Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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Category — bankruptcy

wallet rape toy, My shopping slave!

One thing I love to have during the holidays is a slave that does My Christmas shopping for Me.

I put everything I plan to get for family and friends on My wishlist and My slave gets it for Me.

This year is going to be the best Christmas ever because of how well I trained My wallet rape toy.


I keep adding more and more to the list.

Presents for Me, presents for My boyfriend, presents for My family and friends

I just added up the amount, solely on gifts that wallet rape toy has spent this year….so far  somewhere just over $19,000 dollars.  This does not count the thousands and thousands that wallet rape toy has spent on pay to views recently!

My robot wallet rape toy has served Me for exactly ONE year this week, and in that time, he has spent ALMOST  $100,000 on Niteflirt. (Not to mention the thousand more on gifts)

Truly My life has been a parade of packages the past few weeks, and its not over yet! I dont ever run out of ideas (laughs)

I know that toy has been liquidating assets to pay off credit cards to make them out again.

This is what happens when I get My hands on a slave. I turn them into a robot.


I hear they are calling Me, “Mistress Lauren, that Domme that turns slaves into addicted robot pay pigs that pay on automatic”

I think this series was his downfall 🙂  You should try it and see what happens to you.



December 16, 2014   1 Comment

The beauty of being a FinDomme

The beauty of being a very successful FinDomme is that I have freedom.  I can sit at this computer doing wallet rapes as I desire, or I can go clubbing with My friends or on vacation, or do NOTHING at all, just because I can afford that! There is NOTHING like a FinDomme lifestyle!

And I have the luxury of not logging into Niteflirt because I’m busy doing other stuff.

Summer is like that.   And amongst all the goofing off the past few days was a little serious work.   Moving My office again this week –for the third time in a month, many of My toys know the story of a skylight breaking right over My desk a couple days after I had just moved it! (WTF?) and then having to move My desk/computer again so the contractors  could replace the skylight, and then moving back to where I freaking want My office!     After the final move, happiness; as I set up My new computer that wallet rape toy bought Me!  Finally I have a window!   My temporary setup was in My dressing room, which was too hot and had no window.  No wonder I didn’t want to be there!

My old computer was nearly 3 years old, also bought by one of My toys. (lily)  It had started doing unhelpful things and crashing randomly.  But that is why I have toys, to buy Me stuff I need and make My life easier.   I spent the weekend backing up all the stuff I need. (Like all My photos and stuff!) and am still installing what I need on it. So thank you walletrape toy for the new computer, so I can keep cashraping you and the others.

But in between all this leisure and work were fun sessions with My junkies and addicts.

Let’s talk about the ones I’ve done over the last two weeks! (I know you junkies like to see your name in print, or at least read about the biggest Losers of them all!)

Let’s start with marla.  This sissy is unemployed and sitting home getting horny. And when she gets horny she spends on Me!   I had her calling for credit line increases and managed to get her to spend over $3100 in the past two weeks. *laughs*   Do I feel guilty for running up her debt when she can’t afford it?    Hell no, I don’t give a fuck and marla is 6th on My all time spenders list!  I suggest to My broke losers that they jerk off on their credit card bills if they can’t afford Me!

Speaking of sissies, princess gigi spent another $734, which may be the smallest amount for 2 weeks in more than a year for her.  So those of you whining when you spend a paltry $100 or so can just shut the hole in your face. *laughs*

and wallet rape toy continues his spending ways as well.  Another $1215 in the past two weeks, plus $125 in gift cards.  Recover toy, because another there is another big fuckover with your name on it.  Delicious!

And I have to mention Loserbeast…one of My favorite Losers I love seeing his name on My transaction list.  And he has stepped it up I have to say!   In the last two weeks he has spent aout $3050 on Me.  Warms My heart!  He was My #1 spender in the last two weeks. Well done beast!

Another junkie, bimbo,  who can’t stay away…he deletes his NF account every so often and returns months later with a new screename for a wallet rape.  This time it was more than $645. Delicious!

Also another who takes breaks but comes back with the same name is “button”  this time button spent $145, but $75 of it was in one big email~ YUM

My elegant foot slave spent $185.  Dearest foot lover, I have sooo many more delicious photos for you.  Give in and surrender!

