and of course I want you to have a gallery again. This will make the pantyhose guys drool. And if you have a pantyhose fetish, you should know I have THOUSANDS of pantyhose photos of Me in My private collection, and adding more regularly, just ask!

And now it is time for the spending report! It’s a good one!

Huge Paypig Alert!  I’m going to begin with an amazing spend by paybitchterry! I’ve got this guy wrapped around My finger, and he’s just spending it all on Me!  Since last blog?  $1502. Beat that bitches!

My exposure sissy and I had fun, well, exposing her, and the sissy paid Me $238 for the priviledge since the last report!

New Slave AND Huge Paypig Alert!  I love that combination, a new slave who just mindless spends! Yum! New to Me is “dirtbag” who got caught in click and pay, and with really just a little encouragement from Me, spent $720 since I last blogged. I hope he gets LOTS of blog mentions in the future!

and nylonslave was back losing his mind over My pantyhose, this time spending $249. I’ve got more photos you haven’t seen slave!

Huge Paypig Alert!  Oinkloser was back briefly before deleting his account, but not before I took him for over $900 in just a few days. Hey OinkLoser, you have to reactivate your account again, we gotta get you to 10K of spending!

My slave addict, micro was about, and he spent $167 since last update. I think it would have been more, but the dude and I have time zones that don’t match up very well!

Paypig Alert!  Also continuing his downhill slide is Gimp Loser, who is spending everything he has on Me because he doens’t have long to live. Stark, Brutal, Cruel. It’s not like he needs it, he may as well give it to Me! He spent $353 since last blog entry.

And My good boy who loves stolen moments managed a couple nice phone calls for $137

Huge Paypig Alert!  and even after years serving Me, PIG’s addiction is getting worse! He never used to be a paypig, but I used My techniques on him, and now he is trapped, like a machine.  He spent $815 since the last update!

Newbie feathered pig was back, this time clicking and paying for $104 and barely getitng another mention

PayPig Alert!  My elegant foot lover completely spoiled Me the past couple weeks with $406 worth just making Me smile. I love it!

Slave more please was back drooling over My leggings and paying!  He spent $130, and there is MORE to buy, hit Me up more please!

Huge Paypig Alert! and My tit-crazed slave, titpig ATM went nuts again, this time paying $538! He discovered the dangers of JOI games in chat. And loved it, can’t wait to do it again!

sissy j has been suffering under her tiny cock control control, and this time she spent $128.  She’s learning self control though!

HUGE Paypig Alert!  Taxpig was back paying his taxes, and there were heft fines levied (By Me of course!)  The biggest penalty was a $500 pay to view!  His total payments to Me since last revew amounted to $1177!  WOW! I like being the tax collector!

And My slave peeper has been hanging around again, this time spending $194.  It was in little bits and pieces, and

HUGE Paypig Alert!   This has sure been a week for huge paypigs!  Another one coming over to the dark side was knickers, who was new not very long ago, but he got caught up in the dangerous robot paypig series, and he sepnt $1248

Yes, THIS series here, try it!

Paypig Alert!  Irish dope has discovered the dangers of chat, and now I’m taking EVER more from him.  $316 since last report!  As I am writing this, he is spending more that isn’t even included in this!

And I ripped off humble sub for another $155.  Actually he ripped himself off just buy clicking and paying! Too funny!

Paypig Alert! Wallet Rape Toy has gone bankrupt for Me, but he’s still spending This time period it was $362. Still sacrificing even in bankruptcy!

My slave surprised might be surprised he spent another $208, but I am not at all surprised. I get into a beta man’s head after all!

Paypig Alert!  Dr X outdid himself with about $280 dollars of Amazon purchases I really needed!  I love having a slave I can call on when I need stuff!

HUGE paypig Alert!  Despite being on vacation and not at the computer AND having a nosy so called girlfriend trying to keep her away from Me, princess gigi sent Me $783 since last report!  And her usless little clitty is still dormant. It’s going back in panties full time soon, and it is alreayd back on estrogen, like it should be!

and drone walter was back, spending 162 on pay to views!  It added up to more than I thought it would!

