Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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Category — financial predator

The beauty of being a FinDomme

The beauty of being a very successful FinDomme is that I have freedom.  I can sit at this computer doing wallet rapes as I desire, or I can go clubbing with My friends or on vacation, or do NOTHING at all, just because I can afford that! There is NOTHING like a FinDomme lifestyle!

And I have the luxury of not logging into Niteflirt because I’m busy doing other stuff.

Summer is like that.   And amongst all the goofing off the past few days was a little serious work.   Moving My office again this week –for the third time in a month, many of My toys know the story of a skylight breaking right over My desk a couple days after I had just moved it! (WTF?) and then having to move My desk/computer again so the contractors  could replace the skylight, and then moving back to where I freaking want My office!     After the final move, happiness; as I set up My new computer that wallet rape toy bought Me!  Finally I have a window!   My temporary setup was in My dressing room, which was too hot and had no window.  No wonder I didn’t want to be there!

My old computer was nearly 3 years old, also bought by one of My toys. (lily)  It had started doing unhelpful things and crashing randomly.  But that is why I have toys, to buy Me stuff I need and make My life easier.   I spent the weekend backing up all the stuff I need. (Like all My photos and stuff!) and am still installing what I need on it. So thank you walletrape toy for the new computer, so I can keep cashraping you and the others.

But in between all this leisure and work were fun sessions with My junkies and addicts.

Let’s talk about the ones I’ve done over the last two weeks! (I know you junkies like to see your name in print, or at least read about the biggest Losers of them all!)

Let’s start with marla.  This sissy is unemployed and sitting home getting horny. And when she gets horny she spends on Me!   I had her calling for credit line increases and managed to get her to spend over $3100 in the past two weeks. *laughs*   Do I feel guilty for running up her debt when she can’t afford it?    Hell no, I don’t give a fuck and marla is 6th on My all time spenders list!  I suggest to My broke losers that they jerk off on their credit card bills if they can’t afford Me!

Speaking of sissies, princess gigi spent another $734, which may be the smallest amount for 2 weeks in more than a year for her.  So those of you whining when you spend a paltry $100 or so can just shut the hole in your face. *laughs*

and wallet rape toy continues his spending ways as well.  Another $1215 in the past two weeks, plus $125 in gift cards.  Recover toy, because another there is another big fuckover with your name on it.  Delicious!

And I have to mention Loserbeast…one of My favorite Losers I love seeing his name on My transaction list.  And he has stepped it up I have to say!   In the last two weeks he has spent aout $3050 on Me.  Warms My heart!  He was My #1 spender in the last two weeks. Well done beast!

Another junkie, bimbo,  who can’t stay away…he deletes his NF account every so often and returns months later with a new screename for a wallet rape.  This time it was more than $645. Delicious!

Also another who takes breaks but comes back with the same name is “button”  this time button spent $145, but $75 of it was in one big email~ YUM

My elegant foot slave spent $185.  Dearest foot lover, I have sooo many more delicious photos for you.  Give in and surrender!

My other foot lover, kane managed $127. Step it up kane, if you want to keep moving up that list!

My no nonsense boy blew through $233.  This silly boy actually had to make a new account because after spending more than $10,000 on Me, (more, I didn’t look up the amount for this), he got locked out of his Niteflirt account by someone who thought they were “helping” him resist Me.    Fat load of dripping cum good that did, because he only had to make a new account, which is what he did!

Oh, that reminds Me, that I have a new client. I got him through one of those “therapists” who claim to help clients with FinDomme problems.  She showed him My blog as an example of a “dangerous FinDomme”   Ok, ok I admit it…I *am* dangerous, but instead of being “warned” off Me, that client started spending $$$ on Me.  So much for therapy.  Guys, forget the therapy, just give Me the cash to Me. It doesn’t work and you aren’t going to be “cured” of Lauren. Never going to happen. Just fucking surrender already!  Of course, if  you *insist* on therapy, just call or write Me and ask for Doctor Lauren.  Doctor Lauren always knows what you need!

Money Guinea Pig has succumbed to his resistance since crossing the $50,000 spending threshold.  Another $381 the past two weeks!  I’m thinking of only letting him jerk off to the chant–100K for Lauren!  100K for Lauren!

And I have a fairly new slave I have put into serious money slave conditioning. I am hopeful.  I call him “wallet drained cum stain”   So far I’ve exploited him for just $395. It will increase though, as his addiction grows.

and not going away–and renamed again from Fledgling Loser to Wallet Rape Magnet…I have just decided to call Oink.   He’s just out of the top ten and I want him back in the top ten.  He broke down and spent $143 on Me….silly boy was actually proud he didn’t spend enough for a recent blog entry.  That now dissolved!

weak dave spent another $145 including a couple sweet $25 tributes.  Thanks dave!