My other foot lover, kane managed $127. Step it up kane, if you want to keep moving up that list!

My no nonsense boy blew through $233.  This silly boy actually had to make a new account because after spending more than $10,000 on Me, (more, I didn’t look up the amount for this), he got locked out of his Niteflirt account by someone who thought they were “helping” him resist Me.    Fat load of dripping cum good that did, because he only had to make a new account, which is what he did!

Oh, that reminds Me, that I have a new client. I got him through one of those “therapists” who claim to help clients with FinDomme problems.  She showed him My blog as an example of a “dangerous FinDomme”   Ok, ok I admit it…I *am* dangerous, but instead of being “warned” off Me, that client started spending $$$ on Me.  So much for therapy.  Guys, forget the therapy, just give Me the cash to Me. It doesn’t work and you aren’t going to be “cured” of Lauren. Never going to happen. Just fucking surrender already!  Of course, if  you *insist* on therapy, just call or write Me and ask for Doctor Lauren.  Doctor Lauren always knows what you need!

Money Guinea Pig has succumbed to his resistance since crossing the $50,000 spending threshold.  Another $381 the past two weeks!  I’m thinking of only letting him jerk off to the chant–100K for Lauren!  100K for Lauren!

And I have a fairly new slave I have put into serious money slave conditioning. I am hopeful.  I call him “wallet drained cum stain”   So far I’ve exploited him for just $395. It will increase though, as his addiction grows.

and not going away–and renamed again from Fledgling Loser to Wallet Rape Magnet…I have just decided to call Oink.   He’s just out of the top ten and I want him back in the top ten.  He broke down and spent $143 on Me….silly boy was actually proud he didn’t spend enough for a recent blog entry.  That now dissolved!

weak dave spent another $145 including a couple sweet $25 tributes.  Thanks dave!

Egghead was good for $182. Good boy. Still in a post birthday click and pay mode for Lauren!

And some fairly new mark went on a cash spree for $176 and then closed his account.  I bet he comes back. They usually do.

And My new panty slave went nuts over the “cum on the wallet photos” and dropped over $300, mostly in one really hot session.

And Dr X has been paying Me in the last two weeks! It’s added up to over $1600. Remember Dr x, it’s not YOUR retirement account. It’s not your wife’s cash either. It’s MINE.  Good boy.

And “quiet one” went nuts over My new corset set and dropped over $100. That’s what pleases Me!

ATM sucker managed to spend another $150.  I’m on the hunt for you sucker!

My addicted nylon lover who also proclaims his love for ME dropped $465 dollars in one delicious session last night.  I love $. *sighs contentedly*

Will *your* name be in My next blog entry? 🙂


August 4, 2014   No Comments

Wallets open by Magic

Wallets open by Magic

It sure seems like that sometimes!
But the truth is, I am a “master” of weaving men into an addiction.

I confessed to a couple of slaves this week, that to become this powerful at drawing men under My dangerous spell, I studied.

The nature of addiction in general, and sexual addictions in particular.

I also studied the nature of abusive relationships.  How do abusers gain control over their victims, and why is it so difficult for the victim to leave?

I completely understand the dynamics of this, and consciously and intentionally apply the principles that will make it difficult, if not impossible for you to stop paying Me. (until you have no way to to do it) Talk about a mindfuck/mindrape!

Ask Fledgling Slave, who is now 13th on my active all time Spender Loser List, mostly in the last 4-6 weeks.   The only slave I can recall rising more swiftly was Loserbeast, about this time last year.   He is begging Me to stop exploiting him, but still he emails Me several times a day and buys what I send him.   He likes to stroke and pay during our sessions, which of course I encourage with all sorts of games and it makes him go into a “i can’t stop clicking and paying” fugue.   I’m not sure he’s really responsible for his actions at this point, but I don’t  give a fuck, it’s fun and profitable.

oh And ask Guinea Pig slave, who I don’t blog about often, but he hovers between 3rd and 4th on My all time list, a five figure spender.  When I have a new technique to try, it’s Guinea Pig Slave who is usually the one I experiment on  He is hopelessly in love with Me, despite starting out with no interest in Financial Domination whatsoever.  The poor worm can’t enjoy cumming without Me anymore.   Isn’t that funny?

