Category — photos
Training Paypigs to Pay to Cum!
Many of My devoted slaves/addicts/goonslaves have confessed to Me their shameful truth.
They can no longer cum, unless they pay!
It’s a process, of course, step by step.
- First, I direct them to pleasure themselves when they pay.
- The pig is rewarded for paying with photos of Me or hearing My voice
- The pig gets excited and eventually cums
- The pig loves this and ends up repeating it soon.
- The pig does this several times
- The pig finds his poor little dick no longer gets stiff unless he pays Me!
Now, I own this pig. It’s amazingly simple.
Of course, each session I have with you, I reinforce all the triggers that make you hard and make you devoted to paying Me. And eventually, those triggers embed.
EMBED. Once embedded, they are there. They may fade over the course of years if you don’t reinforce them. That means, you can’t cum by paying, which means, no cumming!
Hahahaha, years without cumming? Just surrender and pay!
But you should definitely not stop stroking when you pay! Don’t worry about being addicted, it probably won’t happen.
But it sure feels good, doesn’t it?

I even made a Pay-to-view last week that will help cement that connection in your psyche!

Vacation for Me coming up!
I will be here next week. Repeat, I will be here next week, I am not leaving until July 20th.
The week of July 20-27 I am on vacation! We’ve got a beach cabin in Maine, which is My happy place and I am excited to go. I might be around on Friday the 26th, but I promise nothing. I will be back for Sunday the 28th, so you pigs can have your Lauren fixes.
I will, as usual, put some things on sale and advertise them on My NF+ Feed, so keep checking that!
I also hope to release a PTV series before I go, if I can find the time. (Might not happen)
IMPORTANT: I know many of you love to have pay-to-views in your mailbox to open when I am gone, which I send before I leave. Let Me know if you want some! There are usually 4-5 of you that jump at this, just mail Me on NF if you want to be added to the list
Also coming. A surprise, if you know you know. If you don’t know you will find out! After My vacation of course!

The Fuckover Report.
This is an amazing fuckover report! The list of those that got a mention is small, but there are many HUGE mentions!
Legendary Paypig Alert!
The highest spender this week was little tigress, a sissy who has been excelling with Me as of late. I was surprised that her spending totaled $4330! This sissy got very excited reading the fuckover report and immediately began showing Me her devotion with pay-to-view and phone calls. Soooo special! She is so fun to session!
Legendary Paypig Alert! New to Blog!
The other Legendary mention goes to a sissy who has been reading this blog, obsessing about Me and dreaming of cash rape. Well, this sissy, who I am calling “payclitty” tried so hard to please, in one of the funnest raise-the-rate sessions I have ever had, that ended in a 31-minute call at the maximum $50 a minute rate! Yes, that’s $1550 for a single phone call. There were many other phone calls, and tributes and this sissy spent a total of $4064, mostly, but not entirely, in one evening. We’ve been making plans for an even bigger cash rape, and I think she will break the record for My longest phone call at $50 a minute! (currently at 51 minutes)
Extreme Paypig Alert! My newly minted sissy, boomer (I’m beginning to see a trend here) is one that can’t cum unless she pays. Lately, the obsession has been powerful, and this sissy spent $1469 since the last entry
Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy, My devoted slave, helpless dennis pleased Me very much this time around, sending several $100 tributes on several occasions. I know how much he needs Me and his surrender is complete. He spent $1371 this time around!
Extreme Paypig Alert! My slave, just another ATM, once again went on a spending spree, triggered by a custom audio I made for him. His total spending was $1287. NICE.
Extreme Paypig Alert! Another good boy who is addicted and probably can’t cum without paying is “j the junkie” j outdid himself YET AGAIN. He spent $1156. Nice!
Extreme Paypig Alert! I was really surprised when My good boy “eager” clicked and paid all the way through a high-priced series, and along with a few other items spent $1075 to get an extreme mention! This is the dangerous series, the first level is only $2, check it out if you never have!

Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy “simp w” squeaked in to get an extreme mention by spending $1003. He’s one that has to pay to cum now, but he’s trying to quit. It’s not going well for him!
My good boy mr. ed, stopped by to spend $291. Every dime to Lauren counts!
Paypig Alert! My long term slave and top spender PIG got himself a nice little red letter mention. His addiction to Me is relentless, probably another who needs to pay to cum! He spent $433
My leg paypet jeffy stopped by to drop $104 and get a mention!
My very good sissy marla, once of the lifetime top spenders on Me, called for a nice little session of $227.
My good girl sissy caged yankee spent $124 and suggested this blog topic too! Thanks jenna!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy golly chatted and tributed his cash away for Me! He did really well, spending $625 since the last blog entry!
My good boy nylonslave spent $132 on his worship of Me!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good girl buffy couldn’t stop surrendering to Me, even though she’s on the verge of losing her car. She spent $569 trying to not spend as much! *laughs*
My good boy TJ spent $117 to earn a mention.
My good boy tiny, also spent $261 to please Me.
So that was six extreme mentions and two legendary ones for this blog entry! The pigs who have earned one never forget it! Are you next?
July 11, 2024 1 Comment
Keep Paying your Goddess! Devotions continue!
I am Fine.
So many of you have reached out to Me to make sure I am weathering this current COVID storm well, so I want to assure My fans, admirers, slaves and pigs that I am doing well. Like most of the world, I’m staying home most of the time, except for some essential trips. We are well stocked here for all the essentials. One of the advantages of being your FinDomme is that I am already accustomed to being at home to use you pigs and no huge adjustments have been needed. My state isn’t on stay at home orders, but that’s probably coming, and I know that many of you are on stay home orders. While you are bored, load up your accounts and call Me, email Me or chat Me up. I will make sure your spending habits are exercised!
