Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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Category — psychology of financial domination

Training Paypigs to Pay to Cum!

Many of My devoted slaves/addicts/goonslaves have confessed to Me their shameful truth.
They can no longer cum, unless they pay!

It’s a process, of course, step by step.

  1. First, I direct them to pleasure themselves when they pay.
  2. The pig is rewarded for paying with photos of Me or hearing My voice
  3. The pig gets excited and eventually cums
  4. The pig loves this and ends up repeating it soon.
  5. The pig does this several times
  6. The pig finds his poor little dick no longer gets stiff unless he pays Me!

Now, I own this pig. It’s amazingly simple.

Of course, each session I have with you, I reinforce all the triggers that make you hard and make you devoted to paying Me. And eventually, those triggers embed.

EMBED. Once embedded, they are there. They may fade over the course of years if you don’t reinforce them. That means, you can’t cum by paying, which means, no cumming!

Hahahaha, years without cumming? Just surrender and pay!

But you should definitely not stop stroking when you pay! Don’t worry about being addicted, it probably won’t happen.
But it sure feels good, doesn’t it?

I even made a Pay-to-view last week that will help cement that connection in your psyche!

Vacation for Me coming up!

I will be here next week. Repeat, I will be here next week, I am not leaving until July 20th.

The week of July 20-27 I am on vacation! We’ve got a beach cabin in Maine, which is My happy place and I am excited to go. I might be around on Friday the 26th, but I promise nothing. I will be back for Sunday the 28th, so you pigs can have your Lauren fixes.
I will, as usual, put some things on sale and advertise them on My NF+ Feed, so keep checking that!

I also hope to release a PTV series before I go, if I can find the time. (Might not happen)

IMPORTANT: I know many of you love to have pay-to-views in your mailbox to open when I am gone, which I send before I leave. Let Me know if you want some! There are usually 4-5 of you that jump at this, just mail Me on NF if you want to be added to the list

Also coming. A surprise, if you know you know. If you don’t know you will find out! After My vacation of course!

The Fuckover Report.

This is an amazing fuckover report! The list of those that got a mention is small, but there are many HUGE mentions!

Legendary Paypig Alert!

The highest spender this week was little tigress, a sissy who has been excelling with Me as of late. I was surprised that her spending totaled $4330! This sissy got very excited reading the fuckover report and immediately began showing Me her devotion with pay-to-view and phone calls. Soooo special! She is so fun to session!

Legendary Paypig Alert! New to Blog!

The other Legendary mention goes to a sissy who has been reading this blog, obsessing about Me and dreaming of cash rape. Well, this sissy, who I am calling “payclitty” tried so hard to please, in one of the funnest raise-the-rate sessions I have ever had, that ended in a 31-minute call at the maximum $50 a minute rate! Yes, that’s $1550 for a single phone call. There were many other phone calls, and tributes and this sissy spent a total of $4064, mostly, but not entirely, in one evening. We’ve been making plans for an even bigger cash rape, and I think she will break the record for My longest phone call at $50 a minute! (currently at 51 minutes)

Extreme Paypig Alert! My newly minted sissy, boomer (I’m beginning to see a trend here) is one that can’t cum unless she pays. Lately, the obsession has been powerful, and this sissy spent $1469 since the last entry

Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy, My devoted slave, helpless dennis pleased Me very much this time around, sending several $100 tributes on several occasions. I know how much he needs Me and his surrender is complete. He spent $1371 this time around!

Extreme Paypig Alert! My slave, just another ATM, once again went on a spending spree, triggered by a custom audio I made for him. His total spending was $1287. NICE.

Extreme Paypig Alert! Another good boy who is addicted and probably can’t cum without paying is “j the junkie” j outdid himself YET AGAIN. He spent $1156. Nice!

Extreme Paypig Alert! I was really surprised when My good boy “eager” clicked and paid all the way through a high-priced series, and along with a few other items spent $1075 to get an extreme mention! This is the dangerous series, the first level is only $2, check it out if you never have!

Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy “simp w” squeaked in to get an extreme mention by spending $1003. He’s one that has to pay to cum now, but he’s trying to quit. It’s not going well for him!

My good boy mr. ed, stopped by to spend $291. Every dime to Lauren counts!

Paypig Alert! My long term slave and top spender PIG got himself a nice little red letter mention. His addiction to Me is relentless, probably another who needs to pay to cum! He spent $433

My leg paypet jeffy stopped by to drop $104 and get a mention!

My very good sissy marla, once of the lifetime top spenders on Me, called for a nice little session of $227.

My good girl sissy caged yankee spent $124 and suggested this blog topic too! Thanks jenna!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy golly chatted and tributed his cash away for Me! He did really well, spending $625 since the last blog entry!

My good boy nylonslave spent $132 on his worship of Me!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good girl buffy couldn’t stop surrendering to Me, even though she’s on the verge of losing her car. She spent $569 trying to not spend as much! *laughs*

My good boy TJ spent $117 to earn a mention.

My good boy tiny, also spent $261 to please Me.

So that was six extreme mentions and two legendary ones for this blog entry! The pigs who have earned one never forget it! Are you next?

July 11, 2024   No Comments

The Shame of Financial Domination and a $10,000 mention!

It’s embarrassing to admit to others that you get a stiffy from the thought of paying a beautiful woman for NOTHING but perhaps a little attention on the phone or a chat.

It’s even MORE embarrassing to admit that the reason you are cutting back on meals out and vacations is because you spent a lot on Me while gooning your cock and orgasming.

And when you can’t meet your financial obligations, can’t pay your bills, your car payment because you are sending Me, so MUCH cash, that’s mortifying.

I often wonder how many of you have “confessed” to a drug addiction, or a gambling problem because that gave you less shame than your Financial Domination addiction. I know some of you have been “caught” by your wives/girlfriends. How many of you were honest, and how many of you invented a less embarrassing lie?

And admit it, that shame and embarrassment itself makes you hard. You see your credit card bill, try to hide it from the wife but your cock betrays you, gets hard and you end up running to the computer to spend even MORE money on Me.

The addiction is real. The addiction continues even when some physical reason or being old keep you from having an erection. I know this from experience with clients.
The only thing that will save you from this is bankruptcy!

You have no control, you can’t ask for help, it makes you embrace the knowledge that you deserve this. Just give up and pay! Let the exploitation just happen to you, you can’t stop it anyway.

When you are embarrassed. Goon and pay!

When you feel shame. Goon and pay!

When you get caught. Goon and pay!

When you get frustrated. Goon and pay!

When you feel helpless. Goon and pay!

It is your role now.

In other news, I’m planning some time away in July, will let you guys know when the dates are nailed down. As usual, I will offer daily NF+ feed content and probably some PTV sales when I am not available!

The Fuckover Report

Ultimate Paypig Alert!

I hinted on My Niteflirt+ feed about this, it didn’t end up being quite as high as I originally imagined but it did hit the $10,000 spending level! Newly addicted, zippo could not stop after I challenged him to hit this milestone for the blog mention. Last blog entry he got an extreme mention, but he did 10x better this time, with a spending total of $10,540! WOW! His wife promptly caught him, and he deleted his account but was back in a few days. I know this piggy will provide Me will a lot of pleasure as I continue to brainwash him! Soooo sexy! This cunt loser already knows I’m more important than his wife!

Legendary Paypig Alert!

There were many piggies with big alerts this time around, such as My simp, “w” I’ve been playing a really dangerous “a dollar a stroke” game with him, and I think I am winning, but his orgasms have been mind-blowing! I am enjoying our time together. He snuck in for the Legendary mention by spending $2001.

Extreme Paypig Alert! Earning a delicious extreme alert was My sissy boomer, whose addiction has stayed at its new higher level! This sissy bitch spent $1365 on calls and PTVs this time! Mmm.

My good nylon slave continues his worship, this time spending $235.

