Training Paypigs to Pay to Cum!
Many of My devoted slaves/addicts/goonslaves have confessed to Me their shameful truth.
They can no longer cum, unless they pay!
It’s a process, of course, step by step.
- First, I direct them to pleasure themselves when they pay.
- The pig is rewarded for paying with photos of Me or hearing My voice
- The pig gets excited and eventually cums
- The pig loves this and ends up repeating it soon.
- The pig does this several times
- The pig finds his poor little dick no longer gets stiff unless he pays Me!
Now, I own this pig. It’s amazingly simple.
Of course, each session I have with you, I reinforce all the triggers that make you hard and make you devoted to paying Me. And eventually, those triggers embed.
EMBED. Once embedded, they are there. They may fade over the course of years if you don’t reinforce them. That means, you can’t cum by paying, which means, no cumming!
Hahahaha, years without cumming? Just surrender and pay!
But you should definitely not stop stroking when you pay! Don’t worry about being addicted, it probably won’t happen.
But it sure feels good, doesn’t it?

I even made a Pay-to-view last week that will help cement that connection in your psyche!

Vacation for Me coming up!
I will be here next week. Repeat, I will be here next week, I am not leaving until July 20th.
The week of July 20-27 I am on vacation! We’ve got a beach cabin in Maine, which is My happy place and I am excited to go. I might be around on Friday the 26th, but I promise nothing. I will be back for Sunday the 28th, so you pigs can have your Lauren fixes.
I will, as usual, put some things on sale and advertise them on My NF+ Feed, so keep checking that!
I also hope to release a PTV series before I go, if I can find the time. (Might not happen)
IMPORTANT: I know many of you love to have pay-to-views in your mailbox to open when I am gone, which I send before I leave. Let Me know if you want some! There are usually 4-5 of you that jump at this, just mail Me on NF if you want to be added to the list
Also coming. A surprise, if you know you know. If you don’t know you will find out! After My vacation of course!

The Fuckover Report.
This is an amazing fuckover report! The list of those that got a mention is small, but there are many HUGE mentions!
Legendary Paypig Alert!
The highest spender this week was little tigress, a sissy who has been excelling with Me as of late. I was surprised that her spending totaled $4330! This sissy got very excited reading the fuckover report and immediately began showing Me her devotion with pay-to-view and phone calls. Soooo special! She is so fun to session!
Legendary Paypig Alert! New to Blog!
The other Legendary mention goes to a sissy who has been reading this blog, obsessing about Me and dreaming of cash rape. Well, this sissy, who I am calling “payclitty” tried so hard to please, in one of the funnest raise-the-rate sessions I have ever had, that ended in a 31-minute call at the maximum $50 a minute rate! Yes, that’s $1550 for a single phone call. There were many other phone calls, and tributes and this sissy spent a total of $4064, mostly, but not entirely, in one evening. We’ve been making plans for an even bigger cash rape, and I think she will break the record for My longest phone call at $50 a minute! (currently at 51 minutes)
Extreme Paypig Alert! My newly minted sissy, boomer (I’m beginning to see a trend here) is one that can’t cum unless she pays. Lately, the obsession has been powerful, and this sissy spent $1469 since the last entry
Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy, My devoted slave, helpless dennis pleased Me very much this time around, sending several $100 tributes on several occasions. I know how much he needs Me and his surrender is complete. He spent $1371 this time around!
Extreme Paypig Alert! My slave, just another ATM, once again went on a spending spree, triggered by a custom audio I made for him. His total spending was $1287. NICE.
Extreme Paypig Alert! Another good boy who is addicted and probably can’t cum without paying is “j the junkie” j outdid himself YET AGAIN. He spent $1156. Nice!
Extreme Paypig Alert! I was really surprised when My good boy “eager” clicked and paid all the way through a high-priced series, and along with a few other items spent $1075 to get an extreme mention! This is the dangerous series, the first level is only $2, check it out if you never have!

Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy “simp w” squeaked in to get an extreme mention by spending $1003. He’s one that has to pay to cum now, but he’s trying to quit. It’s not going well for him!
My good boy mr. ed, stopped by to spend $291. Every dime to Lauren counts!
Paypig Alert! My long term slave and top spender PIG got himself a nice little red letter mention. His addiction to Me is relentless, probably another who needs to pay to cum! He spent $433
My leg paypet jeffy stopped by to drop $104 and get a mention!
My very good sissy marla, once of the lifetime top spenders on Me, called for a nice little session of $227.
My good girl sissy caged yankee spent $124 and suggested this blog topic too! Thanks jenna!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy golly chatted and tributed his cash away for Me! He did really well, spending $625 since the last blog entry!
My good boy nylonslave spent $132 on his worship of Me!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good girl buffy couldn’t stop surrendering to Me, even though she’s on the verge of losing her car. She spent $569 trying to not spend as much! *laughs*
My good boy TJ spent $117 to earn a mention.
My good boy tiny, also spent $261 to please Me.
So that was six extreme mentions and two legendary ones for this blog entry! The pigs who have earned one never forget it! Are you next?
July 11, 2024 1 Comment
New Paypig Spending Level Unlocked Plus an Interview with another Domme!
There will be a spending report later, but I had to interrupt My normal process because My prized slave, Dr x, has accomplished a quite impressive feat.
Ultimate Paypig Alert!
My previous highest Alert was given to paypigs that spent more than $2K since the last blog post. I have had pigs far surpass this many many times, but this time several records were SHATTERED.
How much did dr x spend? Hold on to your cock, he spent $20,849 on Niteflirt and another $1,055 on Amazon (including a new cell phone!) for a grand total of $21,904.
This was more than one session, but several, however, there was one MONSTER session of $15,709 that included $905 from Amazon, for a One Session Record of $16,614.
So the New Spending Levels are as follows:
- Paypig Alert— more than $300 of spending
- Huge Paypig Alert— More than $500 of spending
- Extreme Paypig Alert– More than $1000 of spending
- Legendary Paypig Alert– More than $2000 of spending
and now
Ultimate Paypig Alert– More than $20K of spending!
I may add another level for the $10K too, I have had it hit a handful of times, by Dr x and noddy, and perhaps tPay. (Am I missing anyone? Speak up!)
Listen guys, I am happy to create bigger and bigger levels of paypig spending, feel free to compete to be the first one to hit the $30K level between blog entries!
As you can imagine I am one happy FinDomme this week!
Here is a screenshot of some of the spending. There were FIVE $999 pay-to-views, the largest possible on Niteflirt! And there were a lot more not included because I wanted to get the best ones on one screen.
Does it make you hard?

I hope all of you pigs step forward to challenge this record!
Help Me Hit My All-time High Goal of $30K in one week!
It occurred to Me that since Dr x started off My week sooo well (in the wee hours of Sunday Morning) that this would be a great week to strive for hitting a new total for Me overall!
As of this blog publishing on Monday, I am already at $19,358 of paypig spending, so another 10K plus should be possible right? I want to inspire you all to spend! I’ll be releasing another video later this week and some other stuff for purchase. The week goes from Saturday at 8 pm EST to the following Saturday.
You can also visit Pay to View Store or My Goody Bag Page, send a tribute or call and ask for a Raise the Rate session. Together we can do it!

