Category — female supremacy
A psychological dive into Lauren
and her slaves (I decided to make it ALL ABOUT ME)
I spend a great deal of My time learning about the forces that I can use to drive men & sissies into financial servitude for Me.
Today I happened across material that described the type of person who had success manipulating vulnerable people into doing their bidding. It sounded quite familiar!
Myself, (and commonly other Findoms, although I speak only for Myself) can be described as possessing these traits.
- Narcissism. Characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy. I would add GREED to the list, I mean, it’s obvious that I am a Superior Woman who LOVES wielding power over weak men/sissies. I am full of pride, but that’s because I deserve it! I am beautiful, highly intelligent, and quite simply, the best at financially fucking over weak men.
Empathy doesn’t serve My needs or goals. (But gaslighting you with fake empathy does) Now that isn’t to say that occasionally I feel bad for a slave, but I tend to reserve those feelings for things that weren’t his fault. Is a slave sick? I feel bad. (Although maybe it’s because that means he can’t serve Me as well? Hmmm. I will have to think about that. Is he broke from spending too much on FinDomme? Too fucking bad. Pay again. - Machiavellian tendencies. Machiavellianism comes from a book written in the 16th century by an Italian guy called Machiavelli called The Prince and it was about the tendencies of brutal rulers. These rulers have no problem manipulating and exploiting others, an indifference to the morality of it. (Morality, it’s your fucking problem if serving Me causes you problems-not MY problem) lack of empathy. (Fuck you, pay ME) and a strategic focus on self-interest. (You mean like creating sexy content and mantras that brainwash you into being My cash slave?)
- Psychologically characterized by selfishness and callous and unemotional traits. You cannot gain sympathy from Me for problems you stroking your dick and paying Me has caused you. That’s a YOU problem. Also included on this list is remorselessness. (Why should I feel remorse over taking your cash? I deserve it!)
- Sadism. The last part is that I completely get turned on by manipulating and exploiting My slaves. If they feel financial or emotional pain from My programming and manipulations, that’s a plus! Sadism is a sexual fetish, so I get turned on from hurting you. Mmmmmm. That’s the best way to sexually please Me. Allow Me to fuck you over!
All of these traits make Me uniquely equipped to strip you of the cash I deserve more!

Vacation Announcement!
From Tuesday, May 14th through Saturday, May 18th, I will be unavailable. I will be vacationing on the Coast of Maine and spending your cash! I will return to being available again on Sunday, May 19th. When your poor little dick is stiff because I am not around, remember that I deserve your cash whether I am online or not, and send $$. Imagine that you’re paying for some vacation fun, a drink or a meal or a show, because you probably will be! *laughs*
There will be posts on My NF+ feed that I will schedule for you to enjoy when I am away, and perhaps I will put a couple things on sale for you to console yourself with.
Recent PTVs to buy

And now it’s time for the FUCKOVER REPORT!
Legendary Paypig Alert!
My good boy j the junkie keeps falling more and more deeply under My power. Try as he might, he cannot stay away, and the amounts he spends have been incrementally increasing. It’s wonderful! He spent $2313 since the last post. WOW.
Legendary Paypig Alert!
Another slave earning a legendary mention was “w” This simp has lost his head over Me, and I am taking full advantage. He tries to delete his account, but ends up returning again and again! He spent $2278 since the last update and I couldn’t be happier!
Extreme Paypig Alert! Just squeaking in for an extreme mention is My hopeless little sissy bitch boomer. This bitch cannot stay away and at every opportunity she is spending on Me. She spent $1001 this time around.
My useless, but good boy, pigbait keeps coming around, despite chaos in his life. He spent $179 on money he knows belongs with Me.
Huge Paypig Alert! My slave helpless dennis told Me today that he is opting for “slow bankruptcy” so he may serve Me for years. That works for Me!
Back after a long time for another mention is deadcat, squeaking in at $100.
Huge Paypig Alert! Just another ATM keeps surrendering to Me, listening to My custom audios, buying pay-to-views. This slave never had a chance. He spent $913 since the last post
Earning another mention was golly, this time for $195. He can’t seem to help himself!
Huge Paypig Alert! Another slave who has had difficulty staying away is “flip off idiot” he calls and begins tributing and he can’t stop! He spent $662 since the last post.
My construct showed up to spend $179. What a good self-destructive slave he is!
Paypig Alert! My good PIG continues to be addicted to the hard cock serving Me gives him. So he repeats mantras on loop and pays! He spent $324 this time around.
My sole lover sent tribute enough to earn a mention, barely! He spent $100 pleasing Me!