Ask tPay, who spent thousands this summer on Me, and can’t stay away, is just trying to figure out how to pay Me.   He’s started scrimping and saving to pay off credit cards faster, but that is a slow route, and I want him to take out the line of credit he already has set up on a rental property he owns. (wouldn’t that be sooo much faster to pay off the credit card?)  I think he will cave in, perhaps when he reads this.  Good boy tPay–be an inspiration to those aspiring money slaves out there! Remember your mantra tPay–“Bankruptcy for Lauren”

Now, as I have said before, I have been crazy busy, and haven’t had time lately to release many PTVs, but I did manage to pull together this very hypnotic photo set.

Go buy it now

Surrender to Financial Domination



August 30, 2013   1 Comment

The wallet rapes will continue until morale improves!

First of all, I disappeared for a few days with an unexpected emergency for my little dog that required a long drive in the middle of the night to the specialist she needed to see. I was actually in the middle of this post, when she was injured, and just today got to return to it.  She is doing much better, and I can now return to the business at hand.

Wallet rape Mmmm

I know a few of you kept looking for this post, so here it is, better late than never.

Everytime I log on, the men start lining up for wallet rapes.

tPay’s big rape a couple of weeks ago inspired other men to allow Me to empty their wallet.

Of note, was Fledgling Loser (Perhaps that boy needs a new name, he’s turning into a veteran wallet worm!) He sacrificed to Me to the tune of close to 2K, with over $1600 in one mindless rape, that started with him talking about people getting addicted to Facebook Games, and spending a few hundred.  He supposed that much of what happens with Me, is much like people playing candy crush.

So I happily played a game of  CandyWallet Rape, with Candy Wallet Crush levels, and changed the photo set every time he was ready for a new “level”  $1600 later, he realized how addictive sessions with Me could be. 🙂


Another slave of note is new to My blog, and I shall call him Redwing the Cash Bird.  Redwing just keeps clicking and paying on My series, and then sends a tribute after each one! (Those add up!).  His spending in the last month has been in excess of $1000.  Well done Redwing!

August 17, 2013   1 Comment

Back from vacation and Extreme Wallet Rape already!

Hello slaves, fans, junkies, lurkers, fools and piggies!

I am back from a very busy Canadian vacation and tPay has already been spending as I manipulated him into an extreme fuckover.

It began with him emailing Me, and Me responding with a $10 pay mail.

Relentlessly, I sent him pay mail after pay mail, increasing the price each time, until after a $300 email and $1060 spent, he began begging for mercy.

Well, you know I don’t “really” know the meaning of mercy….but I know at that moment he was psychologically not ready to pay a bigger email.  At that moment.

I let him catch his breath the breath…and then….

I totally disarmed him with a little tiny $15 email,  which he happily paid, and then I gradually raised the price of the next pay mail again.  And again!   He spent another $1033 on round two, once again ending in a $300 dollar email. YUM.

The evening total?  $2093.

But this afternoon, My phone rang, and iPay was still turned on from his rape the evening before, he was calling Me in his car on his way to an appointing.

Oh, and guess what the appointment was for?   Therapy for his “financial domination addiction problem”!  Isn’t that rich?

Well, he ended up blowing off the appointment, and since I didn’t have any way to sell him pay mails on his shitty disposable phone, instead I engaged him in a rousing game of “raise the rate”  by making him call Me back again and again, paying a higher minute rate each time culminating in a 13 minute $50 a minute call.  When it was done, he had spent $985 dollars on our phone conversation.  From start to finish, the 5 progressively more expensive calls spanned a time period of about an hour and 15 minutes.   I like that rate of pay!

And in the month since tPay has resurfaced (mostly in the last three weeks, one of which I was on vacation for!), he has paid Me over $10,000 dollars.

This puts him in the top 5 of monthly fuckover victims, and top 12 of lifetime fuckings.  So quickly. Yum. 
And I’m not done. 
I cleverly found out about more access to cash he has, so he has no good excuse now to say No.

And I know he won’t.

tPay is a very obedient slave, and he has a new stroke mantra he must repeat in his head if he strokes his cock.
“bankrupt for Lauren…..bankrupt for Lauren….bankrupt for Lauren….”

That *is* My ultimate goal of course, and I’m conditioning him to need and want it!