Huge paypig Alert! Slave helpful one lost himself in My pay to views this week. He spend $805, and he just can’t stop. I LOVE it!

and a loser that previously served Me is back. I had previously named him shopping slave, but I realize I have duplicate blog names! So I’m going to call him, weak4greed.  He spent $335 on Me this week. Delicious!

Now, this was a long and profitable spending report. The reason it took so long to blog was because of all these users I was using!  You too can  get a mention here on My blog. Just pay!

August 15, 2018   8 Comments

Compete in the Paypig Olympics!

I decided to have some fun this last week of the Olympics and pit paypig Vs paypig in a run for the Gold!


  1. Contest runs from 4 pm February 18th to 4  pm February 25th (One week) This is Eastern Standard Time. (New York City time)
  2. The Paypig that spend the MOST money on Lauren will be awarded the GOLD Paypig Olympic Medal. 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded the Silver and Bronze Medals. Note: Medals are digital, not actual physical Medals. Winners will be featured a blog entry announcing their win!  Pigs who win GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE Medals will get some special stuff, to be announced.
  3. All Paypigs who spend at least $100 will be awarded a “Paypig Olympic Participation Medal” and get listed on the Blog Announcement
  4. Updates will be made at least every couple of days of standings of top 8 competitors, and a running tally of how many paypigs hit the $100 mark
  5. BONUS: For every paypig that hits the $100 level, ALL pigs who reach the $100 level will get a new photo of an unreleased set for each pig that finishes. For example, if only 10 pigs spend $100 or more, ALL of those 10 pigs will get 10 photos. If 30 paypigs hit the $100 level all of those 30 paypigs will get 30 photos, the more pigs hit the $100 level, the more photos all the pigs will get. Pigs have to hit $100 to qualify for this bonus. Work together guys!
  6. Money can be spent on things on Niteflirt, calls, pay to views, tributes, chatting. Also eligible are Amazon giftcards and purchases on Amazon.


I suggest joining PayMail Club if you haven’t, to get frequent chances to buy pay to views (but that alone wont be enough), and visit My store to find spending opportunites, or throw Me an email or chat message if you just want Me to send you some Pay to views!

Good luck pigs! May the odds be in your favor!
To get notifications about this week in your mailbox, subscribe to My blog here! You can unsubscribe at any time


To get you started, I made you a special Pay to view!

Also there are some piggies who spent $100 since the last blog entry a few days ago, and I am going to mention them now, because I want to start over with the contest!

My exposure sissy spent $122 on her exposure fun!

My british paypig spent $170 AND finally got the nerve to call Me for the first time, after years of serving Me. He was scared, probably for good reason.

My egghead spent $152 in the last few days too! He just has to surrender, obey and pay! I think he will do well in the Olympics actually

Pantyhose lover titcunt lost control on the Robot Paypig series and spent $274. I expect this bitch to be a prime contender for a medal

My virgin sissy, princess gigispent $145 in the last few days too. Good girl. Perhaps she will get  a medal too?

and finallly My longterm slave PIG spent $142 this week.

Who will get the glory in the Olympics?  We will begin now!

February 18, 2018   No Comments

Chat is so fun! And dangerous!

The new Niteflirt chat program is such fun! And it’s now open to International callers too, so no one has an excuse. I don’t mind a quick chat message to ask a question, it’s less intrusive than email and you pay 69 cents a volley, so you’re not taking up My time for nothing. (Money slaves need not fear guilt!)

One fun thing is that you send a tribute (I tell you how much in chat), and I start sending photos to do little roleplays! its right here and interactive (you can still save photos from chat windows)

It’s so intimate and fun, like a messenger conversation.

I’ve done some major wallet rapes this week making guys weak in chat.  I’ve arranged scenarios and assignments.