Extreme Paypig Alert! Getting yet another extreme mention is helpless dennis. This slave has turned into a loyal and thoughtful slave, often tributing large amounts, buying ptvs, and calling when he is able. This good boy spent $1083 since the last post.

Extreme Paypig Alert! Still paying regularly is My sweet little worker bee buffy. Little miss buffy is possibly at the end of the paypig road, having nearly liquidated her retirement account for Me and having maxed out most of her credit cards. But she still can’t stop. Her car may be repossessed she tells Me, but every night she logs on to send more and more tributes, calling Me her Toxic Queen, and to be honest, she may have a point!

My good boy quiet gentleman often comes around in the evening for a few pay-to-views to harden his cock and blow his mind. This good boy spent $267 since the last post.

Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy, j the junkie has fallen head over heels in love with Me, chatting Me nearly every day and tributing as I demand. He spent $792 this time around 🙂

My sad slave pigbait can’t stay away, desperately jerking his limp dick, and still unable to stop. He spends $258 this time around.

Huge Paypig Alert! My oink loser sissy keeps steadily working on her spending goals, this time sending Me $583 towards them! It’s like a reverse savings plan, *laughs*

My long-time slave “PIG” spent $223 this week. He remains My third biggest spender of all time, having parted with $142K over the years on his Lauren addiction.

Paypig Alert! One of My popper slaves did a delicious session with Me this week, and I am enjoying $404 of his money!

My armpit loser is determined to bankrupt himself for Me! He spent $191 this time around

Paypig Alert! Another very addicted slave who regularly comes around for cash abuse is caged yankee, a special little sissy who can’t stop. This sissy spent $487, just missing a huge alert, since the last blog post.

Panty pete managed an alert, spending $114 on Pay-to-views he buys while bored at work!

Paypig Alert! My good slave, boyscout turned up one evening to spoil Me in chat with tributes. He spent $309! I love chatting with him!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good girl, little tigress did more spending on her Mistress since the last post, this time for $547! She’s finding out how habit-forming I am!

New Slave! Right now, this slave’s account isn’t active, so I could not mail him to tell him that he got a blog mention. He spent $280, and for now, I am going to call him pervy.

Huge Paypig Alert! Another loser who spent a lot on Me this time was “just another atm” who has been living up to his cashpig name! This time he spent $503 and gave Me more ammunition for getting into his failure-loser mind!

June 20, 2024   No Comments

A psychological dive into Lauren

and her slaves (I decided to make it ALL ABOUT ME)

I spend a great deal of My time learning about the forces that I can use to drive men & sissies into financial servitude for Me.

Today I happened across material that described the type of person who had success manipulating vulnerable people into doing their bidding. It sounded quite familiar!

Myself, (and commonly other Findoms, although I speak only for Myself) can be described as possessing these traits.

  1. Narcissism. Characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy. I would add GREED to the list, I mean, it’s obvious that I am a Superior Woman who LOVES wielding power over weak men/sissies. I am full of pride, but that’s because I deserve it! I am beautiful, highly intelligent, and quite simply, the best at financially fucking over weak men.
    Empathy doesn’t serve My needs or goals. (But gaslighting you with fake empathy does) Now that isn’t to say that occasionally I feel bad for a slave, but I tend to reserve those feelings for things that weren’t his fault. Is a slave sick? I feel bad. (Although maybe it’s because that means he can’t serve Me as well? Hmmm. I will have to think about that. Is he broke from spending too much on FinDomme? Too fucking bad. Pay again.
  2. Machiavellian tendencies. Machiavellianism comes from a book written in the 16th century by an Italian guy called Machiavelli called The Prince and it was about the tendencies of brutal rulers. These rulers have no problem manipulating and exploiting others, an indifference to the morality of it. (Morality, it’s your fucking problem if serving Me causes you problems-not MY problem) lack of empathy. (Fuck you, pay ME) and a strategic focus on self-interest. (You mean like creating sexy content and mantras that brainwash you into being My cash slave?)
  3. Psychologically characterized by selfishness and callous and unemotional traits. You cannot gain sympathy from Me for problems you stroking your dick and paying Me has caused you. That’s a YOU problem. Also included on this list is remorselessness. (Why should I feel remorse over taking your cash? I deserve it!)
  4. Sadism. The last part is that I completely get turned on by manipulating and exploiting My slaves. If they feel financial or emotional pain from My programming and manipulations, that’s a plus! Sadism is a sexual fetish, so I get turned on from hurting you. Mmmmmm. That’s the best way to sexually please Me. Allow Me to fuck you over!

All of these traits make Me uniquely equipped to strip you of the cash I deserve more!

Vacation Announcement!

From Tuesday, May 14th through Saturday, May 18th, I will be unavailable. I will be vacationing on the Coast of Maine and spending your cash! I will return to being available again on Sunday, May 19th. When your poor little dick is stiff because I am not around, remember that I deserve your cash whether I am online or not, and send $$. Imagine that you’re paying for some vacation fun, a drink or a meal or a show, because you probably will be! *laughs*

There will be posts on My NF+ feed that I will schedule for you to enjoy when I am away, and perhaps I will put a couple things on sale for you to console yourself with.

Recent PTVs to buy

And now it’s time for the FUCKOVER REPORT!

Legendary Paypig Alert!

My good boy j the junkie keeps falling more and more deeply under My power. Try as he might, he cannot stay away, and the amounts he spends have been incrementally increasing. It’s wonderful! He spent $2313 since the last post. WOW.

Legendary Paypig Alert!

Another slave earning a legendary mention was “w” This simp has lost his head over Me, and I am taking full advantage. He tries to delete his account, but ends up returning again and again! He spent $2278 since the last update and I couldn’t be happier!

Extreme Paypig Alert! Just squeaking in for an extreme mention is My hopeless little sissy bitch boomer. This bitch cannot stay away and at every opportunity she is spending on Me. She spent $1001 this time around.

My useless, but good boy, pigbait keeps coming around, despite chaos in his life. He spent $179 on money he knows belongs with Me.

Huge Paypig Alert! My slave helpless dennis told Me today that he is opting for “slow bankruptcy” so he may serve Me for years. That works for Me!

Back after a long time for another mention is deadcat, squeaking in at $100.

Huge Paypig Alert! Just another ATM keeps surrendering to Me, listening to My custom audios, buying pay-to-views. This slave never had a chance. He spent $913 since the last post

Earning another mention was golly, this time for $195. He can’t seem to help himself!

Huge Paypig Alert! Another slave who has had difficulty staying away is “flip off idiot” he calls and begins tributing and he can’t stop! He spent $662 since the last post.

My construct showed up to spend $179. What a good self-destructive slave he is!

Paypig Alert! My good PIG continues to be addicted to the hard cock serving Me gives him. So he repeats mantras on loop and pays! He spent $324 this time around.

My sole lover sent tribute enough to earn a mention, barely! He spent $100 pleasing Me!

Huge Paypig Alert! My sissy slave caged yankee is obsessed with paying Me, and keeps returning again and again to buy ptvs. I know how to manipulate this sissy! She spent $565 since the last blog entry.

My beloved spawn did more paying this time around, spending $156. My spawn, you are overdue for a big fuckover!

Huge Paypig Alert! My adorable little honey bee buffy kept trying to stop spending on Me, but still managed to end Me $564. Nice!

Also earning a mention this time around was cheekie this time he spent $117.

My quiet gentleman is another who squeaked in for a mention, his for $101.

My pantyhose slave goons on a regular basis in worship of Me. He spent $112 since the last post.

Lauren’s footlicker earned a mention, spending $170 and a warm smile from his Goddess.

Slave tPay made an appearance, spending $133 before fleeing in terror. He says that his findom addiction is My fault, and I say. Too Fucking Bad. PAY!

New Slave, New to Me and to the blog is tj, who spent $158 finding out how dangerous I am!