Huge Paypig Alert! My sissy slave caged yankee is obsessed with paying Me, and keeps returning again and again to buy ptvs. I know how to manipulate this sissy! She spent $565 since the last blog entry.
My beloved spawn did more paying this time around, spending $156. My spawn, you are overdue for a big fuckover!
Huge Paypig Alert! My adorable little honey bee buffy kept trying to stop spending on Me, but still managed to end Me $564. Nice!
Also earning a mention this time around was cheekie this time he spent $117.
My quiet gentleman is another who squeaked in for a mention, his for $101.
My pantyhose slave goons on a regular basis in worship of Me. He spent $112 since the last post.
Lauren’s footlicker earned a mention, spending $170 and a warm smile from his Goddess.
Slave tPay made an appearance, spending $133 before fleeing in terror. He says that his findom addiction is My fault, and I say. Too Fucking Bad. PAY!
New Slave, New to Me and to the blog is tj, who spent $158 finding out how dangerous I am!
Back with a splash is tiny, spending $158. $100 of it was in a nice tribute when I wasn’t even online! I love that!
Now, who amongst you will be on the next blog? Don’t miss out!
May 6, 2024 1 Comment
Paypig Stages of Poverty
A blog post from Goddess Lauren of the Church of Lauren
I’m taking some Me time next week from Jan 17-23rd. I haven’t had a vacation in about a year and a half, and I am not going anywhere, (who is?) but I need a break. I MIGHT be on a little bit if I get bored, but no promises
The Church Rolls are here, listing membership and which Pigs have completed certain sacraments.
The first sacrament is: The First Celebration!.

Now, let’s talk about the Paypig Stages of Poverty!
Baseline: This is the state you are in BEFORE you begin serving Me. It will vary from pig to pig of course, some of you will be flush with cash, and others will already be on the verge of homelessness. Because of differences in where your baseline is, the stages I outline may not entirely describe you, but it does describe a progression and it’s the progression and the mental state that accompanies that progression that is important.
Stage One: The target begins to spend money. It’s an amount that’s hardly missed, pocket change. For some pigs this might be $5. For others $200 is nothing. What matters here is that the training has commenced. The conditioning has begun. The target is introduced to the cult, experiences an erotic thrill in the act of paying Me.
Stage Two
The target starts getting hooked. The adrenaline rushes, dopamine floods experienced while paying Me start becoming habitual. This stage may not happen right away, it might take months or years of being in stage one. Sometimes it happens in minutes. Often stress triggers the launch into a new stage.
The amount of cash spent is slightly over what a casual observer would think was reasonable. Compare it to this. You used to buy an occasional scratch or lottery ticket, maybe once a week. (Maybe you were spending $1 a week, or $20 a week, but it was controlled) Now you’re buying 3 a day. You might be choosing lottery tickets over going to the movie. Now you’re choosing Lauren instead of lottery tickets.
The target still thinks he is in control of his spending and can stop whenever he wants.
Meanwhile, he’s getting addicted
Stage Three
The spending increases. The pig is noticing the effects. The credit card bills are slowly growing. He finds he’s cutting back on luxuries. It’s not uncommon at this stage to binge on Paying Me, and then cut back for a month or so to pay down the credit card. Then repeat. Two sacrifices are made. The first is paying Me, the second is not paying Me, and SUFFERING because of the withdrawal of the Lauren addiction. The suffering is both from the absence of Me, but feeling as if he is failing Me by NOT spending. Some pigs try to revert to stage two at this point, but it doesn’t last. Very rarely a pig breaks away, but only less than 5% of them. I enjoy watching the stuggle, knowing I will win
Stage Four
This usually happens after a stage 3 pig fails to stay away. Binges begin, far beyond what the pig can afford. Credit cards start to build up. The pig stops spending on other things, because he doesn’t have the money. It’s unsustainable, and I milk it for all the cash I can take. This is as far as some pigs every go, maxing out a card, and going cold turkey for a while so they can enjoy another mind numbing erotic pay binge for their Goddess!
Stage Five
Most pigs don’t get here. Some do. This is real trouble. As in, can’t pay the rent, can’t pay the electric bill, overdrawn on the bank accounts, draining the retirement account. Selling the business for Lauren. Taking out a loan the pig can’t afford to give to Me!
It leads to bankruptcy, loss of relations and devastation. It is stunningly beautiful to know I have destroyed a pig, (and I have taken many here)
But there is a certain freedom too, once you arrive here, there is no place else to go. No way to please. You can only spend your life trying to put it together enough to do it all again for Me!
I will be showing you the pigs who spent on Me, but I also want to show you the recent pay to views, including a beautiful one for your First Celebration in the Church of Lauren!
Next is time for the Fuckover Report!