A Guest on My blog, the Fabulous Behavior Analyst!
Now, for a change of pace, I want to present an interview with a FinDomme friend of Mine, also on Niteflirt.
Behavior Analyst! (This link opens on Her Niteflirt profile)

I know My fans and clients will want to know what types of things you offer on Niteflirt, could you fill us in?
I offer Femdom/Findom phone & chat conversations, allowing men to confess their deepest fetish desires and put them to best use for Me. I create an atmosphere of mental conditioning to enhance their submission through hypnosis or ‘therapy’ sessions.
What kind of background do you have that helps define what you do as a Dominant?
I see you also love doing mind-control types of things. Do you have any special training?
I discovered my Domme side very early in life and was able to really narrow down my specific wants while exploring at kink events & parties. I was the one that everyone wanted to ‘spill their secrets’ to, and I used that to manipulate the play I wanted from them. I don’t have any professional training for mind control; it has always come naturally to me. I do believe I am in a perpetual learning mode to be the most effective version of myself. The psychological side of the fetish lifestyle is how a Domme can best get what she wants from her submissive, and I can’t get enough of that!
Share a bit about your absolutely favorite experience with a client. what made it memorable?
There are a few that really stand out because the connection became so strong over time. My long-time submissive, effie, just reached 365 days in chastity. If I had to choose a favorite event, that’s definitely it. In a more broad explanation, when you can feel a man surrender himself, really conquer his self-control, and you know it’s genuine, there’s nothing like it. Some of the most memorable singular moments were nearly always Findom based. I adore Raise The Rate (RTR) calls and coaxing a man to the max rate allowed on Niteflirt. There have been large surprise tributes that I’ll always remember for sure too.
If a guy calls you, what can he expect?
I most often describe myself as an “unethical therapist”. I am going to allow him time to give me his backstory, offer my analysis of that, and turn him into what I want from there. {such as mindless, confused, empty, controlled & obedient}
Is there a pay-to-view or goody bag you would like to mention that would give a potential client a taste of what you are about?
Strap-on friend with benefits
Warning! Mindfuck Content
What have you been working on lately? what’s in the future for your clients?
I have been working on some Podcast style Mp3 conversations & fictional fantasy storylines to give a little more variety to my Goodybag pages. I also have some new Findom content coming to my NF+ page (very excited about that). My followers can always expect something that will take control of their next move.
Thank you Behavior Analyst for giving us a glimpse into your world. I think you and I have very similar styles and clients should be very excited and afraid to contact you!
Check Behavior Analyst out on Niteflirt!

