Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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Category — female supremacy

Food for the FinDomme soul

This is my week for smiling at the letters and im messages I am getting from those that serve Me..

This one greeted Me in my mailbox today

i wanted to thank You for last night, Lauren, Mistress.  it had been so long and it was so necessary.

i was thinking about Your narrative on this page and the honest it contains.  i certainly cannot argue with the notion that You conditioned me for future use.  i’m living proof of that.  however, You fail to mention that You do that by taking damaged goods….allowing & encouraging them to care again.  Sure, You’re a Findomme, who excels at & redefines Her craft, but You do it with such grace and humor and gentility that it makes all things fresh and alive again.

Thank You for being You, Lauren!

And when I turned on My yahoo this morning, there were several messages from followers, this one I liked:

just some words about the Letter from your moneyslave on your blog… He couldn’t say it better… it’s impossible to explain… but, this is your power, this is what makes you different from all the other… The power is in your mind, impossible to resist. It’s just like you can read minds and manipulate them to get what you want. That’s why I call you GOD

Well, I prefer Mistress to God, but I do appreciate the sentiment!  I do Financial Domination in MY own way (like any good Dominant) The flavor varies from slave to slave actually, because I am a “master” of manipulating men to want what I want. Many have the mistaken notion that an effective FemDomme gets Her slaves/submissives to do what She wants.  *smile*  She actually gets them to *want* what She wants. It’s an important distinction, but it does require a slave who is vulnerable to My seductions. And most of you are….

April 4, 2011   No Comments

Letter from a money slave

This is quoted from a letter from one of My new money slaves, and I liked it so much I thought I would reprint it for you all to read. 🙂

Thank you for letting me call you yet again Mistress Lauren.  I am sorry we were cut off.  I never mean to do that with you.  Sometimes I don’t even HEAR the warning.  Just your voice echoing in my head.  I get so into what you say all the time.  I love everything you say.  I think of how bad you’d abuse me physically, emotionally, and financially if you ever got your pretty hands on me.  There’d be nowhere to run.  I also know, that you know, that with me cornered by you, you can push and push, and PUSH until I break more and more and MORE for you.

Do you know I can’t even call anyone else anymore?  They’re so boring and have no idea what they’re doing.  Yes, there are many pretty girls on NF.  I understand it’s about the domme and not the slave, but if that’s true, then how do you manipulate a man if he doesn’t get what he likes?  You play off what your callers like and they can’t stop giving you what you want.  I hate how most women don’t understand that, but you know it all too well Mistress.

Some money slaves *get it* too.

Mistress Lauren

April 1, 2011   No Comments

Financial Domination and the Femme Fatale

Men are weak silly creatures.

They approach Me, drawn to My power and beauty like a moth to the flame.

Do you recognize yourself?  Are you enchanted by the powerful femme fatale type, the woman who ensnares you and leads you into progressively dangerous situations?

I study the Femme Fatales of History, and take them as role models.  My favorites include  Salome whose seductive “dance of the seven veils” lead to the death of John the Baptist, entrancing  King Herod to deny her nothing, and she asked for the head of John the Baptist on a platter.

There is  also  Cleopatra, who was so beautiful and powerful that even powerful men like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony were not immune to her charms.  Caesar was a much older man, 52 years to her 21 years, and even in her youth, her seductive charm was enough to rule the two most powerful kingdoms of her day.

I am a modern day Femme Fatale.  I stand for the reversal of the “traditional” female role, denying men a woman who exists to satisfy their pathetic little egos.

It is said.  Behind a powerful man is a great woman.  It’s true, most successful men are nothing without a great women, they need this or they are NOTHING.

I have a better saying.

Behind a powerful woman, all the men line up.

A powerful woman doesn’t need ONE man to make Her successful. We are happy just to tread over whichever man will help us reach our goal.

Perhaps you’re the next man I will tread upon.

March 20, 2011   2 Comments

Women are superior

I am a female supremacist.  It took a while for Me to declare Myself such a person, but I have come to experience how easy men are to manipulate, in ways that would never work with a woman.

Let me state the basic premise.

A man with a hard on will do whatever it takes to get off.

There are two types of men, both inferior to Me.

a. The brutish type that takes what he wants by sheer force.  This instinct is the cause of wars and misfortune, any any woman worth Her salt is clearly above that.  I frustrate this type simply by thriving without them, which is a joy to Me!

b. All other men who can be manipulated into anything because they have a hard cock.  This is the type that 90% of all men are, and I wager 100% of the men reading this.

I could turn this into a political blog post about how fear of female power drives our political system,  clearly it does, but that is not the purpose of My blog.

My blog exists to exploit and Use you…the reader, the weak man with a hard cock that NEEDS manipulation, and feels fulfilled when a woman like Me drains his wallet, because that is PROOF of your natural place in the world– To Serve Women like Me.

Furthermore, there is a category of men that instinctively KNOWS women are superior, and try their best to emulate them.  It’s fun to help them try, watch them learn to wear panties, and apply make-up and suck cock.  It’s sadly amusing to see them try and try to be a superior woman, but those men are more in tune with the natural order of the world then most, and for that, no matter how much of a sissy fag slut they might be, they deserve some credit!

So when you are lost in Me….paying Me, clicking and paying, buying Me gifts, following My instructions, you are living in the TRUE ORDER of the natural world.  The Emulation and Worship of the Superior Female.

And have no worry, I am here for you!!

February 2, 2011   2 Comments