Huge Paypig Alert! First is sniffer. This loser cannot stay away. He clicks and pays, tributes and does delicious raise the rate calls. Since the last blog entry he spent $512.
My good boy oinkloser spent $260. I want to push him into a higher session soon!
New Slave! I had a couple good phone calls with a new slave I’m calling “chert” He spent $151 learning all about My dangerous ways!
My good sissygirl titcunt spent $175. Always sooo fun with her!
Paypig Alert! Good boy boomer continued his spending ways, this time dropping a total of $450. Delicious!
Back with a new account was yeboevals, this time around spending $265. He really never had a chance
Paypig Alert! Also unable to stay way, calling and buying photos of My Goddess breasts, was helpess dennis, who surrendered $349 to Me. Good boy!
My extreme paypig noddy is still licking wounds from huge fuckovers. He did manage to throw $229 My way. I hope he’s getting his house into enough order for Me to take 4 figures or even 5 again soon!
Paypig Alert! My good boy nylonslave worshipped his Goddess and her perfect nylon covered feet, going deeper into his Practice of Cult member in the Church of Lauren! He spent $488
Paypig Alert! My slave “j the junkie” kept losing his mind over Me, spending $345 on his addiction to Me!
Extreme Paypig Alert! Gone off the rails to worship his Goddess is the guy I call Niteflirt client. He’s a perfect example of a slave that has slipped into Stage 4, as I describe, he’s never spent this much, but he has surrendered! He spent $1308!
Huge Paypig Alert! I was thrilled to use My good girl, sissy marla again, it’s been sooooo long, but she slipped back under My power again! This sissy spent $928. I can’t wait to do it again!
Huge Paypig Alert! Another pig that came back with a vengeance was special k. This guy slips in and out of My orbit, each time he gets a brutal fuckover! This time was for $868
A long time slave I recently re-named “superpawn” managed a couple of phone calls between traveling and spent $131.
Extreme Paypig Alert! Earning yet another extreme alert, just spending in a quickening frenzy is PIG. A target for years, fluctuating between stages 3 and 4. Lately, it’s definitely been stage 4! He spent $1390 since last blog entry!
After a long hiatus, jaybee returned and spent $132 one evening!
Paypig Alert! Sissy caged yankee kept coming around, although our timing wasn’t always the best, this sissy spent $390 on Me since the last post!
My good boy nicpig was back, spending $156 pleasing Me!
Huge Paypig Alert! My new slave, assbitch was back with a vengeance, spending $635. It used to be his cash. I lured it away, with My spectacular backside, he just followed!
My good boy, hosiery slut was very generous as of late, spending and tributing $295. What a good boy! Just missed a paypig alert too!
Huge Paypig Alert. My good girl bambi, lost her mind several times with Me, as I triggered her again and again! She spent $740!
And spending $178 was pigbait. He keeps trying to get away, but it is FUTILE.
Paypig Alert! Getting his first alert in quite a while was My good boy quiet gentleman, who found himself once again, unable to stop his spending! He spent $345 since the last blog entry!
My sissy cocksucker returned for more hypnofun in chat, and he spent $288 as I put him into trance again and again! When he reads this he will message Me, I order it!
Huge Paypig Alert! Click and pay slave button was about again, out of control and he spent $681. I LOVE it!
Sending Me a regular tribute was helpess dave, who spent $118 on Me since last post. I think it’s time to nail that pig down for more!
Extreme Paypig Alert! My good buffy, AKA princess gigi, continued with her steady spending ways, this time for $1258. Her “girlfriend” that I call cow is back, but poor buffy has a broken tiny clitty and never gets hard anymore.
A pig that I have dubbed miss snout FINALLY gets a mention, having spent $116. I know miss snout has been looking forward to seeing PROOF that she spent more than $100. Next up? I want miss snount to spend $300 and get a paypig alert!
Extreme Paypig Alert! My titpay atm went all the way through the First Celebration series, joined My church and spent on other days and ended up with a total of $1150! This is what cult membership looks like!
Unable to help himself was weak for legs. Something clicked and I tranced him with imagery of fondling his brainstem and he spent $206 YUM.
New to blog and HUGE paypig Alert Spending enough to do his First Celebration was the professor, not new to Me, but suddenly spending like a mad scientist! He and I had many cerebral conversations about joining My cult, which I so very much enjoy! He spent $642 learning about My dangers!
Lauren’s footlicker was a very good boy for Me, and he spent $153 pleasing Me!
Huge Paypig Alert! My sweet girl sissy j was SUCH a good girl for Me, she has been going through the first celebration, and joined My church. She spent $523
My good boy peeper returned to please Me with $178, I love watching him click and pay when he is on a tear!
January 12, 2021 No Comments
I use your weaknesses against you!