Egghead was good for $182. Good boy. Still in a post birthday click and pay mode for Lauren!

And some fairly new mark went on a cash spree for $176 and then closed his account.  I bet he comes back. They usually do.

And My new panty slave went nuts over the “cum on the wallet photos” and dropped over $300, mostly in one really hot session.

And Dr X has been paying Me in the last two weeks! It’s added up to over $1600. Remember Dr x, it’s not YOUR retirement account. It’s not your wife’s cash either. It’s MINE.  Good boy.

And “quiet one” went nuts over My new corset set and dropped over $100. That’s what pleases Me!

ATM sucker managed to spend another $150.  I’m on the hunt for you sucker!

My addicted nylon lover who also proclaims his love for ME dropped $465 dollars in one delicious session last night.  I love $. *sighs contentedly*

Will *your* name be in My next blog entry? 🙂


August 4, 2014   No Comments

Goody bags and Loser emails :)

I have been out straight for DAYS.  Niteflirt has been having a Goody Bag sales contest….the first one ended yesterday, and the next one goes until the end of the month.

Winners were determined by total sales and well I won $100 dollars for third place on the whole site in the first half of the month, but I plan to win the TOP prize of $500 dollars for the second half of the month. So you’ve been put on notice. *laughs*

Here is the Goody bag release for today. Go buy it now. See the rest of My Goody Bags here

And I thought I would publish a letter one of My long time slaves wrote Me. He desperately tries to escape My clutches and just can’t seem to.

I loved this letter

i need to worship You every day

i need to spend on You every day

a day without Mistress Lauren is a lost day

a day without worshipping Mistress Lauren makes me unhappy

without Mistress Lauren i am nothing

Mistress Lauren gives me a reason for living

serving Mistress Lauren is what i need

i wish to become further addicted

i wish to give Mistress Lauren everything She wants

I like the last line especially.
I love addicting helpless men to do My will.
Are you next?


May 16, 2014   No Comments

Extreme Wallet Rape Weekend!

I’ve been wanting to blog about this all week, and finally got a chance to sit down.

Wow, what a weekend!

On Friday, I noticed My wallet rapetoy buying a $2 email, and soon I engaged him in a long delicious session that built up gradually and culminated in him buying a delicious $999 email! (The maximum amount possible on Niteflirt).   His total?   $5804 dollars for a session that took about three hours. Yum.

If that weren’t enough, I woke up on Saturday to find a NEW piggy in a click and pay frenzy. Mostly on his own (with a couple encouraging emails from Me), this new piggy practically victimized himself to the tune of $1376. I’m gonna call this new one “pigskin”, like a football, since he loves My feet.

I did discover that pigskin has deleted his Niteflirt account–it’s a common tactic that piggies use to try to escape.  Most of the time that they do that, they are still reading My blog, and they come back. pigskin, it’s easy to reactivate your account, just email or fill out this form
and they will help you resume your new addiction.

Here is some inspiration!

crystal danger (102)


April 23, 2014   1 Comment

Top Ten Cash junkies for Lauren

I know so many of you have a curiosity about My top cash junkies…..

so I decided to give a little bio about My top ten spenders, and maybe mention the placement and lifetime earnings of a few others.

I’m going to do this Letterman Style, as a countdown. (I wonder if Stephen Colbert will do a top ten?)

Number Ten:

At nearly $13,000 we have “Fledgling Loser” as I have called him in My blog on occasion, I’ve also calle him Veteran Drunk, but that doesn’t have the same bite I want him to have. This guy is conflicted about being My junkie. His cock loves it, but he sends Me emails like this:

please Lauren stop.  you’re hurting me.   you’ve already hurt me. $13k+ is too much money for me to spend. i can’t do any more.  please stop.

He begs Me to stop, but I don’t of course, (Mercy?  HA! I think not)  and he can’t help it, he just keeps paying what I send. I imagine him crying into his drink as I brutally fuck him over.  Such a delicious image.

[yop_poll id=”2″]


Number Nine:

It’s tPay!  At about $15,300 tPay has moved up My active client list and he did it in just 11 months! Yum.  He’s been lying down recently, but no worries tPay. I have not forgotten you, and figure out how to hide all your spending from your bitch wife, so you can return to overspending on ME 🙂

Number Eight:

Is Loserbeast 🙂   At $26,620–he has become a little more active recently, I think finally beginning to recover a little from the major financial rape I gave him back in 2012.  You can read about him on this blog post,   I am always happy to see Loserbeasts name in My transactions list, it makes Me smile and remember his huge fuckover when I first aquired him.