Back with a splash is tiny, spending $158. $100 of it was in a nice tribute when I wasn’t even online! I love that!

Now, who amongst you will be on the next blog? Don’t miss out!

May 6, 2024   1 Comment

Paypig Rituals

I have learned over My career as a FinDomme that a great many paypigs have what I call, “a paypig ritual”. It’s not the same for everyone, but the existence of this ritual is a testament to the addictive bliss of this exhilarating and expensive pastime!

For the hell of it, I Googled “Addiction rituals” and this came up.

What is an addiction ritual?

“Ritual behaviors can be described as activities, thoughts or ideas that addicts engage in as part of their addiction. Once ritual behavior has started it is hard for most addicts to turn away. In a sense, ritual behavior can be seen as preparation leading to using or acting out”

Of course, My methods often result in addiction, so it makes sense that paypigs, too will display this addiction ritual. Paypig rituals often includes viewing FinDomme content, from videos, audios, photos, blog entries, etc. (I’m the subject mostly with the paypigs I have spoken to about it.)

It graduates to finding the privacy, loading up cash, and edging the cock. Sometimes lubricant is applied and often a particular audio or video is looped, as My works sink deeply into the pig mind and psyche. This repitition is useful for Me, as cementing the ritual makes it a normal part of the pig’s sexual routine, something he grows to require frequently.
It’s very common for Me to take a call from a paypig and hear My voice on an audio or video in the background, as he is working himself up to a pay frenzy.

The elements inside a pig ritual vary, are rather personalized, and can include poppers, alcohol, sissy clothing, vibrators, wearing pantyhose, butt plugs. amongst some examples.

For some pigs, a major session includes a “purge”. They will close their Niteflirt account (only to reopen it later, lol). Sissies, might throw away panties or pantyhose. They might resolve to “do better” and avoid paying Me for some time. (But eventually returning for another brutal round)

These rituals all help make your addiction MORE effective, and result in making Me even more wealthy!

I would love to hear what some of your rituals are! Call Me or chat Me on Niteflirt to tell Me your ritual secrets.

In other news, I am planning a vacation in early April to travel to celebrate a milestone birthday of someone I care about and to view the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, since that birthday boy lives in the ideal area to view, it’s perfect! I will likely be taking other vacations this spring and summer and I will keep you updated! I will try to publish another blog entry beforehand.

Now, I have released a couple of new pay to views for you to check out, if you haven’t yet.

Also I have been putting a system into place to make more content in My NF Plus feed on a schedule, so you guys should definately subscribe so you don’t miss out!

The Fuckover Report!

I had a bit of problem this time with the software I use to do the fuckover report, if I have missed you or you think the amount looks off, let Me know!

Legendary Paypig Alert!

My very good sissy little tigress went absolutely crazy clicking and paying over the last month. I was surprised when I added it up to see that it was $3356. WOW. THIS is correct thinking and so beautiful. I am so proud of My little tigress! Well Done!

Extreme Paypig Alert! My good little sissy boomer, kept coming around for wallet rape, as I bent boomer over for fuckover! Boomer spent $168 this time!

Extreme Paypig Alert! My slave button stopped by several times for click and pay, spending a total of $1078! Well done button!

My good nylonslave spent $162 in his worship of Me!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy, j the junkie coninued his path of devotion to Me by spending $726 this time around.

Coming by to spend a little cash was indy, with $131 in spending, I think his next mention will be much bigger next time!

New Slave and Paypig Alert! My good boy and loser, wimpy wimp spent $352 finding out all about how dangerous I am!

My extreme leg slave was back, spending $236 since the last post.

Huge Paypig Alert! My oink loser sissy surrendered to Me yet again, this time spending $450

My good slave special k, spent $185, and I think he will spend even more soon when he can get away from his ugly wife to do so!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy PIG lost himself over chat and phone this month, sending his Mistress $972 and just missing an Extreme Paypig Alert. Well done!

My good swede sissy spent $115 and I look forward to taking more very soon!

New Slave! New to Me and to the blog is a slave I have nicknamed, “golly” golly qualified by spending $248 and learning just how dangerous I am, well done golly!

My armpit slave needs cash ruin, and he spent $246 this time around!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good slave spawn did very well since the last post, spending a very nice total of $896 in click and pay fun!

My sissy caged yankee lost herself in chat a couple of times, sending Me a total of $287, just missing a paypig alert! Next time, perhaps

Paypig Alert! My good boy helpless dennis is overdue for a call, but still managed to send Me $353, largely in tributes, since the last post. Very nice!

My good boy cheekie earned another mention, this time by spending $263

Huge Paypig Alert! I woke up one morning recently to see that My good boy lex had been clicking and paying, and had spent $529. That started My day off right! Good boy!

My quiet gentleman returned a few times for a few pay to views and it added up to $219! Very nice!

My wallet rape toy stopped by for some click and pay, spending $148. Nice! I always love seeing his name in My transactions

Huge Paypig Alert! My damaged goods sissy, buffy couldn’t stop bringing Me cash, even though she keeps saying she will stop. She doesn’t. I like teasing the cash from her and her limp little clitty! This time it was $717

My boy scout stopped by one even for a chat and tribute session, spending $158. I love spending time with him.

slave w came back for some spending, this time parting with $219, before once again deleting his account. He’ll be back

New slave! I am calling him “dandy”. He did a lot of click and pay and found out all about the danger of Lauren, and spent $258

Lauren’s footlicker was a good boy as usual, spending $156 on Niteflirt and $25 on Amazon for a total of $181. Nice!

My addicted slave, “just another atm” is addicted to My audios and spent $176 getting more addicted!

It was very nice to see footdazed back and clicking and paying for a total of $161

My titcunt continued her spending ways and spent $148 on top of her last month spending. Nice!

And finally, My slave tPay stopped by and spent enough for a mention, $115. He is wayyyy overdue for a huge fuckover. We have a fuckover date tPay!

March 7, 2024   2 Comments

Neurowashing the Paypig Mind

Neurowashing is a word that has different meanings in different contexts, but today I use it to describe a specific process I use in Brainwashing weak men and sissies to become My paypig!

All of My methods have one goal in mind, to program men to obey and pay Me. My greed and mercenary desires have motivated Me to explore new methods and use them to experiment on My subjects. Even just talking about My methods, My psychologies, and My Greed is enough to make the average subject with a proclivity towards being a financial slave aroused. I would not be at all surprised to know that you, dear loser reader are reading My words with your cock in hand (or at least about to be)

Neurowashing, for My purposes, is the process by which I prepare the mind to accept and embrace the triggers that I slide into the subject’s subconscious, to increase the amount of paying Me that subject engages in! It is, by its nature, highly pleasurable, and that makes it at once both more effective and more likely to be completed and repeated.

brainwashing paypig

Reminding you from My Brainwashing Laboratory that Valentine’s Day is Coming Soon!

For something that seems like it might be a complex matter, it is laughingly simple. I prepare your mind by making you hard and connecting that hardness to My commands. The rewards come, frequently but without immediate resolution. I push your mind to pay a bit to continue, and the very act of paying for your own programming becomes part of the programming! Neurowashing both trains you to pay and prepares you to accept more triggers to make you want to keep paying! This is, of course, a win-win for Me. It is even an erotic win for you, the subject as your cock betrays your psychological defenses which would normally make such a brainwashing feat difficult.

But if it isn’t enough that your cock betrays you to expose you to brainwashing, the connection I make between the brainwashing and your cock makes you want to experience it, repeatedly. This gives Me many additional opportunities to reinforce your programming, to deepen it, and to rinse you of your cash while I do so. It is as if your cock is running on a treadmill that it can’t seem to stop. And it’s entirely by design. This is the quintessential addiction that I work to create in your wee mind!

I recently introduced the phrase neuro-washing in a recent PTV, although I have frequently applied it without the name to many of you. This is the recent PTV, an audio series, and I invite you to stroke your cock and buy it!