It’s very easy to train a submissive beta male when you find out what his weaknesses are.
You use that weakness against him.
Weak for My ass. I ply him with ass photos (for a price of course), descriptions of how I will use My ass to break down his defenses, and then start to train him to pay the ass….
Then I use My ass and his love for it to reinforce the kind of behavior I approve of (Clicking and paying for example!)
Soon when his cock throbs, he will find that he seeks Me out, because I understand how to use his weaknesses, to get him aroused. But more importantly, that arousal will make him spend and spend on Me!
And I usually discover, or create (sometimes purposely, sometimes accidently) other little fetishes I can leverage. Each trigger becomes like a mooring line, hooking the subject more securely in My service. He needs, that need grows, and I become the most effective avenue to satisfy his growing need. Very often I am the ONLY avenue.
I am often asked by one of My addicted subjects how they may break free of My ownership of them. I have studied and experiemented how to harness my skills and powers (and having a Dominant Female personality *is* a power!) to enslave men. I am very good at it, as hundreds can attest to. I have not given any energy into learning how to help men get past their addiction to Me.
Perhaps someday, many years from now, when I am retiring on all the riches I have maniuplated from you all, I will give that some energy, and devise a cure, which I will of course sell to the desperate slave. A final slap in the wallet!
And of course, I have thought about writing a book on how to DO Financial Domination for the aspiring FinDomme. The prevailing myth is that she sits on her lazy ass while men pay her, which sadly enough is pretty far from the truth. There is an art to this, and also a need for bread and butter income in between the cash rapes of the big whales. It would be a cruel book to unleash on mankind, but a gift to women who are confident and ruthless enough to use the techniques. So that is why I would write both books. A double cash out so to speak. But that’s still many good years away, I’m not done using all of you yet!
Now, a couple new pay to views for you to throw your cash at!
This fetish assessment tool, helps Me get the goods on you, so that I can train you oh so effectively!
Maximize your submissive experience with Mistress Lauren!
and this is a delicious photo set for the summer I did. Bare feet lovers will lose their mind, but you all with love it!
Featured PTVsAnd
and this is a revamp of an old pay to view, it’s not oriented to FinDomme, but it is a controlling jack off instruction series. Now I can do JOI with a FinDomme bent, and Chat is a great place to try that (right titpig?) Chat Me up on Niteflirt and I will show you how. Better load up that account first though.
Maximize youand r submissive experience with Mistress Lauren!
oh and of course I want you to have a gallery again. This will make the pantyhose guys drool. And if you have a pantyhose fetish, you should know I have THOUSANDS of pantyhose photos of Me in My private collection, and adding more regularly, just ask!
And now it is time for the spending report! It’s a good one!
Huge Paypig Alert! I’m going to begin with an amazing spend by paybitchterry! I’ve got this guy wrapped around My finger, and he’s just spending it all on Me! Since last blog? $1502. Beat that bitches!
My exposure sissy and I had fun, well, exposing her, and the sissy paid Me $238 for the priviledge since the last report!
New Slave AND Huge Paypig Alert! I love that combination, a new slave who just mindless spends! Yum! New to Me is “dirtbag” who got caught in click and pay, and with really just a little encouragement from Me, spent $720 since I last blogged. I hope he gets LOTS of blog mentions in the future!
and nylonslave was back losing his mind over My pantyhose, this time spending $249. I’ve got more photos you haven’t seen slave!
Huge Paypig Alert! Oinkloser was back briefly before deleting his account, but not before I took him for over $900 in just a few days. Hey OinkLoser, you have to reactivate your account again, we gotta get you to 10K of spending!
My slave addict, micro was about, and he spent $167 since last update. I think it would have been more, but the dude and I have time zones that don’t match up very well!
Paypig Alert! Also continuing his downhill slide is Gimp Loser, who is spending everything he has on Me because he doens’t have long to live. Stark, Brutal, Cruel. It’s not like he needs it, he may as well give it to Me! He spent $353 since last blog entry.
And My good boy who loves stolen moments managed a couple nice phone calls for $137
Huge Paypig Alert! and even after years serving Me, PIG’s addiction is getting worse! He never used to be a paypig, but I used My techniques on him, and now he is trapped, like a machine. He spent $815 since the last update!
Newbie feathered pig was back, this time clicking and paying for $104 and barely getitng another mention
PayPig Alert! My elegant foot lover completely spoiled Me the past couple weeks with $406 worth just making Me smile. I love it!
Slave more please was back drooling over My leggings and paying! He spent $130, and there is MORE to buy, hit Me up more please!
