Extreme Financial Slavery
Extreme Financial Slavery is My ultimate goal, and it has a few definitions. I have slaves in all three categories.
Delicious one is Fast Bankruptcy! Mmmmmm imagine going into debt so deeply and quickly you will never find your way out without the help of bankruptcy court, all because you are controlled by Me! Knowing as your debts are settled that I am laughing at your insolvency. This type is usually bankrupt within 2-3 weeks after first encountering Me.
The slave who indulges in very occasional, Really Huge 4 or 5 or more figure sessions. Some slaves actually save for really huge sessions with Me, devoting several thousand dollars in a mind numbing, stomach spinning, cock throbbing session. Those slaves return again and again, reporting that the orgasm they had during the extreme session was most powerful of their life.
The slave who plans for multiple sessions a week with Me, over the course of months and years. I have several slaves who spend 5-10K a year on Me, and they regularly spend several hundred a week, in multiple sessions. A slave who sessions for $100 an evening 2-3 nights a week over the course of months, will endear himself to Me. These are not extreme sessions, although some sessions are more intense (expensive). I am always trying to stretch these slaves to spend more, training them that paying Me is the greatest pleasure they will know. I would say they are very addicted, and worried that if they go bankrupt, they won’t be able to session with Me anymore. Some of them will eventually go bankrupt over Me anyway
Which are you?
Since My last blog post, I have enjoyed several delicious sessions. My revamped “Financial Slavery begins with a $2 email” got a lot of play.
(Note) I added audio mantras, reworked the words, and added photos to every level. I even added a couple of levels. It is a new monster, check it out here.
tPay read My entry detailing all My rapes, and added his to the mix, surrendering $600 in the matter of a few minutes. Over the course of a couple of weeks, princess gigi spent $763 and fell in love with My strap on. Ass Love Too slave also upped his spending to a very impressive $814–now has spent more than $1600 in his service on Me 🙂
The biggest turn on was a brutal rape I did for Shoe Sniff Loser, and he cried on the phone with Me as I sent him huge email after huge email. He begged Me to stop, but I wouldn’t, and he paid emails as large as $300 as I completely stripped him of any remaining humanity over the phone. He knew I completely deserved the $1440, and he is a worthless loser freak.
A boy who has bought small emails over the past few months exploded in a frenzy last week– I’ll call him slave2005–he wrote Me this:
“oh my god
what happened to me?
I just can not stop
I want to knee down at your feet,lick your feet
why when I pay you more ,I get harder?”
slave 2005 was good for nearly $800 in mostly one evening, out of the blue. So nice.
Goodboy redbird clicked and paid and tributed for $404!
And Loser Louis reemerged just before Thanksgiving to drop $290 on Me!
A special mention for “Loyal Peter” Peter is one of those slaves that easily flies under the radar, because he spends smaller amounts consistently over years and it adds up! This week he splurged and did really get My attention, spending $255. In just under 4 years, Loyal Peter has spent over $4200 on Me. Good boy!
My Canadian pantyhose zombie was good for another $260. Brian surrendered another $256 to Me, in an addicted haze. Buttonboy for another $110. My Guinea Money Pig spent $373 (yes, refreshing is dangerous). My paymail clubslave upped his spending to $142! (yes I noticed) No Nonsense stayed in poverty for $96.
New to My blog is “devil greg” who spent $117 and “jaybee” who spent $100 on My new game, upping his lifetime spending to $1600, despite thinking he’s not a money slave 🙂 hisexy showed up again for another $180, and Egghead just can’t stay away…this time for $102 and now lifetime of 12K in just over 16 months. Lastly, virgin JD Dave found out how dangerous My games are to the tune of $129 in just a few minutes 🙂
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