And here are a couple of other Pay to views to enjoy while you become MORE addicted!

I did a little kicking back after My huge fuckover with Dr X to finish out 2023, but have no fear, more dangerous content is coming your way to fuck with your mind and wallet. Vacation will be happening too, some in April and some possibly in May, but I will give you a lot of notice!

The Fuckover Report!

Legendary Paypig Alert!

My very good boy, j the junkie, stopped by regularly to pay his Queen homage, called, tributed and bought pay to views to pop the $2K level, spending $2001 and squeaking in for his Legendary Mention! I LOVE sessioning this good boy, and this is correct thinking. He is soo addicted to My legendary Hypnopussy he cannot help himself!

Extreme Paypig Alert! As usual, My addicted (now sissy slave) paypig boomer called and paid for PTVs. This sissy addict spent $1767 since the last blog entry!

Extreme Paypig Alert! Getting another extreme alert was My slave helpless dennis, who pleased Me with calls and PTVs, spending $1022 since the last time.

Extreme Paypig Alert! My very good little sissy buffy, is mesmerized by imagery of being just a bee in the hive, going out to collect pollen ($$$) to bring to the Queen Bee (Me of course!) This addicted sissy spent $1140 on Me, despite trying to escape (laughable)

My special boy tom squeaked in for a mention with $100 of spending!

Huge Paypig Alert! A regular loser is getting renamed. From now on, Goon Loser is now Dumpster Retard. This loser was in such need of being humiliated, when I suggested that he should only be allowed to jerk off INSIDE dumpsters, he left his home, with Me on the phone, walked down the street and climbed into a dumpster! Much to his shock it was filled with two feet of water and it was the funniest thing ever! I couldn’t stop laughing! It was also well below freezing, so it was a suitably miserable experience. But he jerked off, sent Me a photo from inside the dumpster and I couldn’t stop laughing. Memorable call! He spent $662 being a dumpster retard!

My nylon slave clicked, gooned and paid $266 while getting even more addicted to his Goddess!

Huge Paypig Alert! My very good sissy loser titcunt spent $706 between Niteflirt and Wishlist spending, her lifetime spending is really getting up there! Most of this was in one delicious evening. What a good little cunt!

My faggot tiger was busy clicking and paying and spent $203 on his Mistress since the last time.

Huge Paypig Alert! PIG relasped, calling and tributing and chatting, and spending $519 after I activated him repeatedly to pay!

My construct showed up to spend $106 dollars with Me.

Huge Paypig Alert! My addicted steve q fucked, just missed and extreme entry by spending $983. This loser cannot stop sending Me cash. I LOVE it.

My Swedish sissy showed up to spend $203 since the last blog entry

Huge Paypig Alert! My Finnish sissy, (Gotta love the Scandanavian sissies) also was a busy girl spending $670 since the last blog entry. Where there is a will, there is a way, and this sissy came through!

I love keeping My quiet gentleman vulnerable to My predations! He spent $245 this time around. Nice!

Another addict who can’t stay away is weak4legs, this time spending $155. He has been telling Me for literal YEARS he’s quitting. *laughs*

Huge Paypig Alert! Back with a new account, was loser luke, who clicked and paid $648 before deleting his account yet again! I like the click and pay flourishes!

My power-tit-addicted hog, pigbait, spent $164 being reminded how helpless he has become.

My caged yankee sissy spent $115. I don’t think she will be staying away, she is soo addicted

New to the Blog! Hopefully this simp will recognize himself, he deleted his account and I can’t email him to tell him he is in the blog I’m calling this simp “w” This simp spent $141 since the last blog entry and I am pleased!

My armpit loser got another mention by spending $139. I like seeing him get a mention, keep it up!

Lauren’s footlicker spent $139 on NF and $25 on Amazon for a total of $164. I enjoy this slave!

Spending $294 and just missing a Paypig Alert was “just another ATM”, he did very well with click and pay since the last blog entry.

My good boy lex, gets a mention for clicking and paying $150 since the last post.

My oink loser sissy spent $140 on NF and an additional $74 on wishlist spending for a total of $214. Very nice!

Panty pete spent another $126 losing his mind over Me.

I always love seeing Loserbeast spend! This time it was $154.

I cannot wait to see which ones of you simps, losers, fans, addicts and slaves make the next spending report, and who will earn red letter mentions!

February 8, 2024   2 Comments

Lauren is the Danger Zone

First of all, sorry for such a long gap between posts. Between trying to make content for My NF+ page, paypigs keeping Me busy, making content for PTVs, and some personal stuff I won’t bore you with, the blog post just kept not happening until I made it a priority today/

Get ready for a long Fuckover Report because you might be on it!

I thought I would share with you a portion of an email I got from My slave boomer (with his permission)

This is what happens whenever I reveal more of myself to you.
I tell you an idea that opens the door to my mind a crack.

You take that idea, force it open wider to benefit your control.

You take that cracked open door and blow it open wide and show me just how powerful you are.

I believe that you were prepared for it and know how to run with it and it leads me way deeper into your control than I thought.

Deeper than I imagined.

I asked for a captioned photo and you sent me one that blew me away , so when asked if I wanted another…..Hell yes! And very quickly down the rabbit hole to fuckover!

Which of course was fucking amazing.

It’s all dangerous and amazing at the same time….don’t know where this is going to wind up or how far down the rabbit hole I am being led or will wind up but the trip cannot be ignored…and as you know is way addictive.

How did I become dangerous?

What makes Me so dangerous is the addiction. I have studied addiction, applied sexuality to it, and taken advantage of your desire to please to indoctrinate you. There is no cookie cutter, My methods are adapted to suit the slave.

The Addiction.

For some slaves, it takes a mere hours. For others, it takes literal years. True, not every client I encounter becomes addicted, but enough end up in that state to keep Me happily busy!

I am always researching new ways to keep you entangled in My influence, new ways to inspire you to hand over your cash to Me, a willing drone. And new ways to either give you increasingly intense volcanic orgasms, or in some cases, neuter your desire so that your only sexuality is paying Me.

Results of the PayZombie competition!

I could have done a better job promoting this contest, it wasn’t quite as lively as others I have had, but it was fun!

Winner: Helpless tool
2nd Helpless dennis
3rd sissy marla!

Recent Pay-to-Views

The Fuckover Report!

Since it’s been way too long since I blogged, this is a LONG one

Legendary Paypig Alert!

Completely under My power is boomer, (whose letter to Me is part of the blog entry)

He called repeatedly, bought sooo many pay-to-views and begged for fuckover day after day! His spending? A tidy $3185. NICE.

Legendary Paypig Alert! earning another extreme mention is My very special slave, dr x. This slave is slowly driving his way to the #1 position on Niteflirt! He spent $1465 on Niteflirt and $535 on Amazon for a total of EXACTLY $2000 to get his Legendary mention. I’m sure neither of us realized he hit it exactly!

Extreme Paypig Alert! Helpless dennis also did sooo very well, calling and tributing and buying pay to views. My good boy spent $1448 to earn his extreme mention!

Extreme Paypig Alert! Another loser getting an extreme mention is pigbait. He is getting more pathetic every day, and his addiction is leading him toward bankruptcy. He’s spending gets more and more extreme. This time it was $1650. What does he have to look forward to? Amongst other things, he will be facin poverty. Too bad. So sad. (Laughs)

Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy, j the junkie earned an extreme mention by spending $1138. We have had a lot of fun doing cash fuckovers in chat!

Extreme Paypig Alert! Another pig earning an Extreme mention is oink loser sissy. This sissy is on a goal of $25 lifetime spending. (she’s at about $22kish right now) and she has made GREAT recent progress, spending $1585 since the last blog entry

Extreme Paypig Alert! yet another extreme mention goes to “steve q fucked” I have learned this payzombies pay triggers and when he shows up I render him helpless to do anything but send big tributes. This time around, he spent $1100.