Huge Paypig Alert! and My tit-crazed slave, titpig ATM went nuts again, this time paying $538! He discovered the dangers of JOI games in chat. And loved it, can’t wait to do it again!
sissy j has been suffering under her tiny cock control control, and this time she spent $128. She’s learning self control though!
HUGE Paypig Alert! Taxpig was back paying his taxes, and there were heft fines levied (By Me of course!) The biggest penalty was a $500 pay to view! His total payments to Me since last revew amounted to $1177! WOW! I like being the tax collector!
And My slave peeper has been hanging around again, this time spending $194. It was in little bits and pieces, and
HUGE Paypig Alert! This has sure been a week for huge paypigs! Another one coming over to the dark side was knickers, who was new not very long ago, but he got caught up in the dangerous robot paypig series, and he sepnt $1248
Yes, THIS series here, try it!
Paypig Alert! Irish dope has discovered the dangers of chat, and now I’m taking EVER more from him. $316 since last report! As I am writing this, he is spending more that isn’t even included in this!
And I ripped off humble sub for another $155. Actually he ripped himself off just buy clicking and paying! Too funny!
Paypig Alert! Wallet Rape Toy has gone bankrupt for Me, but he’s still spending This time period it was $362. Still sacrificing even in bankruptcy!
My slave surprised might be surprised he spent another $208, but I am not at all surprised. I get into a beta man’s head after all!
Paypig Alert! Dr X outdid himself with about $280 dollars of Amazon purchases I really needed! I love having a slave I can call on when I need stuff!
HUGE paypig Alert! Despite being on vacation and not at the computer AND having a nosy so called girlfriend trying to keep her away from Me, princess gigi sent Me $783 since last report! And her usless little clitty is still dormant. It’s going back in panties full time soon, and it is alreayd back on estrogen, like it should be!
and drone walter was back, spending 162 on pay to views! It added up to more than I thought it would!
Huge paypig Alert! Slave helpful one lost himself in My pay to views this week. He spend $805, and he just can’t stop. I LOVE it!
and a loser that previously served Me is back. I had previously named him shopping slave, but I realize I have duplicate blog names! So I’m going to call him, weak4greed. He spent $335 on Me this week. Delicious!
Now, this was a long and profitable spending report. The reason it took so long to blog was because of all these users I was using! You too can get a mention here on My blog. Just pay!
August 15, 2018 8 Comments
Gifts I want
I like gifts, as does any woman (hell person).
FinDommes like them because we get a greater % of your cash! No fees to pay, taxes to pay.
They have limits of course because you can’t use gifts or gift cards to pay bills, and for that reason I still desire your hard cold money! My mortgage, car payment, student loan payment, utility bills still need your cash. But….I am creative otherwise. I also don’t have a use for many restaurant gift cards, because in My area, we don’t have many chain restaurants.
I buy few groceries, between getting stuff on Amazon Pantry and Whole Food gift cards, that covers about 80% of My food bills 🙂 Petco gift cards pay for My dog’s food. Starbuck’s cards pays for My latte indulgence a couple times a week.
Slaves pay for everything for My home. Computers, television, furniture, lighting, telephones, sound equipment, clothing, home gym equipment. Also things like books, coffee, dishes, purses. If I need a gift for someone else (often at Christmas) I implore a slave to get it for Me. I haven’t had a lot of luck with shoes online.
One of My favorite gifts recently was My new Roku HD smart TV. (Thanks needful one!) I can watch Netflix, and shows from Amazon Prime, (I’m currently watching Dr Who episodes) and lots of other options.
Vacations are slave driven 🙂 There are gift cards (one of My favorites!), Airline gift cards and I see that Amazon even has Uber gift cards now. I had a slave, wallet rape toy even send Me Disney gift cards and I had a luxury Disney vacation. (I’m such a child in many ways)
So if you want to treat Me, I am all about that!
These are all Egift cards I would love to have. If you get one, be sure you sign it so I know who did it. If I don’t already know how to get a hold of you, drop Me an email.
Use the email address
More Disney cards (collecting for another adventure in the fall!)
VISA ecards (I can actually use those for almost anything!)
For clothes and shoes
My wishlist on Amazon is also a great place to look
I always have coffee on there, and right now, there is a media center I want that fits My new TV better 🙂
and some gift cards too!
Sometimes guys are disappointed to see I don’t have many shoes on My wishlist. There is a reason for that.
I have had TERRIBLE luck with shoes on Amazon not fitting Me right. It *is* possible to return stuff, but if you do it too often Amazon has been known to shut down your list. So for this reason, I don’t ask for many shoes, that’s one thing I like to try on in person. It’s heartbreaking to see a beautiful pair of shoes a client has bought Me that doesn’t fit right and I can’t return. So I just don’t.
