The Paypig Pay Ritual
Addicted paypigs each form their own little paypig pay ritual–part of what makes it sooo compelling to pay Me.
Commonly, it begins with a memory of paying Me. That brings up the memory of a hard cock and orgasm associated with paying Me.
The pay ritual varies from slave to slave, but can include things like, special clothing (panties), listening to one of My audios, loading money into your account, reading My writings.
And of course paying Me…the whole click, stroke, obey pay cycle…
and sometimes quitting Niteflirt and signing back up is part of the ritual.
slave brian wrote a piece on the addiction cycle. I had planning to do so Myself this week, but good little piggy anticipated My needs!
by slave brian
The addiction cycle.
While all of us dream of being a slave to Lauren, none of us expect it to really happen. We have various fetishes and fantasies, but we really don’t expect it to happen – not for real. Not really. But it does…
Lauren drives us to addiction. It is a key and core part of her training. It is a skill that she has honed over years of experience exploiting weak men like us. She plants covert thoughts and mixes them with eroticism and then, bingo! A new fetish is born, and after a time, your dick doesn’t get hard without her input. She has turned you into a money slave.
For each money slave, the addiction is different. Maybe it is feminization that turns you on, so she makes you wear panties and makeup and makes you pay and stroke as she orders you to subjugate yourself to her humiliation. For others, it is something else. For me, it was trying to quit.
You see, I am a logical,executive by day. I am in control. I am the guy that everyone turns to for help and advice. And it is tiring. Like many men with power, I am vulnerable to domination by a beautiful woman. Lauren intuitively sensed my weak pig nature and snatched me up quickly. She seduced me and turned me into a hopeless money slave. I thought I could quit anytime I wanted, but I was wrong.
As a point of fact, I quit many, many times. I quit, and then very soon after quitting, I find myself wanting to “look” at what Lauren is doing. Many, many times I looked, and very quickly I am again under her spell. I couldn’t understand why I was unable to quit for good, until the other night when Lauren announced quite arrogantly that she had made my quitting part of my pay ritual. OMG! I realized she was right. Every time I quit, it makes me MORE vulnerable and MORE willing to pay. I can’t even get hard without her abuse, without paying. And quitting only makes it worse. Every time I quit, her grip tightens. She has me in a circular trap from which there is no escape!
I have thought on this for several days, only to realize that it is the last straw. I am writing this wearing peach colored panties, knowing that Lauren is going to exploit me for yet more money that I can’t afford, but I don’t care. I am her property, and she has the right. And if I quit, that is okay. That is part of her game. I am a pawn on her table, made for her abuse, and I will obey her.
I hope to see many other pigs coming into her trap and know that I had some small part in handing them over to my Mistress. Lauren wants you under her control. You only need to come in. She’ll sense your weaknesses and take care of you. Trust Lauren. It won’t be a game. She will make it real.
I would LOVE to hear about other piggies’ pay rituals. Comment and tell us about it. Remember, when you confess your addiction it helps bring other weak men to My table for wallet feasting!
And it’s time for the spending report. Is your name there?
My good little nylon slave read in My last blog entry I had new photos he would like and he promptly started begging Me for fuckover. He practiced his little pay ritual of drooling over My hosed feet and begging to pay. It cost him $400, but that’s not the best part. There are still lots more photos for Me to use to coerce and extract MORE cash from him. I’m waiting for you nylon slave!
New to My blog, but not to spending on Me is “ass sailor” He was the first one through My new Ass kissing series, and although over the years he has spent a total of almost $1750, this is the most since I’ve done the spending report and it was $120. Well done ass sailor!
(Here is that series that snared him, btw!)
Now one of the big spenders this week was, once again- marla! I’ve got this sissy so turned on by oinking, and saying “bankruptcy for Lauren” as a pay mantra, that she just can’t help herself. She threw $1825 at Me
In other spending, princess gigi kept getting turned on by the thought of sucking big black cock and sent Me $300, mostly in tributes. What a very good little fag sissy she is!
Good little helpless dave kept helplessly paying Me, this week it was $190. Dave, you’ve been consistent lately and that really pleases Me!
My paybitch spent $704 in recent days. He is one of those that I believe also has quitting and beginning again as part of his pay ritual. He did this spending on two new member names
cumstain spent just a few dollars short of $1,000 (984 to be exact). This is the most he has ever spent in a short time, bought 3-digit ptvs for the first time and I think he’s fucked. He tried inactivating his account and didn’t last 12 hours. cumstain, you are in deep shit! I absolutely LOVED it when he began weeping and embarrassed he had spent too much, and I told him to FEED INTO that pain and cum! And he did. I’m brutal in setting up abusive little triggers! Be afraid cumstain!
PIG stroked his way through another $290. PIG has his own pay rituals, and no slave stalks My availability as much as PIG, he NEEDS our time getting fucked over and reports so promptly when I appear, nearly every time. He is the very definition of junkie!
A new little bankruptcy whore spent a quick $116 and then deleted his account. Those type always return–part of the pay ritual!
Inadequate jake had to face his “lack of biology” and realized he would never be any woman’s idea of “proper breeding stock”, so he should just accept he is a money slave for Lauren. This week was $145, but I want more soon jake!
Also new to My blog is skate-pig. Skate-pig spent $105 this week on click and pay. I love the silent click and pay slaves who simply hit and run pay!
I’ve come to enjoy the spending report, and I’ve come to appreciate it’s power as addicted piggies pull out their wallets so they can see their weakness for paying Me immortalized on My blog! Keep up the good work, and ask yourself if you want My attention on your blog. Yes? Get out that wallet Loser!
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