Extreme Paypig Alert! And for our final Extreme mention, we have My sweet little buffy. Despite claiming that she is spending less, she still managed to spend $1036 to get an extreme mention. My little buffy bee brings the pollen to the Queen bee and feeds on My addictive honey! So fun!

Huge Paypig Alert! For the first time in a while, I had a really nice big session with mind-controlled john,, who I pulled into a beautiful fuckover one evening. He spent $501, squeaking in for his huge mention!

Back for a nice fun phone call was one of My popper slaves, “sniffer” This guy is a perfect example of how I use your weaknesses to line My bank account!

Huge Paypig Alert! Getting his first “red-letter” mention is indy, a slave who is destined for another fuckover in the near future. This guy is very vulnerable to FinDomme manipulations, and more manipulations are in his future!

My goon junkie, who is probably the biggest perverted loser I have ever spoken with spent $167 on calls listening to Me rip him a new one for being such a loser pervert.

Huge Paypig Alert! I was so happy to do sessions with My good sissy marla, who loses herself in My feet and just pays and pays. This sissy spent $542 since My last blog entry!

I always love talking with My pantyhose junkie, I have him so addicted to wearing pantyhose that now it’s the only way he can cum! He squeaked by for a mention, spending pennies more than $100 to earn one.

Paypig Alert! My longtime slave and stroke addict PIG couldn’t stay away, even though I know he’s trying .(Stop trying so hard PIG, just spend!) He spent $468 since the last post, just missing a HUGE paypig mention.

My good sissy girl piglette keeps dropping by to pay. Since My last blog post, it’s added up to $187. I think she should spend more, don’t you?

New on the Blog! Getting his first mention, is long time time slave, who I am calling “sole lover” here on the blog. He spent $227 to earn his mention. We had a lot of fun in chat with chatting and tributes, and I teased him with photos of My nylon soles! So fun!

My good sissy, caged yankee was back for fuckover fun and she spent $269 being teased with pay-to-views and chatting

Huge Paypig Alert! My very good boy spawn, did more clicking and paying to earn his mention, this time for $931. He has done sooo well in his servitude and I am well pleased.

My quiet gentleman earned a mention by spending $237 in a couple of teasing ptv sessions!

Huge Paypig Alert! Also doing so very well in service is My irish dope. I know dope saves up money for our sessions and they are always soooo fun! He has spent $900 since the last blog entry

My good boy “Q” popped in for a quick session and spent $119.

Huge Paypig Alert! My little tigress returned with more delicious pay to view spending, this time in the amount of $543, earning a red letter mention! What a good girl!

Unable to stay away, as usual was My weak for leglover who spent $130. Nice!

Paypig Alert! My slave, just another atm showed up with click and pay, spending $301 just enough for his red letter mention!

It’s always good to see loserbeast click and pay, he spent $201 to earn his mention!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy helpless tool was busy. He won the Paypig Zombie contest, and spent $469 on Niteflirt and another $100 on Amazon for a total of $569 earning his Huge alert! Well done tool, well done!

My nylon slave is steady and dependable and he spent $264 for goon worship nylon feet photos. Well done!

New Slave! A new German slave I am calling “blödmann” (which Google tells Me is the German word for “dumbass”) spent $298, just missing a paypig alert! Maybe next time blödmann!

Squeezing in for another mention with $108 of spending is tiger. Well done tiger!

And My good boy, Lauren’s footlicker continued his worship of Me, spending $239. This gets My seal of approval!

My click puppet reappeared, spending $190 since the last blog post!

and finally, My good boy button, earned a blog mention with $136 of click and pay! More of that button!

Now, My slaves say seeing their name on My blog gets them all worked up. If you spend enough, you too could get a nice hard cock from seeing in print how I fucked you over!

November 2, 2023   1 Comment

Your Pain is My Profit

And with My usual harsh honesty, it’s nothing to confess that Financial Domination is My fetish.

There are two sides of Findom, and I am firmly entrenched in the profit side. I rejoice when I find a target that is vulnerable, because I am a predator, and like most predators, an injured prey attracts My attention.

Many of you find Me when you are in pain.

  • you may be experiencing a loss, of relationships, a job, security, or confidence
  • any of you have recently broken up with a significant other or realized you are in an unsatisfying marriage
  • there is a disappointment in your life that has occurred, or you have come to the realization that you and your life are a walking disappointment.
  • There are stressors beyond your apparent control that you desire to escape from
  • You are having a worsening of a substance abuse problem

I am here to reach out My hand, to arouse you, to make your cock hard, to guide you into experiencing mind-blowing orgasms so I can take advantage of you in that painful state.

I do make you feel better briefly. I count on that because that intense pleasure coupled with your pain is addictive. I addict you to My brand of painful pleasure, without apology.

Your pain is My profit. I make you forget the pain briefly, for a price of course.

You get a flood of pleasure endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. I become your new drug, the deliverer of pleasure.
And gradually I make that pleasure delivery cost more. And you pay it.

Your pain is My profit

I will do what I can to make the pain that brought you to Me worse. I will interfere in your damaged relationships, making them worse. (Homewrecking is an example) I will encourage your chemical or food addictions. I will isolate you, rotating you back into My orbit of influence. I will remind you of your failures, your weaknesses, and diabolically, I will make thoughts of your useless self erotic. I will give you financial stresses that will make you need Me and My cash fuckovers more and more.

It is a Spiral of Doom and if you come close to the edge, I will shove you into it, not only without apology, but with glee.

Your pain is My profit.

I have a lot of tools I use, I think of it as My paypig addiction toolbox and you will end up crawling into it and begging Me to hurt you.

I know just reading this is making you hard. If it hurts you to read the truth, that makes you hard.

And a hard paypig becomes a victim volunteer, a financial masochist.

Your pain is My profit.
Your pain is My pleasure. Your pain is My fetish.

And I relish hurting you for erotic fun and profit!

Now, these are some recent Pay-to-Views for you to buy, to please Me (because nothing feels as good as pleasing She who hurts you)

Recent Pay to Views!

The Fuckover Report.

Or who did I cause pain to since the last report?

Legendary Paypig Alert! My very good boy Dr x hit another Legendary Alert, only 3 weeks after being the first slave to hit the Ultimate Paypig Alert with a mind-boggling amount of cash for Me. This time My prized slave spent $1692 on Niteflirt and another $771 on Amazon (including him replacing My office mini-fridge, one he bought several years ago that died) The grand total was $2463. I love how devoted dr x is to Me!

Extreme Paypig Alert! A new slave, tiny went nuts after the last blog entry, spending $1590. I was hoping he would get a Legendary mention, but he ended up deleting his account, so sad. I wonder how long it will take for him to return?

Extreme Paypig Alert! My addicted loser slave, special K spent an evening sniffing poppers with Me as his wife slept mere feet away. He spent $1443 total since the last blog, and I loved taking every dime from him!

My devoted good boy, Lauren’s footlicker spent $120 enjoying photos of Me he was craving!

Paypig Alert! My very good boy boomer came around a few times, totaling $317 in spending to earn his alert!

My slave, just anther ATM earned a mention spending $140 on some nice PTVs!

New Slave! New to Me is jimmy boi, who chatted with Me, called and found out how seductive I can be! He spent $141.

My polish atm stopped by for some clicking and paying and that made Me very happy! He spent $143.

Paypig Alert! I’m pleased to see that My goon loser got an alert. One night he couldn’t stop gooning and couldn’t stop calling and he ended up spending $302 getting used by Me!

I’m happy that My good boy j the junkie earned a mention by spending $165. I feel as if I want more time with this good boy.

Huge Paypig Alert! My devoted slave dennis is very addicted to his Mistress. I have taken a bit of effort in training him, and he has developed nicely. He spent $623 this time around.