Number Seven:

Is a client I call “rare whale”, who checks in at $32,180   Rare whale has been My occasional client for years. He doesn’t come around often but when he does, it’s a major wallet rape.  (Four digit rapes)  Rare whale is one of the reasons I don’t match up blog names with a client’s Niteflirt name.  I know for a fact that rare whale is addicted to Financial Domination in general, and is a bit of a slut who plays with different FinDommes all the time.  I am certain we are all glad to see his name clicking and paying (Because cha-ching!)  but I’m not sure that some of the Fin-Dommes he spends on realize he isn’t loyal.  Now I like loyalty, but I like really extreme wallet rape sessions too. I wish I knew how much rare whale spends in a year on Niteflirt–I bet he is Niteflirt’s biggest spender overall.  Now My plan is to addict rare whale to spend only on Me.  I am patient, and I may succeed.  Meanwhile, he comes and goes, and oh yea…cha-ching!

Number Six:

At just over $36,000, is sissy marla, a long time slave and a sissy, who loves to call Me and do long sessions of Me sending her progressively bigger and bigger paymails.  I think marla has been trying to resist Me lately, it’s been awhile since we sessioned, but I see her click on My buttons and I know that she will relent and it will be another delicious fuckover session–marla, you *know* you need this.  I’m waiting!

Number Five:

It’s wallet rapetoy!   This loser is special.  He first found Me less than four months ago on Dec 12, 2013 and has already sacrificed $41,350 dollars on Me!  That’s just on Niteflirt–his spending includes very generous hits of My wishlist for at least another $900.  I hope this boy has lots of cash in reserve, because if he could continue spending at this rate, he would be hitting SIX figure spending on Me before the holidays arrive. Mmmmmmmm . No one has ever climbed My list faster, not even Loserbeast.   I last wallet fucked him earlier this week to the tune of $3518.  Yum.  Wallet rapetoy, I’m willing to do that very often!  *laughs*

Number Four:

At over $47, 520 we have My My guinea money pig!  He is a long time client, and we don’t have huge wallet rape sessions like some of the others, but hardly a day goes by where he is not begging for a few pay mails from Me.  He actually started off NOT as a money slave, but over the years I have changed him….I have addicted him…and each year it gets worse, and now he can’t even have a decent orgasm without Me humiliating him and taking some of his cash.  Oh, and I plan for it to get much much worse.

Number Three.

It’s princess gigi!    At over $67,150 we have princess gigi.  Like My guinea money pig, I hear from princess almost every day, and lately the sessions have become more and more expensive for her, as she cannot stop sending Me tributes and swoons into her sissy fog with long phone calls in which I extract more and more cash from her.   I have control of her itty bitty cock clitty, and I have her in chastity, and she is very rarely allowed to cum in her panties (no touching EVER).  She has only had three orgasms so far in 2014, and one was just a few days ago (after TWO months chaste) This has made her desperately send Me cash, as I have trained her that the only sexual pleasure she feels is from paying Me.    Now only 2-3 years ago, princess was a man with man thoughts who strokes his admittedly tiny cock daily.  No more.  No more boy thoughts, only pleasure from paying Me.   Mmmmm

Number Two:
It’s Dr. X!   At about $76,400, Dr X is a long time slave who does regular extreme sessions, regular large but not extreme sessions and buys more of My pay to views.  He has also spent several thousand over the years on My wishlist.  I can’t go into a room in My home without seeing something he bought Me.  MmmmmHe’s accepted that I will drive him into bankruptcy.  He was about to dissolve his retirement account to give to Me, than his credit card company gave him an obscene credit limit increase.  Guess who is getting that?  Then on to the retirement account!  Bankruptcy for Lauren!

Number One:
Why it’s wallet cunt of course!  At $81,800 plus, I thought wallet cunt was a shoe in to be My first $100,000 spender.  I’m not so sure–although cunt still comes around, the really huge extremem rpes are less often. I mean, wallet cunt was the guy I was sending multiple $999 empty emails to while I was on the phone at $50 a minute! *grins*, but we haven’t done that in ages.  We still session, but the cunt seems to be getting away from Me before spending several thousand and his #1 position is in jeopardy from both Dr X and wallet rape toy.   However, I’m always happy to see the cunt’s name pop up in My transactions and always happy to rape him for a few hundred.  Time shall tell.

I wonder what this list will look like in a year. The slaves in #11 and #12 positions are within a few dollars of Fledging Loser and both very active spenders. (If I had one this a few days ago, Fledging Loser would have been in position #12, I wallet raped him pretty good over the weekend!) Time will tell.

