Financial Domination Flurry!
I’ve really been meaning to blog more often, but the truth is that lately, almost the moment I sign on I am bombarded with emails and calls from My junkies, all needing to spend on Me for their fix.
It’s been sooo profitable and wonderful, all of those marvelous wallet fucks have left Me in such a state of almost constant arousal! Some rapes deserve a little extra mention.
Of note is a Loser I am thinking of as wallet bimbo..he really started of a bit pesky with email after email, which naturally I began charging for. This is a loser who just can’t stay away. Each time he reappears with a new handle, but his “voice” is distinctive in his emails, and before you know it, he’s paying cash for empty emails that I tell him are a tax on a surcharge surcharge email, for sending me a two word email. This all sounds silly, but in the last week or so, I’ve milked him for about $950 bucks 🙂
And we have worm, a pathetic loser who is getting addicted to the way big fat pay mails make him feel. To that I say Yay! A rough calculation shows he has spent about $350 on me this week
The iFool made an appearance briefly. I fucked him for $200 really really fast and he fled in terror. He will be back. Weak willed submissive fools always return.
Oh, and I know how much some of you love reading slave letters, so I thought I would share this one from addicted n
Mistress Lauren,
I have been listening to your slideshow as directed.
I keep thinking of your words. I left feedback. As mentioned, I have no interest in any other flirts on NF. They really have no significance to me, so some conditioning is definitely working. I only look on NF hoping for emails from you Mistress.
I try not to worry Mistress as you say and want to be a good boy, so keep repeating what you tell me to say in the slideshow. I had to get money out of my savings for the last cc bill, so it was scary and hurt but it made my cock hard.
The secret parts of my mind are the property of Mistress Lauren. That means you can know anything and everything you want, because it is yours? It makes my cock hard to think of this.
All that I am is yours. But wont I be broken? It is scary. Yet I hear you say not to worry in my mind, and it makes me feel weak and hard.
I loved your previous POV pictures ‘addiction’. Do you have more mistress? Like your previous POV set ‘enrapture’ that I found so weakening. I just want to worhip looking at the crease in your panties…..
(name changed for privacy)
Yes addicted n, you may be broken, and it may be scary, but it will be the biggest rush of your life..
Now addicted n referred to a recording..This is something I have not done previously, a VERY long recording. It’s some 31 minutes, filled with multiple tracks and hypnotic audio. Your life will never be the same.
you too can have your mind warped by it now
And I am sooo excited because I splurged with your cash and got a custom fitted red latex dress, and of course I did a photo shoot in it. See the photos here, you’ll probably lose control and beg for more
and all of you foot junkies have been begging for more PTVs, so have no fear (or perhaps you should), here is a series of some of My best foot shots ever!
Begin here
So click and pay junkies! Maybe you’ll get your name in My blog next
Kick things off by filling out the form below.
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