The past couple of weeks have been a blur of getting Myself ready, as well as helping family and friends who are more vulnerable get ready. Now it’s just sit and wait and use you. (With at home exercise breaks!)
That made blogging a little hard, due to preoccupation with the outside world, but here I am finally 🙂 You will notice I did get the paypig milestones sidebar updated, and paypig goals updated 🙂 Enjoy!
Now, enough of that, let us move on to more important things.
Me of course
I think some mindless enjoyment is what you need right now, so I’m adding some hot leather, latex and strap on photos right here to get you into the proper frame of mind to serve Me!
Now, let’s do the fuckover report!
Paypig Alert! Let’s start with My special good boy tom, who has been calling Dr Lauren for a “cure”, and he’s had to call often, spending $400. Excellent!
Also calling often was target, who spent $135 enjoying My voice!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy boomer has been calling and clicking and paying, and has helplessly spent $525. YUM.
A loser who can’t stop himself from spending is clayton. He will go away for a while, but he’s been My slave a good ten years and I have changed his brain chemistry forever. His future is spending more and more $$$ on Me. He spent $192
Paypig Alert! Speaking of helpless spending on Lauren, helpless dennis is another slave who just cannot cum without hearing My voice! This cost him $390 since the last blog report 🙂
My good boy who loves stolen moments called Me for $254. I expect to hear from him a lot since he’s in stay in place order in the states, and his wife is in a stay in place order in England! I will be profiting from that!
LEGENDARY PAYPIG ALERT! (All sirens sound in announcement)
My useful idiot, noddy can’t stay away from extreme spending! The loser came around for a couple extreme sessions and the total ended up being. (Hang on to your hat) $2932, just shy of three grand! That makes Me wet!
Huge Paypig Alert! Back after a hiatus was sissy jocelyn from maryland, who was unable to stay away. I dove right into her mind and wallet and she spent $546! YUMMY
Spending with chat and tributes was caged yankee. This poor sissy can’t stay away and she spent $152.
Extreme Paypig Alert! My sissy gigi/AKA fagmuffin is finally done with her cow girlfriend. It’s over, and now I have free reign of her time, money and sexuality and can keep her tiny clitty ASLEEP forever! She spent $1415 since the last blog entry!
Extreme Paypig Alert! Another extreme paypig spender is PIG. PIG is another on a stay at home order, and that is only compounding his addiction to Me. He keeps calling again and again for Dopamine Rushes! He has no hope of moderating his spending on Me and it has amounted to $1495
Extreme Paypig Alert! Yet ANOTHER extreme paypig is paytit ATM. He saved up special for an extreme session and it was FUN! I can’t wait to hear from him again!
NEW slave Extreme Paypig Alert! There were a lot of extreme pigs hanging around. A new one was an ugly virgin who has already deleted his account because he was too weak to stop paying. I expect he will read this and come back. They always do. He spent $1442
Coming around again was paydrone, with a couple fun sessions, spending $123
Huge Paypig Alert! Hitting my blog again was “j the junkie” who usally spends a small amount often, but this time he went WAY crazy spending $412 on Me. I LOVE it! Well done j!
And the Dane was back, spending $150 on pay to views and chat. I always enjoy him! Is Denmark on a stay home order? I do not know, I’m sure he will let Me know!
Paypig Alert! Paybitch terry couldn’t manage to stop sending tributes. That is just sooo much fun. The addicted loser spent $348 since last blog entry
Good boy irish dope showed up for a nice $173 session. Soon there will be another!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy sunshine has been working hard to earn money for Me. He did manage to spent $389 on Niteflirt and another $150 on Amazon. well done!
My leg slave I call extreme paypig tried to quit, but he’s back and spent $275. I’m working on making that MORE!
Huge Paypig Alert! Good boy helpless dave spent $530 on chat and out of control tributes! I love that! I see that he has deleted his account, but he will be back. He always comes back, like the rest of you addicts!
My good boi wayne spent $160 drooling over photos of My thick ass! He can’t stop thinking about it!
Huge Paypig Alert! My elegant foot lover has been so very generous to Me since last blog, spending $500. Very nice!
Good boy helpful one clicked and paid $115, I hadn’t seen him in a while, so that was nice!
Paypig Alert! The slave dirtbag couldn’t stop clicking and paying, spending $289. Delish!
And My leg addict, who is also weak for tits, couldn’t stop. I tranced $144 from him! YUM
Paypig Alert! Lauren’s footlicker is going to bum that he just missed a HUGE paypig alert! Maybe next time. He spent $275, which is a really healthy amount for him. If he spents $50 by the end of the day tomorrow, I’ll change to to a HUGE paypig alert for him!
Buying more leggings photos was “more please” he has such a weakness for them, and he spent $125
Extreme Paypig Alert! Dr X can’t stop pleasing Me. He spent $753 on Niteflirt and another $250 on Amazon giftcards, squeaking in for an Extreme mention!
Getting another mention is mindless, who has maxed out her cards on Me, but still managed to come up with $141 to please Me!
Huge Paypig Alert! Spending $446 on Me, with about 6 different accounts was candyballs. The fool tries to delete the accounts to stay away, but that fails, and he makes a new one. Rinse and repeat!