Now it’s time for the Fuckover report!
Ultimate Paypig Alert! That is the first time I have ever used that terminology in a blog report, and I hope it won’t be the last time. As detailed above, this refers to My good boy, Dr x, as he Liquidates more and more to keep paying Me! I’m still smiling from it. My investment account is getting a boost!
Legendary Paypig Alert! On most fuckover reports, this would get top billing, so it is still very notable! My slave helpless dennis has managed to surrender $3614 since the last blog entry. I knew it was a big amount, but I was surprised it was THIS big. This pig is clearly addicted and I LOVE it!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy boomer TRIED and failed to stay away. *laughs* It’s always a useless endeavor. He spent $560 this time around.
My special good boy tom earned a mention with a nice raise the rate therapy session which netted Me $161. Keep coming to therapy tom!
Paypig Alert! My good boy victor is becoming more deeply in love with Me every day, and it is showing in our bank accounts! He spent $435 since the last blog entry.
My good boy and long time slave PIG spent $250 this time around, in a rare “non-red letter” mention.
Huge Paypig Alert! My excellent good boy, j the junkie couldn’t help himself and kept returning again and again, racking up a spending of $632 since the last post. YUM.
My good boy helpless dave managed an alert with $193 of spending. I was happy to lure him in again!
Paypig Alert! My good sissy, Oink Loser sissy FINALLY hit the 20K lifetime spending goal and now I have commanded her new goal be $25K. It’s gonna be so much fun to get there! This sissy spent $463 since the last post.
My good slave loserbeast stopped by to spend $280 on Me. I always love seeing his name on My blog.
Paypig Alert! My very good boy irish dope always tries his best to save up money to please Me, and he did it again! This time he spent $390 to get his paypig alert! Yay! Well done good boy.
My good boy oldie spent $126 on Me, he’s slowly racking up a decent lifetime amount.
Huge Paypig Alert! My good sissy caged yankee is addicted and can’t cum without paying! This sissy spent $770 this time around!!! Fabulous!
My long time slave wallet rape toy did a bit of click and pay recently, spending $228. I love taking this loser’s money
New Slave! New to Me but not financial domination is “Findomme junkie” a name I chose due to his proclivities. He spent $174 getting acquainted with Me.
Good boy, “just another ATM” has been doing some high stakes click and pay lately and managed to spend $182. I think he should spend even more, don’t you?
New Slave! New to Me is tiger, who spent $129 finding out more about My danger!
My good boy Lauren’s footlicker spent $131 on Niteflirt and $25 on Amazon for a total of $156. He is sweet and loyal 🙂
My spawn has been doing a little click and pay lately, and spent $112. I’m looking forward to seeing him spend more to get Me to My goals!
My good girl buffy spent $205, soon she will cave and I will be writing a big mention for her in the next blog. I have confidence!
New Slave! Also new to Me is tiny, a very anxious to please slave that spent $210 in just a couple of days. I hope to see more from him!
That concludes the spending report (and what a memorable one!)
I hope I will be sharing with you all soon about whether I reached My goal
Do your part!
July 10, 2023 No Comments
I addict you using science!
Why Lauren is habit-forming.
The science of psychology is a FinDomme’s best friend. I am always on the alert for scientific insights and research to apply My methods into addicting you. Many of you can attest to the power of My methods,
I leave no stone unturned in understanding how I program you to be a better pig. I thought I would share some recent research.
I have been studying the formation of habits as of late, I use the knowledge I glean in both My personal and professional lives. One theory of habit formation really resonated with Me, giving Me even MORE insight into the path of paypig addiction.
It is called “The Four Stages of Habit” and is described by habit scientists as a feedback loop.
It goes like this
- Cue
- Craving
- Response
- Reward
This loop creates a habit!
Let’s break it down.
What CUES does serving Me provide? Here are some examples that My slaves have told Me about.
- Seeing My Niteflirt call button on.
- Seeing My green chat light on
- Seeing an email from Me.
- Looking at our past chats or correspondences
- Viewing My blog or NF+ Feed
- Seeing/playing a photo/audio/video of Me
- Seeing your name in the blog Fuckover Report
- Seeing other paypigs get used hard. Whenever I do a Raise-the-Rate phone call, it is very common for another paypig to comment on it. Sometimes reading about Me using another pig hard provokes a cue.
- you get a credit card bill and see how much you spent on Me
- Another event might cue you, the cues are rather personal. Perhaps you see some high heels on a woman, or you have a fight with your wife/girlfriend that frustrates you.
The CUE provokes a CRAVING
- you feel a desire to call/chat/pay Me
- your cock stirs
- you start thinking about Me, My content, time we have spent together.
- you start to fantasize about serving Me.
The CRAVING provokes a RESPONSE. The hard cock demands attention
- you call, you send a chat
- you buy a pay-to-view, you may be triggered to buy many in rapid procession.
- you view My audio mantras or My NF+ Feed and stroke
- you start stroking to My blog/videos/photos/voice, etc
- you add $$ to your Niteflirt account
- you might plan ways to get money to spend on Me
The RESPONSE leads to a REWARD
- you have an amazingly hard cock
- you have a mind-blowing orgasm
- you may have new content to add to your Lauren collection (photos, videos, audios)
- you may have new chat or emails to read repeatedly
- you may have earned praise from Me for your correct thinking and behavior.
- you likely enjoyed talking and interacting with Me
The Rewards you get reinforce the loop. Your subconscious remembers, so any cues you associate with our time together (Seeing the chat light, or an email), automatically propel your unconscious into the habit loop. So dear pig reader, this isn’t your fault, right? Science did it. Science guided by Lauren!

Recent Pay-to- Views

And are you subscribed to My Niteflirt+ Feed? It’s getting rave reviews and apparently I’m one of the top flirts on the site for subscriptions. Sooooo, do not miss out! This isn’t like other subscription services, such as OnlyFans, this one limits how much past content you can see. I can designate a few posts that can be seen upon subscribing but you are missing OUT by not subscribing now.
Click this graphic to see more!