So now that I’ve inspired you to buy Me prezzies, I want to do the spending report!
Let’s start with one of My best present buyers, paycub! This week paycub spent $255 on Niteflirt, and another $125 on gift cards, which I had no idea were coming until they arrived! What a nice surprise!
Pay pig alert! And wallet rape toy! He spent $508 on Niteflirt and another $122 on gifts, (coffee and gift cards)
New to My service and blog is “foot fool” who spent about $205 in a rousing raise the rate game! Wait until he actually checks out My foot photos!
My sweet kitten, princess gigi had no success in staying away, but earned a release after a week spending about $225. YUM
My exposure sissy was back for more exposure fun, this time for $135. Mmmm
MP (more please) was back for his Friday night leggings session and spent $201 🙂
No nonsense guy spent $104 he doesn’t have on My ass photos this weekend 🙂
I was SOOO happy to have My shoe sniffing cuck back, and he spent $197.
paycunt and I had a fun session and he spent $184.
and having his first blog mention, My long time junkie, addicted pete, finally spent more than $1oo in a week to get a mention. (He spent $114). I was surprised to see he hit the $3000 level of paying Me!
Pay pig alert! Dr X was back for several sessions, paying a total of $540 to Me this week. Soon will be another HUGE one Dr x. I’m waiting for you
Silly tit fool was back for more breast teasing, this time spending $254 on me! Delicious!
Leg tranced paid about $100 this week on My leg photos, on Only fans (It’s hard to track on that site, but the site is a LOT of fun)
Another tranced out PIG from only fans is PIG himself, who spent about $350 on his addiction
So lets see how many of you please Me this week with Cash spending and gift cards.
I’m waiting…
oh, and if you haven’t seen My new Hypno ass slideshow, it’s worth the spend! In fact, here are ALL My recent
Pay to views on Niteflirt
May 1, 2017 No Comments
Love and your FinDomme
Before I do the spending report I want to talk about one of My weapons I use to abuse My slaves.
Love. Love is potent. Love is Mean. I want your Love. I want you to love Me with every fiber of your being.
I use every tool at My disposal to make you fall in love with Me. My body, My mind, Hypnosis, My ability to discern your fetishes and embrace you in them as most women cannot.
And in My own way I love back. I love the interplay we have, I love manipulating you, I love luring you back again and again. I love training you to please Me, and most of all, I LOVE taking your hard earned cash–that turns Me on in the only way you weak men can ever turn Me on.
And I make that love stronger. I might make you say things like. “I love you Lauren” when you click and pay. (Ask marla how expensive that got for her this week)
I LOVE to hear you say “I love you Mistress” or “I love you Lauren” I encourage you to love Me–you SHOULD love Me.
It’s been one week since the last spending report, and I’m going to try to do them consistently every Monday if possible 🙂
What a wild wild week
Topping the spending frenzy this week, was My little sissy cum-slut paypig marla, who may have shown poor judgment not once but TWICE this week….in two major fuckovers, totaling an unbelievable $6,312. Marla, you are sooo fucked, I doubt you will ever dig out of this debt, so put on your panties and call again. This pay-whore’s click and spend ways catapulted her from 6th to 5th on My all time spending list. Only princess gigi, wallet rape toy, dr x and wallet cunt are in front of her now. Life time she is only about $150 short of $60,000 in spending
wallet rape toy appeared in full force after licking his wallet wounds for a couple of months. He finished My new Pig Bait series and spent a total of $1326 on Niteflirt, and another $750 on a gift card for for My vacation in June
princess gigi, My sissy cock-whore fag continued pleasing Me with $1001 in calls and tributes. She has been in chastity for nearly two months and is really beginning to feel it. I’m letting her touch and get hard but denying her. It’s soooo much fun, and it makes her spend a lot!
I teased $107 from My slut becca. I made some demands from her and expect to be hearing from her tomorrow. I want to see cock sucking proof or else!
My elegant foot lover expressed his undying devotion and love to Me and My toes (I call them My ten lovers), and sent along $380 to punctuate his declarations of love for Me.
PIG crawled toward My spending goals for him, dropping $175 in frenzied stroke and pay pig sessions.
greg the Loser has been staying away for a long time…but this week I claimed $110 from him. This is chump change compared to how badly I used to fuck him over. There is a target on your wallet greg.
My British sissy showed up for $158. I do not session with her much anymore, but she is one of the first slaves I did Financial Domination with and she has been with Me for almost 8 years now. I will never forget the time that she sent Me enough to cover My car payment. Now currently, it wouldn’t be so notable, but at the time, I was so excited to have discovered this new (to Me) fetish. So those of you reading this that I have rendered into poverty can thank this British sissy for your credit card bills.