Spending $291 was egghead. I have a feeling I will see more of him very soon. Let’s see if I am right. (I usually am)
Huge Paypig Alert! I had so much fun triggering sissy bambi into doing secret things she doesn’t remember! Nervous bambi? Good. She spent a healthy amount of $720 Mmmmm
Back with a new account was jaybee! He spent $193. Guys? Why bother to delete your account, it doesn’t work!
Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy oinkloser10K was back with a vengeance spending $585. YUM.I love watching this guy click. and. pay. So fun!
Turning up to spent $110 was button. Nice!
Sneaking in for a mention was goat, for $101. I love seeing that guy pay like crazy at times!
Huge Paypig Alert! Or maybe I should say Pay Pig Robot! Wallet rape toy turned up to spend the most since declaring bankruptcy, a nice happy $505. Yes, I drove him into bankruptcy and he STILL can’t stop spending $$ on Me. It’s not really its cash anyway, it’s Mine!
March 25, 2020 2 Comments
Dopamine Hacking Paypig Minds!
Dopamine hacking paypig minds is something I enjoy! Dopamine is a well-known pleasure chemical in your brain. It’s more complicated than that of course, but it’s one more useful tool in the FinDomme toolbox.
I find out what brings you sexual pleasure and then I use that knowledge to deliberately highjack your brain! I let you spend a small amount while you jerk your Loser cock and get addicted and when that happens, I jack up the rate and rake in your bank accounts. And you come back the next day begging Me to take even more! Clearly, dopamine hacking is a very sneaky way to get control of paypigs!
I am very good at this. I’ve destroyed men’s minds, (and finances, of course!) and had so many men BEG Me to let them go, because they can’t break the addiction! I don’t care, I’m here for your cash and I will do all kinds of devious mind control tricks to get you to succumb to Me.
And you will love it. And you will hate it. And you will come to love Me. And you will come to hate Me.
It’s all good.
For ME.
I did a new slideshow on this topic. It contains all kinds of twisted little triggers to get you to pay more and more…
Also I mentioned about starting small to begin your addition. Here are a couple you can try for that!
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Another trick I use to hack your mind, is imagery.
It’s Lauren’s Cash Fuck Gallery!
NEW FEATURE:All you piggies will know see I have a schedule published! Look there—–>
I have recently started doing some morning hours, and I have a tentative schedule that you will find on the sidebar on the right! I might be able to be available outside of that *if* you have enough money to spend! All times are in Eastern Standard Time, which might not be YOUR time, so you have to do the math. Or use this time zone converter! For those of you not in the states, EST is New York City time. Morning hours are new ! Time are subject to change, and I might (probably will) adjust them in the future!
Spending Report
Huge Paypig Alert! Getting first billing today is paybitch terry, who put himself into an emotional roller coaster this week over wether or not to keep serving Me. Seems like the boy fell in love with Me (very common!) and was a little frustrated with not being able to keep up with dr x and noddy. (I wish he could!) After saying his goodbyes to Me, he came back the next day to drive his spending up to $505 when he realized he couldn’t live without Me abusing him! Even though he thinks I’m a narcisist sociopath, he can’t stay away. (He may be right) He’s one that didn’t believe Me when I told him how dangerous I was, and is another pig who has discovered the perils of dopamine hacking!
Spending $165 dollars on gift cards was paymoosie! This down under loser is really fun to make fun of and humiliate!
And I had a couple phone calls with delicious stolen moments with My good boy, and he sent a nice tribute too ! He spent $170
Paypig Alert! Still licking his wounds from his extreme fuckover, but still spending is Dr x, who spent $351 on Niteflirt and will be back soon I know to really enjoy another extreme session! Mmmmm
My cucky phil was back, and spent $157 drooling over photos of My ass and heels and My indoctrination of how I’m better than his wife.
New to Me and also quckly deleted his account was a slave who clicked and payed his way through $171 of spending, I’m gonna call him “open” and maybe he will recognize himself and REOPEN his account so I can use him some more!
Now so broke, he is borrowing money and spending on Me is hypnowallet. He is a cautionary tale of how dangerous I am! he spent$188 since last update–most of it in the last few days.
Huge Paypig Alert! Back setting more paypig goals was titcunt! This time around, this dazed paypig spent $380 as we set new payment goals for this bitch to meet!
Good boy caged yankee got a mention with $107 of spending. I look forward to taking even MORE!
Clicking away and paying $135 was dirtbag. He steadily spends and his lifetime spending is increasing! He doesn’t have much longer to go to hit the 3k lifetime level of spending!
New Paypig! New to My dangerous ways was “sucker” who was mesmerized by both My voice and My toes. I look forward to getting even MORE deeply into his head. He spent $207.
Unable to stay away was deadcat. He has just got to surrender that the humiliation of being a paypig arouses him! He spent $165
Losing his mind over My black leggings was more please, who spent $178 as I took all his $$ for the week.
Licking his wounds from what I recently did to him was noddy, who spent nearly $1300 over his credit card limit and jerked off to his bill when he got it. He still managed to find $247 for Me and I am confident he will be back to his journey to bankruptcy soon
Paypig Alert! Running up his totals even more was PIG, who tried to be “good” and spend less. He still managed to spend $456. Just surrender PIG, your pigstick needs to pay!
Good boy pit-lover paid $152 to continue his path of addiction!
My elegant foot lover and I played trivia games he invented in chat that cost him $112 🙂 YUM
Paypig Alert! My fagmuffin is still sneaking around his ugly girlfriend, trying to pretend to be a real man with her, when she hasn’t even had sex with him ever and we all know he is a faggot sissy with a broken limp clitty. Fagmuffin spent $425 since last update.