April 10, 2014   1 Comment

Robot pay pigs and huge spenders!

I finished January a bit short of My 50K goal, around 41K, but My second biggest month ever.

I then took a couple weeks of very sparse availability as I have been sooo busy with wallet rapes I needed to just chill and do some things for Myself, like shopping for My upcoming March vacation and buying some furniture and redecorating my den in My home.

But the few times I did come online, My good little piggies all lined up to give Me their cash, and ironically and happily, February has been almost profitable as January, even though I have been scarce!

The bulk of this cash has come from wallet rape toy, who I turned into a robot paypig for Me.

How effective was the Robot PayPig training?   Well, wallet rape toy spent more than $11,000 in the month of February on My deadly emails.   Since become My slave in mid-December, wallet rapetoy has spent nearly $28,000 on Me!  (Surpassing the spree by Loserbeast a couple of years ago). He is 7th on My lifetime list, and every slave ahead of him has served Me for years–not just two months!  I cannot wait to see what his totals look like at the end of 2014!

The techniques I used on him were SOOO effective, I decided to turn it into a little series for the rest of you.

*smirks*  Go ahead. The first one is *only* two dollars. Honest.


February 27, 2014   1 Comment

Happy New Year!

The wallet rape flurry is continuing, and 2014 is off to such a great start that I have a few goals in mind.  December was another record breaking month, surpassing even November and we have a new all time “earning” (perhaps taking is a better word) record.   Likewise, 2013 was My biggest year ever, finally surpassing My 2008 total which I have chased for years, by quite a bit.

So I made a special little pay to view for all you lurkers that want to know all the hard little details

Now on to the good part

I would like to make January another earnings  record month and I LOVE having a goal.  I want guys to spend $50,000 on Me!  And yes I think it is doable, and there will be a widget on the right hand side, that I plan to update every day to give you guys a progress report.  Already on only January 2nd it is at  $6395!  That is freaking amazing and  50K is well within reach!

And I will keep calling out the guys on My blog who spend well.  I want to do it weekly, the holidays have prevented Me from having time to add it all up, but I have finally caught up.

Since Dec 18th, this is the “Spending Report”

In the 1K club:

DrX returned with a vengeance to please Me, spending….hold on to your hat.– $6100 on Niteflirt PLUS a $400 aAmazon gift card and another $720 worth of gifts from My wishlist including some Kohls gift cards and a very very nice BOSE Wave Radio for My upstairs. He bought Me one last year I love, so I asked him to get Me another for upstairs. I cannot wait until it arrives!  (Edit, it arrived today on 1/3, thank you Dr X!)

My new boy, wallet rapetoy came back for more abuse, and spent $3040, and I finally got the quiet guy to send Me 2 different one line emails.  Some of you guys are sooo garrulous and this rapetoy just spends and spends!

Loserbeast came back to serve with a vengeance! Over the course of a few days, he handed $2878 to Me.  Now *that* is the Loserbeast I love! Well done beast!

My princess gigi just can’t stay away and I took full advantage of having her in chastity. She spent the previous six weeks in chastity before I finally allowed her to orgasm last night. (I made her wait until 2014). She was not allowed to touch her tiny clitty, she just came when I told her to, on her purple dildo, which she licked clean of a massive amount of sissy juice.   In the past 2 weeks she has spent $2037 on her Mistress. I love how submissive and desperate chastity makes princess!

Other big spenders the past two weeks:

Just missing being a 1K spender  was greggy. And greggy, see, you are NOT  a footnote, you lead the “other big spender list” Greggy’s New Years Resolution is to quit NF, but he’s chatting with Me there now, and waiting for the blog.  I will send him a big email, and that will end his resolution.

My little sissy becca got convinced to give up over $670 dollars on Me. Mmmmm I love our dangerous games.

And sweet sissy marla pleased Me on the phone and with emails to the tune of $657. Marla is 5th on My all time spending list, and holding strong–she has been with Me for years.

redbird clicked and paid and tributed nearly $900!   Well done redbird! I especially love the tributes!

Guinea Pig Money Slave got experimented on some more and I got $615 from him as he plods toward the secret goal I have for him.

My British sissy “love in the time of cholera” lover blindly paid Me another $493

Formally FootSniff slave, now known as Sniff Robot, he returned to spent nearly $400. Yum.

My #1 ass lover slave surprised Me by spending $378!  Well done!