My spawn earned a mention with $130 in spending. Nice!

New Slave! Another new slave is crystal-lover, who spent an evening falling for My hypno powers and My crystal pendant. He is not the first I have mesmerized with My hypno-crystal and he won’t be the last! He spent $129

My quiet gentleman continues to regularly come around for Lauren fixes! This time he spent $191 being aroused by My power over him.

Huge Paypig Alert! I had such a great time double-teaming My good sissy bambi with another Domme (Behavoir Analyst, who I interviewed last blog). This sissy surrendered to us both and entered sweet bliss. Since the last blog post, she has spent $562

My boyscout stopped by after way too long, spoiling Me with $177. I love sessioning with that man.

Paypig Alert! My fairly new slave tiger continued his spending ways, earning an alert! He spent $366 since the last blog post!

My sweet sissy marla earned a mention by spending $186. Nice!

Paypig Alert! My good girl buffy tries to stay away, but she isn’t good at it, and I LIKE THAT! She spent $347, earning a red letter mention!

And finally, My good paypig wallet rape toy clicked and paid through the recent series and spent $208 on his Mistress. Good pig!

Which of you will be in the next report?

July 27, 2023   No Comments

I addict you using science!

Why Lauren is habit-forming.

The science of psychology is a FinDomme’s best friend. I am always on the alert for scientific insights and research to apply My methods into addicting you. Many of you can attest to the power of My methods,

I leave no stone unturned in understanding how I program you to be a better pig. I thought I would share some recent research.

I have been studying the formation of habits as of late, I use the knowledge I glean in both My personal and professional lives. One theory of habit formation really resonated with Me, giving Me even MORE insight into the path of paypig addiction.

It is called “The Four Stages of Habit” and is described by habit scientists as a feedback loop.

It goes like this

  1. Cue
  2. Craving
  3. Response
  4. Reward

This loop creates a habit!

Let’s break it down.

What CUES does serving Me provide? Here are some examples that My slaves have told Me about.

  • Seeing My Niteflirt call button on.
  • Seeing My green chat light on
  • Seeing an email from Me.
  • Looking at our past chats or correspondences
  • Viewing My blog or NF+ Feed
  • Seeing/playing a photo/audio/video of Me
  • Seeing your name in the blog Fuckover Report
  • Seeing other paypigs get used hard. Whenever I do a Raise-the-Rate phone call, it is very common for another paypig to comment on it. Sometimes reading about Me using another pig hard provokes a cue.
  • you get a credit card bill and see how much you spent on Me
  • Another event might cue you, the cues are rather personal. Perhaps you see some high heels on a woman, or you have a fight with your wife/girlfriend that frustrates you.

The CUE provokes a CRAVING

  • you feel a desire to call/chat/pay Me
  • your cock stirs
  • you start thinking about Me, My content, time we have spent together.
  • you start to fantasize about serving Me.

The CRAVING provokes a RESPONSE. The hard cock demands attention

  • you call, you send a chat
  • you buy a pay-to-view, you may be triggered to buy many in rapid procession.
  • you view My audio mantras or My NF+ Feed and stroke
  • you start stroking to My blog/videos/photos/voice, etc
  • you add $$ to your Niteflirt account
  • you might plan ways to get money to spend on Me

The RESPONSE leads to a REWARD

  • you have an amazingly hard cock
  • you have a mind-blowing orgasm
  • you may have new content to add to your Lauren collection (photos, videos, audios)
  • you may have new chat or emails to read repeatedly
  • you may have earned praise from Me for your correct thinking and behavior.
  • you likely enjoyed talking and interacting with Me

The Rewards you get reinforce the loop. Your subconscious remembers, so any cues you associate with our time together (Seeing the chat light, or an email), automatically propel your unconscious into the habit loop. So dear pig reader, this isn’t your fault, right? Science did it. Science guided by Lauren!

Recent Pay-to- Views

And are you subscribed to My Niteflirt+ Feed? It’s getting rave reviews and apparently I’m one of the top flirts on the site for subscriptions. Sooooo, do not miss out! This isn’t like other subscription services, such as OnlyFans, this one limits how much past content you can see. I can designate a few posts that can be seen upon subscribing but you are missing OUT by not subscribing now.
Click this graphic to see more!

Other news

I have been working on transferring all My FinDomme stuff to a brand-new computer. It’s one dr x bought for Me, months ago, but I delayed switching over because it’s so much work. I use a lot of programs for My content, and they all must be installed, along with the usual stuff. And then the content must be organized (groans). It has taken more time than I anticipated! I also have been refreshing all of My photographs (several tens of thousands of them) with a new AI program to brighten them. Almost every one of you who has mentioned it (with one exception, that client will keep getting the old ones) prefers the new “radiant” photos. So much stuff goes on behind the scenes to make sure that I can keep exploiting you slaves for a long time to cum!

I also use a special program written especially for Me to calculate all the transactions into the Fuckover report. Well, it REFUSES to work on the new computer. The programmer is writing an updated version with some hopefully new features, but until it’s ready, I have to hook the old computer back up every time I want to download and calculate PIG spending.

But I’m getting settled into the new computer, and now I anticipate being able to leverage Myself to set all you pigs up for glorious fuckovers!

Upcoming vacation!

I have not had a vacation in a while, and I am taking a 5 day one to go to NYC! It’s only my second visit to the city, despite not really living THAT far from it. I will not be available at that time, but I will be posting the mantra of the day to My NF plus feed, along with photos, so no worries there. I will be gone from Saturday, May 6th to Wed May 10th. I plan to be logged in for calls on the 11th.

There will be no blog entry that week, it will be delayed until the week of the 15th.

Now it’s time for…

The Fuckover Report!

It’s short this time, mostly due to not being available as much for the computer switcheroo.

Huge Paypig Alert! Once again near the top of the spending ladder was helpess dennis. We had lots of fun calls,

Paypig Alert! Just missing a huge alert was My very very good boy, j the junkie. He returned several times, and spent $472.

My good slave, just another atm, spent $116 deeping a need to pay Me. My new feed should help with that.

New Slave! Just squeaking in with a first mention, is a sissy I am calling, ms. slut. This sissy spent $100 finding out how dangerous I am! Well done!

Unable to stay away, a slave to his addiction to Me is pigbait. When he is cued, he shows up to pay, slathering his tiny cock with numbing cream. And I torment him! He spent $113 since the last blog entry.

Paypig Alert! Another slave just missing a huge alert was helpless tool. This dude is getting more and more addicted and he spent $495 plunging deeper into addiction with Me! Yay!

PIG is trying really hard to slow down, but I have him by his throbbing pigstick and he spent $205 since the last time.

New Slave! Another new slave is an italian dude I am calling damien. He spent $275 on a rousing series of raise the rate calls. Mmmm My favorite.

My weak leg addict michael, just couldn’t stay away. I tested the habit loop cycle detailed in this post on him last night, and he will be horrified to learn he spent $283, just missing a paypig alert. Mmmmm

Paypig Alert! My hypnotized construct j had another call that included lots of pay to views while on the phone. He ended up spending $437 in a short period of time. Nice!

My good boy boomer is now responding to My NF+ feed as a cue and although he really tried to stay away, he still managed to spend $158. Nice!

Paypig Alert! My good girl buffy is trying so hard to moderate her spending, I have her on the “slow path to bankruptcy” She spent $309 this time around. I think I will push her more this time.

My nylon slave spent $149 in worship and awe of Me and My hosed feet.

My good boy, Lauren’s footlicker spent $30 on Amazon and $88 on Niteflirt for a total of $118. Sweet!

I had a nice call with My sweet girl marla, she spent $179 this time around.

My oinkloser sissy spent $170. She is getting closer to her goal of $20K lifetime spending!

and it was sooo nice to see My wallet rape toy clicking and paying again. This robot pig spent $243 buying stuff he bought years ago, the compulsion is still there!