Sometimes the Mistress gives the slaves a fetish, but in this case I “caught” it from this sissy in the UK.
My new “no yes slave” spent $162 to hear My voice trance him even deeper into serving Me
My latex and cum-craving slave “cum-stain” reactivated his account when he found out I had new latex and cum photos…..I took $540 from him in a nice little cash-rape one evening this week
A new slave, danny sam, discovered the joys of serving Me this week and I took his FinDomme cherry for $128. That’s just the beginning of course.
Just as I was about to publish this post, an occasional slave, steve q fucked here on My blog called, and we had a rousing session of raise the rate as I hypnotized him into calling again and again at ever increasing levels–he spent $360 on Me tonight and lifetime he blew by the 2K level of spending and has now spent over $2200 on Me lifetime.
Now, I had a new pay to view series out this week, and many of you have tasted it. The first level is only $2 and it includes three photos and an audio! The plan is to addict you to Me of course.
Try it!
It’s worked pretty well this week!
May 4, 2015 3 Comments
Subscribing to My blog issues – Lauren rules your wallet
There have been a few issues with some of you fans having trouble subscribing to My blog, although I do see some new subscriptions.
Some are having failures when then click the verification email.
If you are having trouble and wish to subscribe, please email Me either on Niteflirt, or at TheGoddessLauren at g mail dot com. I will manually subscribe you. I’m trying to figure out what My options are for signing up for blog notifications. I do want all of you junkies reading each and ever word I write and I want you to be weaker and weaker for Me all the time. Lauren rules your wallet 🙂
If you wish to unsubscribe and are having trouble, you may also email Me and I will remove you.
Another issue: Gmail has apparently decided that My blog notifications that you signed up for are spam! If you haven’t been getting My blog notifications, even though you are signed up, please check your spam folder! On Gmail, mark as “Not Spam”, on other services, you might have to whitelist Me, on thegoddesslauren at gmail
Recent Pay-to-Views. Go buy them now.
Enjoy this 🙂
March 31, 2015 No Comments
A Findomme and Her impotent sissy
It’s been way over due to have a special blog post all about My special sissy, princess gigi.
Let Me tell you all about her. Gigi has been My client for almost five years, and she is My #1 spender on Niteflirt. (Currently at nearly $115,000 spending) There has been an evolution with gigi.
Gigi began as a horny guy who liked women in pantyhose and their nylon feet, and would buy all the PTV sets I put out that featured My legs and feet. He finally began calling, and he would stroke himself off about 3 times in one call-no lie! Obviously a slave in need of a little control.
We went through the human puppy stage, where I called him puppy and we did a little fun human dog play, but that only lasted a little while.
One night I told him that he had to begin wearing pink panties…and it morphed into feminization. She than became princess gigi, her name coming from the initials, G.G. (good girl)……My sweet sissy And I began denying her orgasms during our calls. I began requiring her to wear more sissy clothing during our calls, pantyhose, leggings, makeup. Occasionally, I had her suck on her purple dildo during our calls and began requiring her to eat her cum.
She was always a good girl and hardly ever came without permission….and I began giving that permission less and less often, until finally it only came once every 6-8 weeks. If it weren’t for the fact that I would worry about her sissy prostrate, I would not even allow her to release that often.
I am now not allowing her to have erections. I have trained her to channel the sexual euphoria feelings to her mind and her sissy heart to be expressed in love and tributing.
She has become functionally impotent. Her little sissy “pussy” only becomes hard when I command it to for a health release. I am so far into her head, that if she doesn’t have permission, she can stroke and stroke and it just doesn’t work! At first she thought something was wrong, and that she was damaged, but I proved to her that it would work on command. She has been conditioned so that she CANNOT have sexual pleasure now unless I command it. 🙂 Instead, she expresses her sexual feelings in the form of sending Me tributes. Since I last posted the spending report, miss princess gigi has spent $1539 and continues showing Me love in the way in which I have trained her. Good girl!
Once a real man who came three times in a session to feminized sissy who has been rendered impotent except on command once every 6-8 weeks. And trained to tribute instead! What a good little sissy paypig!
Others have been spending as well!
Shoesniff Loser surrendered to the shoes of a Female Supremacist and paid $740, in two delicious sessions!
My drone, pigskin, completely lost control with oinking and paying for Me and since last update has spent $4101! His lifetime spending has skyrocketed to over $11,000 since entering My service in July 2014–only about 8 months. That pleases Me greatly pigskin!
My paypig, lord loser, in a mindnumbing fugue transferred $1067 into My coffers. He is a Loser among men!