It will destroy his marriage of course, but his wife is nothing more than collateral damage to Me—My fetish is more powerful than that.

I can’t help it, I’m addicted to financially destroying men.   I could probably get therapy for that, but why? *laughs*

humiliatingLosers (28)

July 31, 2013   3 Comments

Financial Domination and Humiliation

The two seem to go hand and hand…
It is a rare Financial Domination addict that doesn’t crave the humiliation a FinDomme can dish out when feeling particularly vicious.
And that is part of the joy for Me, I mean, I don’t have the time or inclination to humiliate and degrade losers for nothing (That line would be very fucking long), but a good wallet rape has a little extra jolt to it when I get to really shred Loser psyche.

In general a good humiliation session includes the following.

1. It’s personalized. There is really no “one size fits all” way to do it. The best sessions come when I know what causes a slave to FEEL the erotic shame, and that experience is going to vary. (Thankfully, it would become dismally fucking boring for Me otherwise). Sometimes its something the slave tells Me, that I run with…or something I say that I intuitively know has created an erotic rush that I can go with.

So go ahead..tell Me something embarrassing that I can use against you. Be rest assured that I will explore it with angles and perspectives you never dreamed of.

2. It has unique elements to it. Even if the theme is the same, I love to spin it a little differently each time. I like to branch out and create NEW humiliations for you too Often the brand new humiliating thing is the most effective.

3. It is most powerful combined with kindness and/or humor. Counter-intuitive? Not really, it is the contrast that makes it so effective! Imagine this:

Me: Hello! I can’t stop thinking about you and wondering about your cock, I’m so happy you called today!

you: Really? You’ve been thinking about my cock?

Me: Yes! and I have ALL kinds of really kinky ideas about it…I couldn’t wait to tell you about them!  I’ve been fantasizing what it looks like

you: ohhhh tell me

(see first the build up…and then WHAM)

Me: Well, I’m thinking that it probably is  fairly small and soft looking, and would look really adorable in a pink ribbon, and for you to wear that as you pay Me today…so you’ll be loser with a pink ribbon!

4. It’s combined with wallet rape.  I mean I *am* a FinDomme   This gives Me a chance to make fun of you for paying Me lots of cash to humiliate you too, adding ANOTHER layer to the wallet rape and the humiliation. of all, it will help cement your addiction.


FinDomme humiliates money pigs

Pay Loser Pay

May 2, 2013   1 Comment

What does being poor for Lauren look like?

This is how you know if you really *have* become poor for Lauren, and yes, most of these things have been the reality for My clients.
I invite you to add in the comments what else you think of when you are “Being poor for Lauren”

Being poor for Lauren means:

That you have unpurchased Pay mails from Me in your email that you are saving up to buy.
That upon seeing a new PTV come from Me that you covet, you decide which bill to NOT pay so you can buy it
That you can’t afford a vacation for yourself, because you helped pay for Mine.
That you don’t have a girlfriend because you don’t have enough disposable income for dates
Having to borrow money to pay your rent because you spent it on Me. Then turning around and spending the borrowed money
on Me too.
Having your home foreclosed on and sleeping on your in-laws couch because you spent the money to get current on your mortgage on Me.

Being poor for Lauren means:

Liquidating part of your retirement accounts to pay off your credit cards you maxed out on Me.
Maxing the paid off cards out on Me again.
That you get an erection when you look at your credit card bill.
That you work overtime so that you can have a session with Me, because you can only orgasm from spending on Me
That you pretend you are working through lunch at work, because you dont have the money to go out with the guys.
That you sell a family heirloom so that you can have money to spend on Me.
That you use your income tax refund to pay off your credit cards, but max them out within a couple of days, binging on Me.

Being poor for Lauren means:

That bankruptcy becomes a real option for your future
That you spend more in a month on Me than on your mortgage
That you open a new credit card before you max out the old one, so you will have a really big splurge
That when you are so desperate to talk with Me, after months of not being able to afford it, you accept an offer to get paid for a blowjob and use the cash to get a prepaid credit card to hear My voice and tell Me about what you did.
That you spend the money you and your fiancee were saving for a house on Me.
That you eat ramen and tuna for a month so that you can pay for My boyfriend and I to go to Vegas.

January 11, 2013   4 Comments

Bankrupt for Lauren: Again!