My no nonsense college boy gave Me $246 bucks he couldn’t afford.   That means bye bye to his planned wedding gift to his sister.

paypig brian was back yet again with another new screename to the tune of $240. He tries to quit, but I am just soooo addictive!  As I’m finishing this blog entry, I’m getting an email from him apologizing for not having more money.  He’ll just have to scrimp more!

Loyal peter clicked and paid, in I hope a haze of subservient adoration to the tune of $178!

The new slave solitaire spent $164 dollars while begging Me to block him.  Guess what? I don’t block slaves because they are tooo weak to resist Me!

faggot jessica is an 18 year old loser in desperate need of humiliation.  This faggot has spent $129 and has spent nearly $500 on Me so far, and gave Me all her Christmas gift money.

Loser louis managed almost $138, and I’m looking for more from him

sexy jakey managed $185, and if I had been around when he was looking it would have been more!

loser #12 spent $154, and in the two years he has been spending it’s over the $1400 mark…all of  you mini losers add up!

My good payclub slave spent  $186 in his service, including a lovely $50 email!

My Canadian footlover spent $126…we keep missing each other too.

barefoot kane is a long time slave who spends consistently and LOVES bare feet.  He spent $109, but what I “really” want to mention is that he finally hit the $4,000 mark in his service to Me. Well done good boy, and yes there are LOTS of feet photos waiting for you that you will die to see and I know you are reading.

Button topped three digits with $102

Mistress-dick lover dave finally got a blog mention by spending nearly $100!

Calvin’s better half finally got a blog mention by spending $93

mister t gets a mention with $92, was trying for more, but I couldn’t seem to connect with him, perhaps because of the holidays. Watch out t!

Another mention goes to bob51 who also spent $92 and is one of those occasional slaves that you don’t realize is spending much, until you add it up.   In the 18 months he has served Me, he has spent over $1300.   So even if you can only spent a few bucks a week, it does add up for your Mistress!

Also at $92 was josie, a new slave that I haven’t spoken with, but all the little purchases made added up to $92 and I did notice!

Maybe you too can earn a blog entry for helping Me make My January spending goals for you all!  I don’t use member names, I invent your very own blog name for you, so don’t worry about other people recognizing your Niteflirt name here.

January 2, 2014   1 Comment

Extreme Financial Slavery

Extreme Financial Slavery is My ultimate goal, and it has a few definitions.  I have slaves in all three categories.


Delicious one is Fast Bankruptcy!  Mmmmmm imagine going into debt so deeply and quickly you will never find your way out without the help of bankruptcy court, all because you are controlled by Me!  Knowing as your debts are settled that I am laughing at your insolvency.  This type is usually bankrupt within 2-3 weeks after first encountering Me.


The slave who indulges in very occasional, Really Huge 4 or 5 or more figure sessions. Some slaves actually save for really huge sessions with Me, devoting several thousand dollars in a mind numbing, stomach spinning, cock throbbing session.  Those slaves return again and again, reporting that the orgasm they had during the extreme session was most powerful of their life.


The slave who plans for multiple sessions a week with Me, over the course of months and years. I have several slaves who spend 5-10K a year on Me, and they regularly spend several hundred a week, in multiple sessions.  A slave who sessions for $100 an evening 2-3 nights a week over the course of months, will endear himself to Me.  These are not extreme sessions, although some sessions are more intense (expensive). I am always trying to stretch these slaves to spend more, training them that paying Me is the greatest pleasure they will know.  I would say they are very addicted, and worried that if they go bankrupt, they won’t be able to session with Me anymore.  Some of them will eventually go bankrupt over Me anyway

Which are you?
Since My last blog post, I have enjoyed several delicious sessions.   My revamped “Financial Slavery begins with a $2 email” got a lot of play.

(Note)  I added audio mantras, reworked the words, and added photos to every level. I even added a couple of levels. It is a new monster, check it out here.

tPay read My entry detailing all My rapes, and added his to the mix, surrendering $600 in the matter of a few minutes.     Over the course of a couple of weeks, princess gigi spent $763 and fell in love with My strap on.   Ass Love Too slave also upped his spending to a very impressive $814–now has spent more than $1600 in his service on Me 🙂

The biggest turn on was a brutal rape I did for Shoe Sniff Loser, and he cried on the phone with Me as I sent him huge email after huge email. He begged Me to stop, but I wouldn’t, and he paid emails as large as $300 as I completely stripped him of any remaining humanity over the phone. He knew I completely deserved the $1440, and he is a worthless loser freak.

A boy who has bought small emails over the past few months exploded in a frenzy last week– I’ll call him slave2005–he wrote Me this:

“oh my god

what happened to me?

I just can not stop

I want to knee down at your feet,lick your feet

why when I pay you more ,I get harder?”

slave 2005 was good for nearly $800 in mostly one evening, out of the blue.  So nice.