Parting ways with $109 was titpay ATM. He’s probably still licking his wounds from recent sessions!
Trying a cock control contract with Me was “helpful one” He ended up spending $215 on our little cock control adventure! I hope we can do it again soon!
I can’t wait to see how will be in the next spending report.
Spend more than $100 between now and the next blog and it might be you!
May 9, 2019 No Comments
FinDomme poll fun!
Wow! It’s been a whole month since I posted! I know how much you guys drool over these posts…so let’s have some FinDomme poll fun!
But first, I want to announce that I won Niteflirt’s contest of most Valentine’s Goody Bags sold! Thank you to all who purchased them! I’m $300 richer just from the prize, never mind the $ you all spent!
I want more information on what type of wardrobe and content make My clients swoon! I know what some of you like, but I want a more global idea…so ..answer the polls
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[alex_poll id=”16″] guys have been going nuts making your Paypig goals! Its fun to see the bars go up. I’ve been putting a lot of time into updating them…(which might have something to do with less posting….)
Paypigs who have reached their goals since last post include:
- eunuch robot paypig will have a $500 session! Completed 1/25/19
- Irish Dope spent $685 in 2019 to reach the 10K level of lifetime spending -completed 1/29/19
What’s your goal?
Let’s take a brief interlude for photos!
Note: If you really think you have spent $100 or more since last session and you are NOT on this report, message Me and I will take a look. This one was so tedious to do, I may have made a mistake.So who has been spending?
February 23, 2019 2 Comments
Happy Halloween! Magic is at foot …your cash will become MINE!
I have had a lot of fun this year, I did a very witchy photo shoot and video, that you can get here if you haven’t already!
This is a very trancy video, with My crystal…and the light gleams from it just right…
and until 11/1, I will be putting more photos from that set, Sorcery, on this vacation PTV!
November 9th is a day of Lauren Worship. It’s My birthday! I made it easy for you to send Me $25 and give you some photos from a set I’ll be releasing later this week, so you get a sneak peek. Get this, then find a way to spoil Me more.
A few days after My birthday, I’m going to Disney World for a week, so if you want to please Me, and serve Me like an addicted paypig, you will buy this!
And now we have the spending report!
New slave! New to Me is “target”, so called because I am conditioning him to become addicted to Me. He spent $180, mostly on the telephone, listening to My silky voice condition his to paying Me!
I was so happy to hear again from marla, who spent $138 on a very nice session on the phone. I think she would like to spend more, but is recovering from the major financial fuckover I did with her last year! I AM danger!
Huge Paypig Alert! OinkLoser was back! I had one of the most enjoyable raise the rate games I have ever done. He had expressed a desire to be “tricked” into the game, so I did so by sending him a free minute, then after talking a few minutes, I would offer him another to “save him money” but he would have to call back! Of course each time, the rate was higher! He also had some pay to view fun, and ended up spending $635 on his march to spending 10K on Me!
Gimp Loser was back for another phone call and another huge email. I keep slowly increasing the amount of the email I make him pay, and its well into 3 digits! I swear I’m gonna bankrupt this loser before he’s done with the world! He spent $193 this time around.
Huge Paypig Alert! Fagmuffin (formerly known as princess gigi) got even more submissive to Me. She tried a reconcilliation with her ugly ex girlfriend, but that failed. The ex is a gold digger. Well, so am I, but I’m honest about My motives! Anyway. The tiny clitty wouldn’t stiffen, fagmuffin couldn’t perform like a real man, and the ex fell asleep! While she was sleeping, fagmuffin called Me and I got her all squirmy with talk of making her suck cock, and lo and behold, a stiffy and a squirt! Not a real man, a fagggot obviously. Fagmuffin is back on the hormones, her ass is getting round and fat and she spent $875 on me since last report, despite trying to cut back!
My good boy with the stolen moments spent $180 on Me as we plotted together how to take his wife’s money and get it to Me where it belongs!
My exposure sissy was back for MORE exposure, spending $158 so I could help let the whole world know she is a sissy crossdresser!
Huge Paypig Alert! My long time slave PIG has achieved a more profound level of addiction. Chatting on the chat program has made him more vulnerable to My predations. He spent $780 since last blog entry, and twice he paid two and three times My normal rates for sessions outside My normal hours. He is fucked! He is close to $90 lifetime spending on Me!
Reading about his Huge Paypig Alert last blog was enough to inspire Robot paypig Eunuch to spend another $180 on Me. His finances need to recover from the brutal beatdown they took at My hands this October!
And Dangle jim was back, spending $120 on My new blackstocking photos!
My sissy lily spent $110. She is slowly recovering her credit after I completely destroyed it a few years ago. I am encouraging her to improve it, so she can get more credit extended to her. I plan to completely destroy it again, once it is worth it!
Huge Paypig Alert! I think this is the first time Irish dope got a huge paypig alert. I took so much for him, I doubt he can pay his rent (Not MY problem, haha) He spent close to $700 in chat and tributes on Me. Chatting with Me is dangerous!
Another one addicted to chat and tribute (I encourage good boy behavoir with photos!) is flaming pig. He had been trying to be good, but one little message to him in chat, and boom,. I had him back, spending $240 deepening his addiction to Me!
Click and pay slave dirtbag spent $114 on his obsession
Paypig Alert! I had this sissy in chastity for part of the time, requiring her to pay Me a certain amount before I released her. Since the last blog entry, sissy marja has spent $280 on her need for My control!
And slave pay thing couldn’t stay away even after a huge fuckover, spending another $207 on chat and tributes. He always falls into My traps!
