Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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Conversation with a loser

This one was just toooo good to pass up.

I recently started speaking with a guy with the NF member name  Please Stuff My Holes.

He was sooo much fun to humiliate..I get off on that mental torture too….and one of the things I told him was to imagine being brought to a party, all feminized and only allowed to say One thing in response to people….”Please Stuff My Holes”

Well, the freak took Me literally and went to a Lesbian club on Halloween  dressed as a Ben Gay tube and did just this!

I can’t make this stuff up.

Here is his email to Me:

Dearest Lauren,

As a true humiliation fan and a total fucking moron, I took your suggestion of using my screen name as my response to any word spoken to me while in my ridiculous Halloweener costume. Fittingly, I chose to be a Ben-Gay tube.  What better place to show myself up (or out) was the long line at the “Scandalous” lesbian club. Waiting outside with the dykes, I got in line but to draw attention I didnt move. This drew attention to which I just responded “Please stuff my holes”. The first 4 times drew confusion, then anger. One dyke aka Little Red Riding Hood took my Ben-Gay cap off and stomped on it. I bent over to pick it up and looked at her saying “Please stuff my holes”. It was this final response that enraged her and her pussy licking friends. They began tearing my homeade costume to shreds to expose a pair of Superman Underoos and a woody. The laughter and comments were insane and I thought I was going to cum in my pants. I stook shaking in the line from the excitement and coldness. Unfortunately or fortunately, this made such a scene that I was asked by club security to get out of the line. As I was escorted away Riding Hoods black bitch Tinkerbell came up and gave me a wedgie that ripped my roos and a can of beer hit me in the head. I went home more degraded, humiliated and emasculated than ever. Proving again, that being an idiot and acting like one are the same thing. You deserve all the credit for this one.

In Retaradation,

Ricki Retardo


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