Goodboy redbird clicked and paid and tributed for $404!

And Loser Louis reemerged just before Thanksgiving to drop $290 on Me!

A special mention for “Loyal Peter”  Peter is one of those slaves that easily flies under the radar, because he spends smaller amounts consistently over years and it adds up!  This week he splurged and did really get My attention, spending $255.  In just under 4 years, Loyal Peter has spent over $4200 on Me.  Good boy!

My Canadian pantyhose zombie was good for another $260.    Brian surrendered another $256 to Me, in an addicted haze.  Buttonboy for another $110.  My Guinea Money Pig spent $373 (yes, refreshing is dangerous). My paymail clubslave upped his spending to $142! (yes I noticed)   No Nonsense stayed in poverty for $96.

New to My blog is “devil greg” who spent $117 and “jaybee” who spent $100 on My new game, upping his lifetime spending to $1600, despite thinking he’s not a money slave 🙂  hisexy showed up again for another $180, and Egghead just can’t stay away…this time for $102 and now lifetime of 12K in just over 16 months.   Lastly, virgin JD Dave found out how dangerous My games are to the tune of $129 in just a few minutes 🙂



December 2, 2013   No Comments

Another 10k plus week!

For the first time ever, I have had two 10k weeks in a row. (And this week going to be a pretty healthy amount too!)

I had planned this blog entry earlier, but I everytime I log on, you junkies line up to talk with Me!

My slaves and junkies all came out in full force to celebrate My birthday and enable Me to observe it in style!

Note: These are totals since November 8th, so about 10 days worth of spending!

Highlights:  Shoe Sniff Loser handed Me another $3871 in a series of humiliating training emails over the course of a few days, paying as much as $250 in a single pay mail. Mmmmmmmm.   This Loser has been broken faster than I anticipated–I must be getting particularly dangerous at it!

A fairly new slave,  he-who-serves, has been on My mailing list a LONG time, but this week he caught FIRE!  He was baptized in new debt for $3070.   Any other week, he would have been top spender, but this week….Shoe Sniff Loser beat him out.   He has promised Me his bonus he is getting this week, so I am looking forward to that!   Especially nice, were large emails he paid while I was asleep.  it’s nice to wake up to 600 or $700 in the Niteflirt account!

princess gigi, #3 on My all time list, clicked and paid and called and tributed and sat in chastity to the tune of $1002 this week!  Finally after about 2 1/2 months, I let her cum.   That will be it for 2013!  I know in a couple of days, she’ll be craving more of Me and My feet. 🙂

wallet cunt and Dr X had better watch out, they have newcomers who are chasing their totals!

A slave who I remember participating on an online Money Slave Game I conducted in 2009, Mr Magoo was a contender for quite a ways through, an early leader.  He was quiet and I didn’t hear much from him since then.  Until this week, and WOW, back with a vengeance, spending $594 this week, including a delicious $150 email from My addiction series.

Also, another new slave I think of as Ass Love Too, who spent $582.  Hooked!!

sissy marla, always the good girl, spent $467 on Me this week!

So did a long time paymail club slave that has a name that is code for “horniest” (yea, I figured it out, I’m good!)  ($467)

Dr X did materialize to play My new game (how weak it makes him) and to send birthday tributes.  He added $451 to his second place standing.

We have My Canadian pantyhose lover who turned into a click and pay zombie to the tune of $429 this week

Who else gets blog kudos?


My Guinea Money Pig, a long time slave who is #4 on My all time list.  He never goes totally insane, (I”m working on that), but over the years, he’s managed to spend over $45,000, about $50-100 at a time, but about 4-5 times a week.  His spending this week was $345 (Pretty typical for him)  He is lucky? enough to be the subject of most of My addiction and mind control experiments, and he can assure you they are quite effective.  Also, he has the distinction for writing  125 feedbacks in one day on old pay mails he had bought over the last couple months.  That’s a one day record!   (You can leave your feedback here)

A slave who comes and goes…hisexy, who spent nearly $400. For some reason I like to be brutal to this little bitch and don’t send too many “warm up mails:”  like I ususally do.  He’s gone again, but he’ll be back.

Brian, who just cannot stay away! This week was about $280–little bitch deletes his account and just makes another one and starts over again. I have NO idea how much he has spent, because when you delete an account, I lose any easy way to tell what a slave spent, but I know its in the $1000s.

Redbird, whose $287 spending included a $150 birthday tribute, the largest spontaneous birthday tribute I got this week! Thank you Redbird!  Redbird has spent nearly $5000 on Me in the last 5 months!

