Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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More news from bankruptcy boy J

My regular readers will remember the story of Bankruptcy Boy J, who I helped sacrifice his last bit of financial security and gouged for thousands of dollars in just three days.  The last day he entered bankruptcy and on our last call, he told me how he kept looking in the mirror with a hardon and saying to himself. “im bankrupt!”   We eroticized the whole usually painful process.  Then he disappeared.  I suspected his credit cards were frozen.

Just last night I was asked about him, and  like a charm he called Me tonight.

I was right.  After his last 4 digit spending spree on Me, all his credit cards were cancelled within a matter of hours and even his bank account was frozen.

He is now living with a relative and working at Walmarts!  That is what I helped make his life into.  He took 25% of his first paltry paycheck, bought a prepaid credit card  at Walmarts and called me!
Soon he will have his bankruptcy papers and My work will be complete

I’m ready for the next bankruptcy vict—um volunteer.

1 comment

1 Mistress Shayna { 04.29.09 at 2:26 pm }

One quarter of a Wal-mart check, and you still speak to him?

You are generous beyond the broke-back piggies deserving. Might I suggest pimping him out to make a few more dollars from him?

Surely, he can’t afford to pay you what you’re worth on a Wally world salary.

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