Last and maybe least is caged yankee, who clicked and paid all the way to $225, pleasing Me, well done sissy!

Now, earn your mention to be in My next blog!

April 27, 2023   No Comments

The Best of Lauren

I decided to do a post where I just point you to what I consider My greatest hits! I have sooo much content after more than a decade wallet raping men, and some of it is outstanding stuff!

I present to you, the Best of Lauren

Best Blog Posts

Since we are on My blog, let’s start here, I went through and slogged through some dozen plus years of blog posts, and these are some of My favorites!

The Beginner’s Guide to Serving a FinDomme

Lauren’s Eleven Commandments

What is Financial Domination?

Lauren’s Manipulation Techniques

Psychology of Financial Domination: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Top Paypig Achieves Bankruptcy!

Biochemistry and the FinDomme. (Why you are fucked)

Why Be an Extreme Paypig?

I warned you that I am Dangerous!

Hiding your Financial Domination Addiction!

Introducing My New Brainwashing Program- LR Ultra!

Enhanced Addiction Program for Financial Slaves

6 Things to do to Prepare yourself for your Extreme Financial Domination Session

Best Pay-to-Views

This was a tough one, but I selected a few.

This is the one all pigs should do at some point. (Did you only go part way? Throw Me a message and I will try to help link you further in the series)

Path to Financial Slavery

I think these next few messed up more pig minds than most!

I love gaslighting paypigs!

So many paypigs have been turned into automatic paybots for Me with this series

And of course, the LR Ultra items are mind fuckery at its best!

I have to include some videos of course!

there are sooo many, it was hard to pick!

Best Pay Pigs

Read here for the 25 top paypigs! Soon to be updated.

Great Photos!

I literally have thousands of photos. I estimate I have an inventory of over 57,000 thousand studio and selfie photos to use on you suckers. and several dozen videos. I just counted 574 different sets! What is the “best” is really up to personal taste, so I just picked some of MY favorites to make a little gallery, enjoy.

Announcement- CONTEST time!

Get ready, because I am doing another contest for a week or so starting at the end of Aug and ending Labor day! It’s been a few years, and we are overdue! I’m still working out the details, so keep your eye on your email and this space!

Now it is time for your favorite feature!

The Fuckover Report!

I was on vacation for a chunk of this time, and many huge pigs were licking their wounds for the next cash round, but there was much fun to be had!

Legendary Paypig Alert! Always working sooo hard to keep Me happy and flush in cash is Dr X, who spent $2180 on Niteflirt and another $1005 on Amazon to total $3185

Extreme Paypig Alert! Not having success avoiding Me is My good girl buffy. She’s fighting letting go entirely because every fiber of her being desires bankruptcy at My hands. For My part, I want the process to be slow and prolonged, so I can enjoy a larger final sum as she keeps fighting back debt, just for Me to fling her into more cash peril again! She spent $1011

Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy boomer took some addictional steps that wll keep My hold on him even longer! He stroked, called and paid his way to the impressive amount of $913. Yum

My good girl prim came by a couple of times to spend $114 and get a mention

Paypig Alert! My good boy helpless dennis and I had poor luck connecting, but we still managed to extract $444 from his bank accounts for Lauren!

This should be a bigger mention, but glue is trying to break free. He actually took out a loan to spend on Me and scared himself. But he will be back. He spent $104 to get a mention.

Paypig Alert! My good boy j the junkie impressed me with $455 spending on Niteflirt and a gift of a book from Amazon!

My good little assbitch spent $113 to get a mention!

Paypig Alert! My good girl marla was back with a couple of nice calls and she spent $435

it’s always wonderful to hear from sissy j. This time around I gave her a daring assignment and I am waiting for her to complete it, then I will pull her exposure page down 🙂 she spent $236

Huge Paypig Alert! I am very happy to report that pigbait got a HUGE alert this time. He’s slipping deeper into My trap, surrendering to his paypig animal instincts and humping his own hand like a clown. He spent $610!

My pawn had very interesting stories for Me on the phone on how he is leveraging yet more money for Me. He spent $219

Huge Paypig Alert! Another pig who borrowed to spend on Me recently was tPay. This is is second loan, and he’s trying sooo hard to make it last longer than the first one. He will eventually spend. He’s been encouraging his wifey to clip coupons, haha, and of course, I am getting all the cash she thinks she’s saving.

Piggy steve q fucked spent $168 one evening. It is due for a huge fuckover. I am not satisfied with this paltry amount from him.

I was sooo pleased to see more of Loserbeast as of late. I miss our huge fuckovers, but was pleased to see he had spent $290. SOOO close to a Paypig Alert!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good boy PIG has been slipping into more expensive sessions lately. I notice he’s trying to hard to space them out, but he has been craving Me sooo hard. he spent $585

My “niteflirt client” showed up with a new account and spent $150 this time around

Paypig Alert! My good boy spawn is continuing his click and pay ways and he spent $407. I would like to see him get an extreme or legendary mention soon!

My caged yankee sissy can’t stop spending, this time spending Me $212. I think she will be around more often now. Or else.

Paypig Alert! My irish dope is always a good boy, finding cash for Me. He spent $315 and we had a beautiful couple of evenings sessioning!

My good boy button did more click and pay and earned a mention for spending $246. Good boy button, you could have kept going for a red letter mention again!

My quiet gentleman gets a mention with a healthy $246 of being My slave

Paypig Alert! My wimpy little virgin finally got a decent mention, going over and beyond his usual lame performance! He spent $308 one fun evening

My good girl bambi and I had some fun in the hypnocabin and she spent $118

My boyscout and I had some trivia fun one night and he spent $110 on Me!

My good boy grunter and I had some fun, it’s so nice to have him back in My sights where he belongs! He spent $264

My good boy nylon slave squeaked in for a mention by paying his Goddess $114

My good boy Lauren’s footlicker showed his Goddess a lot of love with spending $105 on Niteflirt and $51 on Amazon prezzies!

My good boy “just another ATM” kept coming back and clicking and paying on ever growing in amount pay to views. He spent $201 very quietly. Very nice!

My newbie, “oldie” spent $143 to get a mention. He’s getting really close to the 1K level of spending

I also want to make mention of the sheer numbers of piggies who took advantage of the sale I offered while on vacation, but didn’t spend enough for a mention. A total of 101 of you spend cash this month, and that is excellent!

August 10, 2022   No Comments

I make you Trauma Bonded to Me so you keep paying Me.

I study every technique that dangerous people use to keep others under their power. I specialize in turning men and sissies into paypigs and addicting them to both Me and the desire to pay Me.

Mine is a double whammy because I know how to keep your cock hard, and then I train you to have a hard cock, to be aroused while you are being abused by Me.

Here is a definition of Trauma Bonding:

  1. The relationship defies logic. Why would anyone want to end up turned on by and addicted to paying someone huge amounts of money?
  2. It requires a power imbalance. I am the Mistress here, right? The one in charge, you approach Me in a submissive fashion and are ripe for enslaving.
  3. Intermittent Good and Bad treatment. Calling you a good boy, spoiling you with erotic content, encouraging you to be hard and to orgasm being “nice” while abusing you with cash fucking, laughing at your tiny cock, making you say things that addict you more, exposing you to LR Ultra techniques to really capture you.
  4. There is a biochemical element. You get an erection, have orgasms and I encourage you to fall deeply in love with Me. This releases all kinds of hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, adrenaline, and probably more. These hormones make you feel AMAZING. And you want to experience that feeling again and again, becoming deeply addicted. This creates a barrier to breaking the trauma bond I develop with you

I enjoyed reading about Trauma bonding, because I immediately recognized it as something I do that I knew would bond us together, and now I understand why.