Erotic fun was Mine when I extracted $340 more in danger games from My slut becca
My oink drone, a sweet guy actually, spent $221, including our first private cash rape session. I think I scared him and he deleted his Niteflirt account. This doesn’t bother Me, those piggies always return. He is really close to $2,000 in spending!
The paypig formerly known as Guinea money pig, now only known as PIG spent $261, and I think it would have been more but we had poor timing.
wallet rape toy resurfaced for a tidy $590. I hunger for some of the 4 digit sessions we have had 🙂
My slave “button” spent nearliy $200, but $100 of that was in one lovely PTV mail. Yum.
A new slave to My service, that I have dubbed “whinny” spent $250 in just a few short days. I look forward to more from this new pet.
An old slave, english pig, was back with a new screen name and over $200 in a reunion fuckover! Yay! Once again proving that addicts cannot ever stay away.
Another fairly new slave, humiliation fag, spent $235 and also deleted his Niteflirt account so that I couldn’t tell him his new blog name. He too will return, the abuse was too delicious for him.
March 15, 2015 1 Comment
The Goddess of Greed
There can be no doubt about it.
I am greedy. You can ask My slaves, they know I’m seldom satisfied, always trying to push
them a little harder, push them to spend a little more.
I do not apologize.
My slaves put me in the “1%” And it is their job to keep Me there.
I obviously deserve it, you exist for Me to exploit, and I will keep on doing it.
You keep on buying, and calling and paying you 99% losers. Oh, and if you *are* a member of the 1% when you start serving Me.. you won’t be there long.
And just for all of you 99% slaves…I have a special series..
entitled “Greed”
March 2, 2012 1 Comment
and the parade of money slaves continues
My recent amazing week has propelled Me to #1 on the Niteflirt site in Find Women.
And the money slaves keep showing up, another new one today! He was astonished to find that he had spent $375 or so in an short evening with Me and is already writing Me that he can’t get Me out of his mind. What a good boy
Recent post Christmas presents from both sissy lily and Dr X have begun to arrive. A Christian Dior perfume sampler, a Coach purse, a food dehydrator, some stainless steel mixing bowls, a diamond and aquamarine necklace and a designer shower curtain. Much more I’m still waiting for. I’m oddly very excited about kitchen stools…I hate the ones I have presently.
I’ve been busy planning to put new flooring in my office. I really hate the carpeting in there, I much prefer wood floors. After that I want to finish My basement and install a media room down there, and perhaps an exercise room. Next will be some kitchen updates, hopefully I”ll be able to entirely redo the kitchen, not just update it, but we shall see how many helpless boys surrender their wallets to Me.
Well that’s what I want, and how will I get it?
By overcoming you, seducing you, making you addicted to stroke and pay.
I’m working on a new slideshow “game” and trying to coordinate with the photographer for a new delicious dangerous photo shoot to add top the thousands of images I currently have.
I’m planning 2012 to be even more deadly than 2011.
And the target is on
January 6, 2012 4 Comments
Another letter from a helpless slave
Another amazing letter describing how I’m financially enslaving a helpless man!
*kneels before his Mistress*
Hello Mistress Lauren. I wanted you to know that I tried to leave feedback after midnight last night, but I’m not able to leave feedback yet. I just tried again, two minutes prior to this email, and it still is not letting me. I think NF is on an actual 24hr. feedback schedule. Like, I need to wait 24hrs. from my first feedback given to you before I can leave another. I thought it would reset after midnight. Please forgive my assumption. However, I will leave you the feedback you deserve when I am able. Thank you for abusing me yesterday Mistress.
I’m in love with your wicked laugh. I LOVE how you enjoy brainwashing me into a mindless fuck you can drain. I keep thinking about what was said in the emails I bought; particularly the one about me on my knees behind you, worshipping your ass, as you take my ATM card. I imagine you becoming stern in your demands, “Give me your PIN number,” but I hesitate. You slap my face once and watch my lust build and my attention completely on you as you lock my gaze with your eyes. “Give me your PIN number pig, NOW!” I blurt it out without hesitation as you shove my face back into your perfect ass immediately after taking my PIN.
I can feel you’re the type of woman that can get whatever she wants when she has a man caught in her presence. There’s nowhere to run. Being in your presence, I wouldn’t be able to stop you from grabbing at me, breathing in my face, spitting in my mouth (drugged by your taste). Weaker and weaker as I grew harder beyond my control. I wouldn’t be able to shut off your words that penetrate my weakened mind; brainwashing me into submission. I could stop myself or finish myself when I’m alone to stop from making stupid decisions. I can hang up the phone to shut off the brainwashing. My life would be in danger if I were near you…I’m sure of it. But it’s SO HOT to think about, Mistress.
Hungry for You,
slave tim
December 2, 2011 No Comments