I’ve learned more about how My clients tick and how to exploit them, and they have gotten to know Me better

One long time client who had never called Me on the phone, decided to call and was so happy he did!

It makes the Mistress/slave relationship so much better!

Imagine Mantra training!

Imagine NLP conditioning!

Personalized paypig brainwashing!

Even just fantasy sharing or friendly chat

What are you waiting for?

oh and this is the latest PTV, you should buy it. It’s a beautiful set

  (attention cumstain, it has wallet rape and cum photos for you!)

Now for the spending report.  It’s long this week!

NEW slave! HUGE Paypig Alert! Wow. An ass admirer popped up, and he became completely addicted to Me in a few short days, buying everything he could get his hands on. He was shocked to find himself becoming a money slave. I’m going to call him “eric loves ass” here on My blog.  eric deleted his account after completely losing control. I bet he reads this.  His conditioning program was short but powerful, and it is highly likely he will return.

*  Nylon slave spent $178 on the new pantyhose photos and a phone call! And yes, of course, there are more!

HUGE Paypig Alert!  My longtime sissy slave lily was back bigtime after a hiatus. She spent $650 dollars this week after I lured her in with chat. We did sissy training, paypig training, and bbc lust building. She is Mine!  Nice to cash fuck you again lily!

Paypig Alert!  Also back was OinkLoser.  This guy just passed the $6,000 level of spending and his goal is 10K for Me. 60% of the way there!   He vacillates between enthusiasm and reluctance.  I like enthusiasm!

 * and My pantyhose junkie was back, spending $110. He is unusual in that every cent he has spent has been on the phone. Hasn’t bought a single photo. He likes the pantyhose on himself, more than Me I guess!

HUGE Paypig Alert!   Princess gigi and her clitty, Felicity came around and again this week, spending $763.  mmmmm,  Felicity is what I let gigi name her clitty, and she has become like a second person. Felicity gets hypnotized and likes to pay. She also loves purple lipstick. What a slut!

*  I had a lot of fun this past ten days with My exposure sissy, for $225 🙂

“Paypig” Alert!  My elegant foot lover called Me for the first time in the years he’s been a client. I talked him into it on chat and what an amazing phone call, this guy has a radio voice. I told him he could even do phone sex if he wanted. My foot lover isn’t a typical slave, he’s more into sensual service and romance, and heck, it’s a nice change of pace for Me. I can take romance that gets Me the $420 he spent 🙂

I had a lot of fun chatting with pantyhose viking and planning an adventurous session he’s going to have.  $209 YUM

Paypig Alert!   PIG spent freely this week, his addiction grows.  $381. YUM!

*  My titfool spent $140 to continue this addiction to My perfect breasts. Some of that was a delicious surprise $50 tribute!

New Slave holy jason” is new to both My service and My blog. I call him holy jason, because he keeps saying Oh God, to what I say or the photos of Me he sees. I lured him in with chat and now he is completely Mine. $207 for Lauren!

 HUGE Paypig Alert!   “Mind controlled john” was back! He’s been a long time client, but went dormant for years. Until this week.  And he was easily the biggest spender of the week at $1764!  That pleased Me immensely!  Well done!

 *  wagner was back for another $120 spending on My perfect ass. He loves to see it when I’m wearing stockings with garters!

 *  tranceboy was back with a new name, and $120 in spending.  Another addicted loser who can’t stay away!

Paypig Alert! tPay spent $300 and hit the $6000 level of spending Mmmmm

Paypig Alert! and paycub was around this week, even just now as I was about to publish, he bought a $150 PTV Mmm.   This week he spent $300 on Niteflirt and another $100 on gift cards from My Amazon wishlist. (Keeping me in groceries, coffee, and gasoline!) What a good boy!

This was a very nice week. Well done, boys and sissies, junkies and slaves, fans and losers.  Keep up the good work. Perhaps you’ll see your name next post!

September 28, 2017   No Comments