Other news
I have been working on transferring all My FinDomme stuff to a brand-new computer. It’s one dr x bought for Me, months ago, but I delayed switching over because it’s so much work. I use a lot of programs for My content, and they all must be installed, along with the usual stuff. And then the content must be organized (groans). It has taken more time than I anticipated! I also have been refreshing all of My photographs (several tens of thousands of them) with a new AI program to brighten them. Almost every one of you who has mentioned it (with one exception, that client will keep getting the old ones) prefers the new “radiant” photos. So much stuff goes on behind the scenes to make sure that I can keep exploiting you slaves for a long time to cum!
I also use a special program written especially for Me to calculate all the transactions into the Fuckover report. Well, it REFUSES to work on the new computer. The programmer is writing an updated version with some hopefully new features, but until it’s ready, I have to hook the old computer back up every time I want to download and calculate PIG spending.
But I’m getting settled into the new computer, and now I anticipate being able to leverage Myself to set all you pigs up for glorious fuckovers!
Upcoming vacation!
I have not had a vacation in a while, and I am taking a 5 day one to go to NYC! It’s only my second visit to the city, despite not really living THAT far from it. I will not be available at that time, but I will be posting the mantra of the day to My NF plus feed, along with photos, so no worries there. I will be gone from Saturday, May 6th to Wed May 10th. I plan to be logged in for calls on the 11th.
There will be no blog entry that week, it will be delayed until the week of the 15th.
Now it’s time for…
The Fuckover Report!
It’s short this time, mostly due to not being available as much for the computer switcheroo.
Huge Paypig Alert! Once again near the top of the spending ladder was helpess dennis. We had lots of fun calls,
Paypig Alert! Just missing a huge alert was My very very good boy, j the junkie. He returned several times, and spent $472.
My good slave, just another atm, spent $116 deeping a need to pay Me. My new feed should help with that.
New Slave! Just squeaking in with a first mention, is a sissy I am calling, ms. slut. This sissy spent $100 finding out how dangerous I am! Well done!
Unable to stay away, a slave to his addiction to Me is pigbait. When he is cued, he shows up to pay, slathering his tiny cock with numbing cream. And I torment him! He spent $113 since the last blog entry.
Paypig Alert! Another slave just missing a huge alert was helpless tool. This dude is getting more and more addicted and he spent $495 plunging deeper into addiction with Me! Yay!
PIG is trying really hard to slow down, but I have him by his throbbing pigstick and he spent $205 since the last time.
New Slave! Another new slave is an italian dude I am calling damien. He spent $275 on a rousing series of raise the rate calls. Mmmm My favorite.
My weak leg addict michael, just couldn’t stay away. I tested the habit loop cycle detailed in this post on him last night, and he will be horrified to learn he spent $283, just missing a paypig alert. Mmmmm
Paypig Alert! My hypnotized construct j had another call that included lots of pay to views while on the phone. He ended up spending $437 in a short period of time. Nice!
My good boy boomer is now responding to My NF+ feed as a cue and although he really tried to stay away, he still managed to spend $158. Nice!
Paypig Alert! My good girl buffy is trying so hard to moderate her spending, I have her on the “slow path to bankruptcy” She spent $309 this time around. I think I will push her more this time.
My nylon slave spent $149 in worship and awe of Me and My hosed feet.
My good boy, Lauren’s footlicker spent $30 on Amazon and $88 on Niteflirt for a total of $118. Sweet!
I had a nice call with My sweet girl marla, she spent $179 this time around.
My oinkloser sissy spent $170. She is getting closer to her goal of $20K lifetime spending!
and it was sooo nice to see My wallet rape toy clicking and paying again. This robot pig spent $243 buying stuff he bought years ago, the compulsion is still there!
Last and maybe least is caged yankee, who clicked and paid all the way to $225, pleasing Me, well done sissy!