My elegant foot lover spoiled Me with another $125 recently. His birthday is the day after Mine, so I know he won’t forget it!
And daredevil spent $125 on Me since last entry as well! I’m going all Wonder Woman on his wallet!
Huge Paypig Alert! I think that paybitch Terry has come to the realization that is going to give Me EVERYTHING. That process continues at a brisk pace as he spent $935 more as an offering to his OWNER!
and egghead managed to keep his spending under $200! Hahah, he spent $199 since last blog entry!
Huge Paypig Alert! Dr X was pleasing Me again, with $240 dollars of Niteflirt spending and over $500 on My wishlist, including gift cards and a new Fitbit that wasn’t supposed to be released until November 12th, but I see that they moved the date up a week! So I’m hoping to have it for My vacation! His spending totals over $740! Well done!
And slave suprised has been doing such a good job buying My vacation pay to view. He’s spent $120 since last update!
and finally, but not leastly is titpig ATM who sent Me $160 in tributes one evening out of the blue, including a $100 one. So addicted!
I’ll be doing one more blog and spending report before My big vacation. I want it to be HUGE with stories of how all you slaves are spending for Me to have a wonderful vacation! So load up your accounts and start spending!
Pay Lauren
October 30, 2018 No Comments
So much Lauren Rules Findomme news!
I am full of news, and all the upcoming stuff until the end of the year!
First of all, the Paypig World Cup was an amazing fun success!
Although it wasn’t won by an actual paypig, but an admirer of Mine that likes to spoil Me. But either way it meant $$$ for Me, and that’s never a bad thing!
Full results here! (And it’s a spending report for the event)
The second fun thing is that usually about this time of year, I start talking about finding a “santa slave” The slave that will do all My Christmas shopping and buy all the gifts for My family and friends. One read about past santa slave exploits, and stepped forward to offer, so this slave, “santa bitch” has already started My lengthy list. His next task is to cough up the cash to buy someone on My list a new laptop. All ready he’s bought Me many gifts,and many more to come! Let’s see if this bitch follows through on his promises, or if he is a completely worthless Loser.
The next news I wanted to tell all you guys about is that in November, just after My birthday, I’m going to Disney World for a week. I have this childish soft spot for Disney, with a grown up twist. I’m staying in a nice resort on site, and you guys need to pay for it. I’ve been available far too much lately so you losers can pay Me to stroke your cocks, I need a vacation, and part of being a good paypig is surrendering yourself to paying for My leisure time!
Oh and that brings Me to My upcoming birthday! It’s November 9th (Put it on your calendar!) And I want $$$ for My birthday to pay for that vacation, and to have spending money on the vacation!
To help you guys out, but not flood mailboxes with emails from Me, I devised this little button, and I’m going to try to change the photos everyday from now until My vacation! I will put the date on the subject line, so you can verify it’s new photos, and you can tithe Me $10 every day and enjoy new photos! And of course, you can pay MORE or in different ways. But you pigs and Losers will be helping Me have a great time!
Now time for the spending report!
Huge Paypig Alert! First mention is going to go to santa bitch, who was upset he missed the Paypig World Cup and has been trying to make it up to Me since. He has agreed to submit to all the abuse I dish out in addition to paying! (what fun!) So far, his spending on pay to views, calls, and presents is just over $900. He’s juggling trying to figure out how to pay for the laptop I’m demanding of him. His problem! He agreed to be fucking santa slave.
My good boy, nylon slave spent $140. Still more delicious photos he hasn’t seen!
I had a delicious $130 dollar phone call plotting deviousness with My good boy who loves his stolen moments with Me!
And more please surrendered to the black leggings (which I have MORE of, haha), spending $235 in just a few minutes!
Huge Paypig Alert! PIG is completely out of control with spending. He is an addicted pay machine for Me! He spent $623 paying Me since last blog!
And still spending briskly is dirtbag, this time for $147!
Huge Paypig Alert! Titpay ATM went nuts on Me once night, including calling for 3 minutes at $50 a minute! He has spent $535 since last blog entry!
And helpless dave gets a mention for his $124 of spending
Paypig Alert! My irish dope was such a good boy this week! He may have had his biggest week every, spending $395 just pleasing Me for a pat on the head. Amazing!
egghead cannot break free. He tries, but then he surrenders a little and before he knows it, he’s dropped $152 in a short time.
Barely earning a mention was sissymarja, who spent$128 to manage a mention. Still licking her wounds from paypig world cup, she did manage to get herself locked up in chastity. Getting freed, took most of that $128 bucks! And now she is locked up again!
sissy j gets mention, not because she met the $100 threshold, she didn’t but she DID pass the $10,000 in spending and six years serving Me. Well done! I need to lock her up again soon.
Paypig Alert! paybitch terry the exposed lost control again. He spent $372 since the World cup. Completely addicted and I will probably bankrupt him before the year is out
Spending $213 since the paypig world cup, was helpful one. He just keeps coming back for more and more!
Huge Paypig Alert! Weak betamale bert was back with $530 dollars of spending. He tries to stay away. He tries blocking Me, hoping I’ll block him back. Nope, I am patient, and eventually he gives in and spends a crazy amount of cash. Good boy!
Dr X managed a mention with exactly $100 of spending. Dr X, we have a wallet rape date coming up. SOON.
Pay drone was back, spending $226 in a mindless click and pay session! Well done!
Also squeaking out a mention was kane, with $104 in spending
and after trying to avoid My effects, needful one was back, this time for $214. Delicious!