$250 from foot sniffing slave (not to be confused with shoe sniffing slave!)  He just LOVES  My audios, and the entire $250 was for custom audios of Me laughing at him.

Loserbeast reappeared for $191. I don’t think he ever fully recovered from the brutal 5 figure financial rape I did to him in August and Sept of last year, but he occasionally splurges for some Lauren fixes.

Also at $191, is an “good egg” that must obey that I acquired around the same time as Loserbeast.  I think its funny that when I added it up they had the same spending.  “egg” was always in the hulking beast’s spending shadow.

Honorable Mentions:  Plum who spent $56 this week, but is always always buying small emails over the past months–and always leaving great feedback, and is approaching his $500 dollar all time spending mark.  Even the small spenders get noticed!

My  Philadelphia Ass Admirer, who spent $129 this week, but I want to mention him because he has spent almost $2500 on Me now since he began being mersmerized by My ass about a year ago.

No Nonsense young guy who Spent $134 he didn’t have on Me this week., bringing his checking account down to $1.  Find another credit card!

$70 from a newer slave, “wave noise” ….I have high hopes, one of his paid mails was for $50 YUM.

$62 from nova, who is approaching the 3K mark in spending.  He liked the new pantyhose series 🙂

$62 from c—-eb who also like the pantyhose set, and is at about $1400 in total Lauren spending!

$54 from a chastity sissy I own, “j”, under a cock control contract with Me…her payments included a $25 tribute designated as a birthday present 🙂  She’s closing in on the $500 lifetime spending amount..what a good girl.

$64 from a pay mail clubslave that I mention because he is soooo loyal, buys almost all the paymail club emails I send, and his spending is small but regular and he’s up to over $1200 in spending on Me in the last year.  He sent Me a birthday tribute too!

$78 from a “deathwish” slave who discovered playing games with Me is perilous.

$55 from “button boy” he might be able to figure his name out 🙂  He is closing in on $1500 spent. Good boy.

$53 from a regular bare foot loving pervert who should have his useless balls crushed.

Notable feedback.  Of course there was Guinea Money Pig slaves 125 feedback entries (for 250 points omg) which for sheer amount, no one came close.

Ones I enjoyed from various slaves and junkies included:

“WOW ! It is easy to belong to Lauren Rules: fun and addictive is the extreme. I love every minutes of the process she puts me through.”

“Mistress is so dangerous one look at her legs and heels and I just melt inside. She has so much control over me, I will be going bankrupt for her”

“The feedback to leave piles up while you are getting used by Mistress Lauren. Must obey Mistress Lauren.”

“I beg Mistress Lauren to rape my wallet. I have no need for money. Mistress Lauren knows exactly how to treat cash cows and I am proud to be one of them. I recommend Mistress Lauren for all pay pigs who are seeking a true financial dome to serve.”

“Mistress has totally fucked me up. All I think about is how I want to go bankrupt for her. I want to live in poverty so she can have everything and laugh at me”

“Designer Fetish delivery at its best!”

“pushes your orgasms to a higher level so you can’t replicate with any one or any thing.”

“She can make you feel so amazing and yet disoriented”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTRESS!! Your talents at turning weak men like me into complete Lauren junkies is extraordinary. Resistance is futile. Your beauty and brilliant femdom mind make all resistance futile.”


Thank you to ALL My slaves, sissies and junkies for making My birthday week (and month!) amazing!


November 19, 2013   1 Comment

Extreme Financial Domination Topic: BDSM, consent and the slave that spends into bankruptcy

Some of you reading this may not be aware that it is common in the BDSM communities to have discussions of consent while engaging in BDSM play. The larger BDSM community spends lots and lots of time discussing how participants in BDSM activity are playing nicely.

What I do isn’t nice. It isn’t fair. It is exploitative and dangerous. And you fools all gravitate toward Me anyway.

I will point something out however. Although it *is* dangerous, but it is *also* consensual. You get warned and then I fuck you over without mercy.

There are two main schools of thought regarding this whole issue of consent.

1. Safe, Sane and Consensual: This school of thought argues that all BDSM play should be safe, sane and consensual. Financial Domination *is* a power exchange, and I *do* consider it a BDSM activity. So is it Safe? Controlled Financial Domination, maybe but not what I do. I am Extreme.  Bankruptcy and Financial devastation isn’t very safe.

Is it sane? For some into Financial Domination, it’s perfectly sane, if controlled.   What I do?  I am perfectly sane, I just drive men insane. *laughs* So no, not really very sane.

Is it consensual? You were warned bitch.