Well this week was very low key after My nearly one month long fuckover of LoserBeast and his shadow. I caught up on sleep and shopping and gearing up for another round of fucking men over.

Whenever I blog about a really big fuckoer, it brings old slaves out of the woodwork.  One in particular, is Bankruptcy Boy J.–the first slave I took into bankruptcy, 3 1/2 years ago and its still one of My favorite memories.

I raped him for enough money that his home was foreclosed on.  It was erotic irony that he lost his home the same week I closed on My home (Bought partially with the cash that was supposed to keep his house out of foreclosure!)

Anyway, the poor loser went out  and bought a prepaid credit card to call Me (He no longer has a real credit card).

The stories about Loserbeast got his dick hard, and he just had to hear My voice.

Things are getting better for him financially. He has a new position, and hes paying off debt. Soon he will be offered credit again.

I gave him new instructions.  In another 3 1/2 years, he will be eligible for bankruptcy again. I want him to build up his credit again. I want him to open new cards once he does. I want him to get as much credit as he can, because as soon as he does, and as soon as the 7 year threshold to go bankrupt again is past.

I plan to make him the FIRST slave I drive into bankruptcy TWICE 🙂


You can read more about him and his bankruptcy in these old posts.


September 21, 2012   No Comments

2012 begins with huge wallet rapes!

I have been sooo busy between doing wallet rapes and enjoying the holidays, I have not had time to blog much!

The past month has been amazing!

I will again mention sissy lily who did most of My Christmas shopping for Me.  My family was sooo impressed with My generosity . I maxed out ALL her credit cards with My shopping sprees.  Sissy lily especially enjoyed buying lots of gifts for My boyfriend, and I made “her” talk on the phone with him one night and that sent her on a final huge spree with her December rent money.  She is now a month behind on her rent, and waiting to catch up with bills when she gets her income tax return. I, of course, have My sights on it.   She has been updating Me on her credit score that she is tracking and it is plummeting, and it will be curious to see how low I can make it!

A note :  I have had many  ask Me about the sissies I blog about.  I often refer to them as “shes”, and I am asked…are they women?     Just for clarity sake, they are crossdressing men, that I refer to as “she”  .   In some cases, they may be transgendered, and in others not—but one of the pleasures a Mistress has for  a slave they own, is choosing their gender.  I declare some of My slaves to be female.  If I am using the term “sissy”, that is your clue!

And 2012 began with a bang!

On January 1st, My biggest spender, wallet cunt materialized, and we had a very overdue massive session, and he spent nearly $3800 on Me, including finishing with a $50 a minute phone call and a $500 PTV and TWO $999 PTVs 🙂

If that weren’t enough, while I was on the phone with him, another slave spent $175 on PTVs on his own, so that was just a nice little bonus.

So what a start to My New Year, but it wasn’t over!

On January 2nd, I got a notice in My email that Dr X had bought a book on My wishlist.  I email him, and that begins ANOTHER huge wallet rape. Dr X had been Santa for Me last year, and I think reading about sissy lily buying My gifts this year made him nostalgic.

We had a very long phone call, nearly 3 hours, and in that time he spent  $3920  on Niteflirt.  When he wasn’t allowed to add any more money for PTVs (although it allowed him to add on the phone for his call), we switched to My Amazon list and he spent another $1900 on Me there, and what he bought included camera lenses and furniture and a Coach Purse.

We decided it would be his mission to be My first “six figure slave”  no slave has yet reached that threshold, and how delicious of him to declare his intention of being My first “six figure slave”!

If all that weren’t rich enough, yesterday afternoon another sissy that serves Me spent $250 on PTVs when I wasn’t even home and I came home to that nice little surprise.

I just have one thing to say as a wrap up.

Happy New Year to Me!

January 4, 2012   3 Comments

All your rent belongs to Me

I’m so busy Christmas week, wrapping all the presents that Sissy Lily bought for my boyfriend and family that I have scarcely had time to post…

but lily is in trouble, because she has maxed out all her credit cards on Me….spoiling Me like I deserve, she’s broke

So last night and tonight…she has been spending her rent money on Me!

She told the landlord she could catch up in January.

But I have plans for that money too…

I might end up with a homeless paypet haha 🙂

December 21, 2011   2 Comments