Also squeaking in a mention, was gutter dweller, his for $109
and after a long hiatus, the slave I call “because Lauren says” was back with a vengeance, paying $211 in a single hot session!
And the fagmuffin previously known as princess gigi spent $281, as she learned that the reason her relationship with her ugly-faced girlfriend ended was because her tiny clitty only stiffens for cock, and in fact, squirts for it. That’s all. Otherwise, it stays soft and helpless in her panties, where it belongs.
Not in this spending report? Spend $100 before I blog again, and you will be in the next one!
Here are some recent PTVs to start with!
You got to the end of the post! Enjoy the gallery!
September 28, 2018 1 Comment
FinDomme Manipulations
FinDomme Manipulations
I have My FinDomme Manipulations to employ when a new slave contacts Me. Each possible future slave that approaches Me has potential.
Some of them I have to test, and others self test… paying without any demand or request…..(It is quite arousing to see slaves buy thousands of dollars of My pay to views without a single word from Me.)
Others approach with emails, and soon I ask for a very small amount. If it is not paid, they are passed over from consideration, and ignored or blocked.
But the ones that respond….immediately they are being trained, even responding to the first test is part of the indoctrination.
Immediately I begin gas-lighting. Telling them their truth. I use a mixture of absolute truth, (you bought that email!) probable truth (or that made you hard, didn’t it?) and manufactured truth. (you are going to respond more and more intensely each time you pay). I turn potential results into reality and into cash love for Lauren
This gas-lighting is a very effective technique, that I combine with a technique that experts in sales call. “Get your foot in the door” If I get you to buy a little tiny $2 email, it’s highly likely that I can gradually train you to spend more and more.. I mix in rewards and mold results, audios that train you to be hard for paying, photos that fan your arousal, words that make you curious to know more.
Is this your first time reading? You are going to become obsessed with reading every word…
you are going to want to know more…
you will buy some small thing. And it will be SOOOO cock hardening. Just wait…
I suggest one with a little audio, so you can hear My voice. That’s important, isn’t it? Take it from Me, when you hear My voice along with My photos, it will be BETTER.
And you know what else.
It will please Me. I LOVE it when men buy My stuff.
So please Me…and succumb to My Findomme Manipulations!
The spending report will be back with My next blog post, and I will return to the usual Monday schedule for both!
July 10, 2017 1 Comment
Caption Day
Today I’m just in the mood for strong messages, so I made you three captioned photos
I also want YOUR caption suggestions! You can comment on My blog, mail Me on Niteflirt, or message Me your idea on Twitter. I might use it to make $$$ 🙂
Click on the photos for a larger, readable version!
Oh, and you can get MORE from this photo set in the PTV that also includes My latest slideshow, Ego Bomb, which sold very well this weekend!
And I cash fucked many of you with this photo set here. Only $2 lousy dollars will get you started.
And photos from this set, I call Female Supremacy, are coming out soon
Now that I have made your dicks collectively throb, it’s time for the spending report!
Pay pig alert! Miss marla was back, spending just short of $500 mostly on one really long delicious phone call. So nice to fuck her wallet again!
Titfool squeaked in for a mention with $102 worth of spending this week! Every slave should do at least that EVERY week, I think.
My elegant foot lover spent $135 on worship of My bare feet.
Huge Pay pig alert! and yes, princess gigi is still going strong, this week for $812, and she learned that her clitty was for paying, not for cumming this week!
Sweet helpless save spent $140, including a $50 tribute on pleasing Me. Spending on Me makes his helpless dave cock soooo hard!
egghead did sooo well this weak, being tranced, and lured into helpless obedience to the amount of $238
Pay pig alert! and PIG spent almost $400 this week stroking to photos I sent him. SO fucked!
MP, My leggings lover was back for a Friday night romp of exactly $300. YUM!
pignic was back, spending $121 on photos to drool for!
Pay pig alert! Paycunt was on a road trip again, and sooo vulnerable when he is. I got him for $415 this time. Mmmm
Back again after a long time was Loser Louis, this time for $151 🙂 They just cannot stay away.
Pay pig alert! Dr X was around again, spending $261 in a delicious session. I’ve got a feeling we’re due for a really BIG session, hopefully before My end of June vacation!
Look at all those big sessions this week! I’m looking to do more, so I can have a REALLY good time on My June vacation, so cough up that cash losers!
May 22, 2017 No Comments
Financial Domination Technique: Conditioning
Before I start talking about a new Financial Domination technique, I just want to say that it’s been a really hot summer, and during the day My office has been really stuffy, despite air conditioner, and the evenings are too busy with slaves to THINK about blogging. So I have been tardy yet again posting. I have actually had to go to the point of putting My availability to away and ignoring you guys so I can get a blog post out.
Now to today’s Findomme psychology topic: Conditioning
I have studied psychology and in college I even worked for a professor who did experiments on pigeons studying operant conditioning.
In operant conditioning, a behavior is modified by a reward. For example, you get rewarded when you do something I like. You pay, you get photos, and some arousing words that reward your action of paying. This reinforces you paying and makes you want to do it again.
I even use operant conditioning techniques on those that aren’t yet My slaves, to make them more susceptible to My predation. For example, I mass email announcements of new Pay to Views. I include a pretty photo, so this makes it MORE likely the recipient will open the email. He is rewarded just for opening the email. Then I get another stab at him.
I also use classical conditioning techniques, when I instruct you to pay. Classical conditioning, is when you associate a stimulus with a reflex. I instruct My slaves to stroke their cock when they pay. This creates a reflex of an erection when you see a pay email from Me!