Now, earn your mention to be in My next blog!
April 27, 2023 No Comments
Many of you know that I work with SeducedByJane on Niteflirt quite a bit. We run a joint account, TwoMeanGirls, and we’ve done games and activities together for our slaves/pets.
Well, it seems as if a new money slave Jane has (and blogged about here) found himself over in Lauren Land this evening. Jane had shown me the transcript of their yahoo conversation, and I recognized the sniveling tone right away in his email to Me, and he also referenced Mistress Jane in his first email to Me.
Dear Miss Lauren,
I’ve been reading more about you on your Niteflirt page, and on your blog and on your pages with Mistress Jane on TwoMeanGirls.
You are beautiful, and I am getting this image of you and Mistress Jane standing over Me taking all my $$$.
I took this opportunity to send Jane a quick text message asking her if I minded her exploiting her prey.
Her answer. “Go for it!”
So I raised the rate on my FinDomme listing to $8 a minute, and told Prey to call.
And while he was on the line with Me, I conditioned him to obey, sending him pay email after pay email. $25, $50, $100, culminating in a nice $150 email.
And of course, a $160 charge for the 20 minute phone call….that I ended by saying…
Oh, Prey…be sure you send Mistress Jane a gift tribute for $100 as well.
He better have, I’ll be checking.
July 22, 2010 No Comments
Hypnosis and Money Slavery
I have used hypnotic techniques on my money slaves for ages, but recently I’ve become even more open about it.
This of course, begs the question….
Is it possible to hypnotize a slave into handing it all over?
Can my milky words make him surrender all his wealth, without any visage of free will? Even if he had never imagined it…never fantasized about it?
Conventional wisdom says no…that you cannot be hypnotized against your will. That only if you desire it DEEP DOWN, can hypnosis manifest into reality.
Is that true? I mean, are you worried that if you surrender to My hypnotic power that you will mindlessly deliver your cash to Me? Awaken to find in horror that you’ve sent me thousands of dollars without a conscious memory of doing so? Find yourself hypnotically addicted to giving Me money?
Conventional wisdom says this will not happen…UNLESS…you have a secret desire to have Me financially fuck you over. Oh..and it might be an unconscious desire.
So succumb to My hypnotic words. And if you have the unconscious desire to give Me all your cash, you can be sure you’ll be transferring it all to Me!
November 11, 2009 4 Comments
Why Financial Sadism is My favorite Sadism
There can be no doubt, that I am a sadist. Even just writing that one sentence begins the arousal. The thought of causing someone pain for My pleasure simply makes me wet. And it can make Me cum too.
I enjoy all sorts of sadism. Its very satisfying to cause physical pain, the swat swat swat sound of leather against flesh, harmonizes with the plaintive cries of My victim. Screaming as a result of what I do is tasty as well.
Yes, very arousing and enjoyable.
But the next day? I’m not feeling the sub/slave’s pain at all, although he/she might tell or write Me that they are still tender and can’t sit, and that I admit, is erotic.
But financial sadism has a much yummier aftereffect for Me to enjoy.
After an evening of wallet rape, the slave ends up much poorer, and My bank account is enriched.
But the fun doesn’t end. I am able to continue enjoying My plunder of the slave’s money. I can buy stuff. I can use the money to support My standard of living. I can waste the money on frivolous things.
And the next day, after you submit to Me, and sacrifice $$ to Me, you can feel it the next day. The latte you have to pass up. The car you can’t buy. The trip you can’t take. The wife you can’t buy flowers for. The family member you can’t send a gift to, the bill you can’t pay.
And the more extreme it affects you, the tastier! Do you have to sell your wife’s wedding ring to pay the mortgage? yay! Do you have to cash in your life insurance policy to get your car fixed? yay! Do you have to take a second job so you can buy some groceries and pay down your credit card enough to call Me again? Yes! Yes!
Financial sadism. The sadism that just keeps on taking
October 19, 2009 1 Comment