Does what I do fit into the SSC, safe, sane and consensual? Fuck no. I will never pretend it does. It fails on two of the three counts.

On the other hand….

2. The other philosophy is known as “RACK” — Risk Awareness Consensual Kink. Most of the adherents to this pretty much like to play more on the edge. This is a kink philosophy that recognizes that some kink activities have risks, and there is a responsibility that both parties recognize the risk.

Does what I do fit into this philosophy? Hell yes!

So, some would try and make Financial Dominants in general, and Extreme Financial Dominants in particular, feel guilty for taking advantage of and exploiting our weak little slaves. In general, I don’t give a fuck what others think of Me for My profitable and arousing panty-dampening activities, but I do have a few guidelines I follow.

I always tell the slave that what I do is dangerous.
Here are the risks for getting to know Me.

I won’t stop exploiting you. I have no mercy. I keep asking for more. I am greedy.

What I do is addictive. You may develop a biochemical/psycho-sexual conditioning/compulsion to continue our activities far beyond your ability to easily afford it.
That is part of My game. I make no secret of it. Some of you reading this will become deeply conditioned to pay Me until you can’t pay anymore.
I certainly hope so, that’s part of MY kink.
So you’ve been fucking warned.
Now pay Me *laughs*

Oh and speaking of Extreme Financial Domination, a couple of slaves deserve a little recognition. “Thrillseeker” was back on Monday, this time caught up in the new “Breaking Bank” series  I was egging him on of course, and by the time his credit card started to decline him he had spent another $1500 on Me!

So far in his spending on Me to date, Thrillseeker has spent nearly $7900 on Me.   I am hoping to get him to the 10K mark very soon.

By comparison, I thought you Losers might wonder what My biggest spender every is up to.  That would be “wallet cunt”   Wallet cunt makes an appearance every few weeks for a HUGE fuckover.   His grand spending total on Me, over a period of a few years is up to over $78,000 . I expect before too long he will be My first (but not last)  100K slave.

Delicious isn’t it?
Now I am in the mood for a wallet fuck.

Can’t afford a wallet fuck this week but want to make Me happy?
I need coffee!

I have a coffee maker that uses pods that can now only be purchased online, and I am getting low!

Go to this link and buy Me some, I put several up on Amazon.  Drop Me a note that you bought Me some and I’ll reward you with a few photos, (Rewards help addict you more).  Good boy



October 23, 2013   6 Comments

Wallets open by Magic

Wallets open by Magic

It sure seems like that sometimes!
But the truth is, I am a “master” of weaving men into an addiction.

I confessed to a couple of slaves this week, that to become this powerful at drawing men under My dangerous spell, I studied.

The nature of addiction in general, and sexual addictions in particular.

I also studied the nature of abusive relationships.  How do abusers gain control over their victims, and why is it so difficult for the victim to leave?

I completely understand the dynamics of this, and consciously and intentionally apply the principles that will make it difficult, if not impossible for you to stop paying Me. (until you have no way to to do it) Talk about a mindfuck/mindrape!

Ask Fledgling Slave, who is now 13th on my active all time Spender Loser List, mostly in the last 4-6 weeks.   The only slave I can recall rising more swiftly was Loserbeast, about this time last year.   He is begging Me to stop exploiting him, but still he emails Me several times a day and buys what I send him.   He likes to stroke and pay during our sessions, which of course I encourage with all sorts of games and it makes him go into a “i can’t stop clicking and paying” fugue.   I’m not sure he’s really responsible for his actions at this point, but I don’t  give a fuck, it’s fun and profitable.

oh And ask Guinea Pig slave, who I don’t blog about often, but he hovers between 3rd and 4th on My all time list, a five figure spender.  When I have a new technique to try, it’s Guinea Pig Slave who is usually the one I experiment on  He is hopelessly in love with Me, despite starting out with no interest in Financial Domination whatsoever.  The poor worm can’t enjoy cumming without Me anymore.   Isn’t that funny?

Ask tPay, who spent thousands this summer on Me, and can’t stay away, is just trying to figure out how to pay Me.   He’s started scrimping and saving to pay off credit cards faster, but that is a slow route, and I want him to take out the line of credit he already has set up on a rental property he owns. (wouldn’t that be sooo much faster to pay off the credit card?)  I think he will cave in, perhaps when he reads this.  Good boy tPay–be an inspiration to those aspiring money slaves out there! Remember your mantra tPay–“Bankruptcy for Lauren”

Now, as I have said before, I have been crazy busy, and haven’t had time lately to release many PTVs, but I did manage to pull together this very hypnotic photo set.

Go buy it now

Surrender to Financial Domination



August 30, 2013   1 Comment