There are other things I use operant and classical conditioning for, but I don’t want to reveal all yet 🙂
And of course, all of these things combined work to make Me the one in charge of your cock’s erotic responses, and it makes is so you begin to CRAVE paying and you get more and more addicted to Me!
You are outclassed. Surrender and just pay!
Recent Pay to Views. Don’t forget to stroke when you pay!
Now it’s time for the spending report!
Good boy hypnowallet spent $641 since the last spending report. I would lull him into a haze and he would start sending tributes and he made several calls this month becoming more and more addicted to Me. He hit the $4,000 level of spending too!
New to My blog is daveks who debuts with spending $105 dollars on Me, while learning all about My dangers.
PAYPIG OINK ALERT! Marla was back with one big session, spending $780 in a lusty evening. What a good sissy she is!
New to My blog is “shopping slave” named due to his ambition to be another slave who buys stuff on demand for his Mistress. He proved himself with an order of fancy (and pricey!) Edison light-bulbs for My slave-paid-for-porch-renovation! 🙂 I made him wait daysssssss for his reward……it was funny! He also bought Me coffee and paid $165 on Niteflirt, plus another $90 on those gifts. I look forward to MORE shopping from him!
My pantyhose junkie spent $216 and he is soooo close to a spending milestone 🙂
PAYPIG OINK ALERT! and speaking of spending Milestones, princess gigi hit a BIG one. she spent $950 on Me since My last update and she has reached the $150,000 dollar spending level on Me…WOW! She remains #1 on My all time spending list! What a good sissy!
and My good boy who loves stolen moments spent another $107, and he too is close to a major milestone
My exposure sissy was good for another $148 worth of exposure fun…
and PIG was another who hit a HUGE milestone. He spent $668 (yes PIG you did!) and reached the spending level of $70,000 !
Another new to My blog slave is “fun junkie” who spent $136 finding out how addictive I am! I expect another round soon junkie!
and stray was back with another $320 worth of spending! Wow!
and germy! He proved himself worthy of being My addict spending another $242 on Me..
And guess who is back, just like I predicted! My paybitch! Bitch rolled over and handed Me $374 in his expensive return!
I’m gloating about it a bit!
PAYPIG OINK ALERT! This may be the most egghead has spent in a LONG time! And wow, My indoctrination of him has been very lethal for his credit card balance. (He wrote Me today to whine about it…oh so not sorry) He spent..get this $1056 since the last update!
and another paypig that I call “more please” has returned to spent $157. And I have MORE of that set I got him on too…I expect he’ll be begging for more soon!
and also new to My blog is “not so wild” who spent $100 on Me, barely getting a mention.
Also spending $100 and barely earning a mention is My favorite FBI agent 🙂
My polish ATM couldn’t stay away, he spent $120, but there is a MUCH bigger fuckover of him coming soon. I feel it.
And My loyal clubby spent $109. I think it might have been more, but we kept missing each other.
And My dummy slave I call “solitaire” spend $215 including sending Me a $100 tribute! Well done solitaire. I will never let you go!
and cumstained fuckwallet had another fist pumping spree with Me, going through a healthy $340 in a couple evenings. YUM.
PAYPIG OINK ALERT! Pay cunt brian has been busy and returns to Me again and again. The $rapes have been harder this month and it added up to $1211!
and FDG was back! I was really happy to exploit the loser for $376, but I think he should have paid Me MORE. I am greed after all!
and also close to a milestone is Lauren’s footlicker, who spent $150, although I haven’t seen licker online in a couple of weeks. I know that I will hear in the next day or so 🙂
and another who was back was GC! This time with $160 in spending.
Another long time slave who lost control was No nonsense guy, who needs a better job. I did manage to squeeze $535 from him.
and My paymoosie sent Me $150 worth of gift cards since the last update. Well done My good little Australian paymoose!
Drunktard has been drinking, going blank and paying on automatic again. This time he spent $475 on Me. Do you think I would take advantage of a drunk Loser? Of course I would! (And do!)
And Q went woozy over My breast photos again, spending another $171!
and faggot cocksucker did some healthy click and pay for Me to the tune of $284. yum!
and My blackmail sissy and I had a quiet month, but I still extracted $134 from her!
and sleepy was back, spending another $178 on My POV photos, AND hitting the $1,000 level of spending already!
My popper puppet was back! I found out the big secret that he likes to wear ladies clothing AND I cashfucked him for $244. Yum!
and tPay was back, clicking and paying for $177 before writing Me he was disappearing for a while again to pay off bills. He will be back though, I have NO doubts.
and a new slave I am going to call “tray” spent $230 in a flash on a brand new account and then deleted his account. I bet he will be back
PAYPIG OINK ALERT! My slave wallet rape toy pleased Me with $703 click and pay this month, PLUS he sent Me a $100 gift card. He is hopeless compelled to pay Me until he is living on the streets.
And tit fool succumbed to My charms once again, spending $196 on Me. This is becoming a regular thing fool!
and a slave who has served Me a while is finally getting a blog mention, having spent $230 on Me in one day. I call him taxpayer!
and also new to both Me and the blog is cowboy. Cowboy spent $180 losing his cash rape virginity! I have a feeling he’s gonna stick around for more exploitation!
My elegant foot lover and I played cash games while I toe teased him, and I won $276 from him. He never had a chance!
PAYPIG OINK ALERT! and the Loser of the month must go to Dr x. He and his wife went on vacation, and every time she went shopping, he went shopping for Me. And he came home before she did, and while the cow was still on vacation, he kept paying and paying Me! The total? $3,866 plus $846 in gifts, including a new laptop for Me! It was a great week! *laughs* and he FINALLY hit his $100,000 dollar spending milestone, making him the 3rd slave to do so…..I am getting wet thinking about it!