And now I can apply it more consciously and with greater effect upon My victims. Like all My techniques, I suspect that you knowing what’s happening won’t help you break free from it. Right now, I am experimenting with which techniques are more likely to bond you to Me in such an unhealthy situation (for you, not Me)


I am taking some time to go play in July, I will be unavailable on July 19-21 The 19th is a Tuesday, and I’m not usually online, but I also won’t be on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon either. I will *probably* be online Thursday evening the 21st.

I am also taking a vacation from Thursday, July 28th through Tuesday, August 2nd. I will be online again on Wednesday, August 3rd.

Also, I may be taking additional afternoons off to work on content, like audios, videos, new series, and this blog. I have been sooo busy when I log on lately (Just wait until you get to the spending report!) that it’s next to impossible to work on these things in between clients. There hasn’t BEEN any “in between clients!” Talk about a FinDomme Problem! I want you guys to keep having the material that keeps you deeply addicted to Me!

Like this stuff!

These are some recent Pay to views you may have missed. Get them

Now it’s time for the

Fuckover Report

During the month of June, I was pleased that My pigs spent more than $30,000 on Me! This is the kind of spending I was born to receive! The ones that spent more than $100 are listed below.

I had many legendary and extreme alerts this time, 3 legendary and 6 extreme alerts! Very arousing!

#1 Legendary Paypig Alert

My good boy and favorite paypig, Dr x, continues his addiction, and even this standout week, he was a standout, not only going nuts on Niteflirt, but also Amazon! On Niteflirt he spent $6457 and on Amazon he spent $2465 to total $8922. He spends all along, but My blog post on hiding the addiction from the wife got into his head and he and I did a nice blowout session!.

He shows Me again and again why he is My #1 slave, and he has served Me for a very long time. I know eventually, I will take every last penny. His business and retirement will likely support Me for years. Very nice!

Very Legendary Paypig Alert!

Now, this is a story. Like so many others, tPay got very turned on thinking about hiding his spending from his wife. He already had a credit card she didn’t know about, and I maxed it out one evening. So then I had the idea that he should take out a loan to pay off the card! (Plus some extra) Good boy tPay applied for a loan online (I even gave him the link!) and he was approved! Before you know it, he had the money in his bank, the card paid off and in a couple of short hours, I HAD TAKEN THE ENTIRE LOAN! So a few days later, he took out a SECOND LOAN! He spent some of that on Me before deleting his account in terror. But we ALL KNOW tPay will be back to spend the rest of that second loan on Me. What was the total? $6525. Just. YES! This is correct thinking!!

Legendary Paypig Alert!

Completely turned on by My blog about hiding your Financial Domination Addiction was special k, who taught Me a few more!

This is one—-> Here is another for guys who get reimbursed for their travel expense. (Planes hotels meals rental car etc). Put it on Your personal CC (you get the reward points) Have your reimbursement given to you in a check (most probs are anyway) but the. Cash the check and give the money to Lauren immediately or put it in your secret bank account t to give You later. You end up paying off the Cc for. The money that you presumably pay bills with, save, etc. This works well for me

There were others too and special k got so excited he spent $2965. YUMMMMMY

Extreme Paypig Alert! My devoted slave boomer hasn’t been able to stop spending more and more! I love it, but I was even surprised when I did the math on his spending this time. $1593.

Extreme Paypig Alert! I am very pleased to put My good girl marla in for an extreme paypig alert! This sweet sissy is one of My lifetime biggest spenders (getting close to $120K lifetime) Her spending this time around was $1290. Nice!!

Extreme Paypig Alert! Another extreme alert with My oink loser sissy! This sissy is working toward hitting the $20k lifetime spending level, and this time around she got $1255 closer! Well done!

Extreme Paypig Alert! My good boy PIG was another who fell deeply after the last blog entry. This pig is trauma bonded to the max! He just squeaked into an extreme mention, spending $1012

Extreme Paypig Alert! Another extreme mention for steve q fucked. He will never stop coming around to throw cash at Me. This is correct thinking. He spent $1175. Very nice!

Extreme Paypig Alert! Yet another extreme mention this time around was spawn! He just clicked and paid as I took and took. Before you know it, his spending had reached $1029. Soooo erotic.

My raise the rate puppet did another series of calls with Me, spending $235! I call him every vile name I can conjure up, and the loser pervert gets harder and harder and pays more and more. Too funny!

Huge Paypig Alert! My very good boy helpless dennis succumbed again and again to stroking to My perfect breasts. He spent $895!

My nylon slave worshiped regularly again, spending $222

Huge Paypig Alert! Continuing his pattern of ever increasing addiction is j the junkie, who spent $650 to get his red letter mention!

My good boy glue spent another $144. He is approaching the $2k level of spending already, despite being pretty new to My dangers.

Paypig Alert! Unable to stay away, craving bankruptcy was fruity. Before running away yet again in terror he spent $450 Very nice, he’ll be back

Sometimes when guys delete their account, not only do I lose their previous information, I sometimes can’t remember their blog name. That’s what happened to matt, who spent $175 this time, and I hope messages me his blog name so I can fix this 🙂

Huge Paypig Alert! I am very proud of irish dope for getting another huge paypig alert! He works hard to save money for our adorable sessions, and he cannot help his addiction to Me. I’m very proud of him.

My huge tits mesmerize pigbait. This time he spent $230. Nice!

Huge Paypig Alert! Ok, this is a story. My sissy, caged yankee deleted her account. Ok, this is commonplace, the piggies generally return. Except when she did return, she didn’t tell Me it was her, and pretended to be a new client! I’m pretty sure she did this because I have photos and other incriminating information on her. Except when she did My blackmail audio (Again!), she made a mistake and sent Me the same information and I recognized it! Imagine her horror when I figured it out, and send a photo of her dressed up pretty in her sissy outfit, to prove I knew it was her! *laughs* She spent $592 since the last post. Oh, this is the PTV that got her in trouble, it’s very popular

My special pawn stopped by to tell Me how he was leveraging himself to help build My networth, spending $210 on phone call

Huge Paypig Alert!

My good girl bambi and I had a lot of fun floating in pink clouds inside the hypnocabin! She spent $505 with Me having a grand old time!

Paypig Alert! My boyscout stopped by to spoil Me and lose his mind over My feet. He spent $323

My good boi wayne spend $118 wishing he could kiss My ass

Paypig Alert! I was pleasantly surprised to see My hypnoboy “weak4legs” spending $382 since the last alert! Is this your first red letter alert weak? I guess I do have a firm grip on your brainstem!

My assbitch spent $107! Very good!

Paypig Alert! Earning a red letter alert for the first time in a while is My good boy cosmos! He spent $404 and he exceeded the $2k level in lifetime spending. Nice!

It was wonderful to have grunter back under My sights, he surrendered $176 to Me, the good boy that he is.

Huge Paypig Alert! This is a funny story. Candyballs revealed an embarrassing fetish to Me (I’m not even going to tell you what it is) and I completely took advantage of his fetish to leverage $790 out of him. The funny part was that he kept sending money when I was offline and deleting his account, so I couldn’t answer his emails. Then he would just make another the next day. Over the past couple of weeks, he has spent money on at least NINE different accounts. His feeble attempts to run didn’t matter at all! He spent a total of $790 on all these different accounts. SO funny!

My good boy Lauren’s footlicker spent $110 on Niteflirt and $119 on Amazon presents for a total of $229, very nice!

Huge Paypig Alert! My good girl buffy is really trying to NOT go bankrupt, and she did manage to cut back sending Me $$$ a week bit. Still sent Me $571. I’m willing to let her breathe a bit before I lead her into bankruptcy. I think I will let this process last for years! She’s not going anywhere.

My good boy mind-controlled john spent $255. He’s very close to a lifetime spending amount of 10K!

My “nf client” spent $235

My good boy, quiet gentleman spent another $249 on Me. The addiction is real.

Another having trouble staying away is humble john. He spent $159.

My good boy button did some more click and pay for $151, always nice to see.

July 11, 2022   No Comments