I wonder whose name is going to be on the next blog?
August 1, 2016 No Comments
FinDomme perks
One of the perks of being a Findomme is that My whole life is financed by My Slaves. You addicted junkies pay all My bills, and foot the bill for all My fun!
My slave wallet rape toy was a good robot, and has paid for another vacation, so tomorrow night I will be on My way to Florida for a few days to get out of the cold. No worries losers! I will be back on Tuesday the 2nd for more fuckover fun, and you can keep busy with My new PTVs
Pay Triggers is a very deadly series, each level has an audio. If you miss Me, you can hear My voice directing you to pay more and more! How fun
Now for a quick spending report!
Debuting this week on My spending report is “Joe the fool” who called an clicked and paid away $359 for his new addictive Mistress. Fool, get ready to spend more!
My precious princess gigi was a very horny paysissy and send Me a total of $1252 in calls and tributes. For her troubles, I let her have a ruined orgasm. Poor thing was still horny afterwards…awwww, but she’s in chastity until I feel as if she has earned another orgasm! Maybe I wont ruin it next time!
Also getting their first blog mention today is addicted bloke, a fella from England (I think?) who has spent over $283, mostly in one half coherent phone call. (I think he may have just gotten home from the pub!)
One of My exposure sissies spend almost $120 for Me to exposure her on My webpage, and then I made her pay Me another $20 to take it down. She gets off lucky compared to My sissy slut becca….who I fucked over for $889 since the last update, by playing games to see how quickly she could buy increasing expensive PTVs I was sending her with time limits 🙂 Such fun!
A guy I identified as FF who spent last week and then deleted his account came back to spend another $100 on Me. And then deleted his account again!
And a HUGE session with pig dave, his biggest yet! This one was for $2800, and it was HOT…..I love huge sessions like this! Funny thing was it was a quiet evening for Me…and then dave showed up, buying emails as big as $600 for Me!
Who amongst you has the cajones for a $600 ptv?
and another one new to My blog I’m identifying by initials c.l. (Must stand for clearly loser, right?) c.l. paid $109 getting lost in click and pay for Me!
New last week, autopay was at it again! Getting another mention and paying $265, oh good little paypig for Lauren!
My polish atm was back for $109 since last update…and lifetime he is wayyy over 6 grand spending on Me!
clubby continued his spending ways, spending $235, still trying to make it through 50 ways! Maybe he’ll get a couple levels of that done while I’m on vacation! (hint, hint)
and I think new to My blog is solitaire. This loner/loser has spent nearly $2,000 lifetime and sends Me emails begging Me to stop sending him PTVs, but he buys lots of what I send in marketing emails. Why would I stop? It’s not like I’m NICE or anything! So this week, he spent about $112
egghead got triggered into spending $242 since last update!
My robot paypig eunuch was back, hypnotized into spending nearly $300 since last update
(Boy that pay trigger series has been dangerous to many!)
Another new guy triggered by this series was soda sub. He spent $209 dollars YUM
My paypig..’more please” was back, still mesmerized by My black leggings photos…mindless begging for more and more until he spent another $369 very recently…lifetime he is at close to $2500!
and sissy j earned her blog mention with barely $100 of spending
I am happy being owned by Her, not knowing what will come when. The first “do it or get punished” assignment was a bit shocking. It took me a few minutes to realize that Mistress Lauren was not only serious but that I felt compelled to cooperate
It took me an afternoon and a whole sleepless night to understand that I was exactly where I wanted to be: owned by a beautiful woman who knew that she was in control. From that point on I had fun, a little expensive but fun. Mistress Lauren indicates that I will be doing things that I never thought of before.
Now I belong to Mistress Lauren. Obedience is not optional. Mistress Lauren can make me do anything she wants whenever she wants. I love it!
I have seen what Mistress Lauren has waiting for me should I fail. I do not want to experience that. I had to pay extra to find out what the first penalty would look like.
I was enamored!
Ass Love II was back for more…this cuck spent a whooping $579, getting mesmerized by My new ass series…..he can’t stay away!
sexy jake was back! I found out he was a secret pantywearing sissy, and he spent nearly $300 on a little cash rape one evening!
Irish dope was back, desperately clicking and paying to earn another blog entry, and happily he WAY surpassed the $100 I require….by about 300 bucks! He spent over $400 dollars. I’m going to break this pig, I know.
paycunt managed another $271 and he sent another slave letter, which I will publish another time…what a good boy!
Dr x showed up for $157. I smell another big cash rape coming his way SOON. (Get ready dr x!)
And quiet gentleman spent EXACTLY $100, and qualified, and was a good boy in other ways too!
and trancetard materialized for another $161 fuckover. That boy cannot stay away, he gets a little alcohol in it, and it’s good bye credit card limit.
My shy roleplayer paid $209 in a click and pay flurry this week (Pay triggers strike again), but lifetime he’s nearly at $2500 now!
and tPay was back! Begging for more cash rape, and this time rolled over and gave ME $1753 wow! Well done tPay! (Proving that he’s a weak loser yet again)
Mr Magoo was back for $356! I love seeing him lose control again, and this is the most in quite a while. Good boy!
and a blast from the past was wallet cunt. Still in the top 5, he used to be My number one spender, and did a session with Me one time of about $6000 in 20 minutes, This week it was just $105, but I’m always happy to take his cash.
January 26, 2016 No Comments