Financial Domination and Hypnotic Seduction
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Why I am such an effective FinDomme

There are many beautiful Mistresses out there who are not successful FinDommes.

Yet I am, and you come to My blog again and again to read about Me and My pets.

Many ask Me, how did I get this way?

You read a lot of stories on the ‘net about FinDomme’s claiming they were just naturally born that way. It’s a gift and I’m natural.

I call bullshit.

I mean, it’s true that one needs a certain kind of Dominant personality and a certain amount of confidence, but without the knowledge to “really” penetrate into a man’s psyche, without the skill to reprogram a man, it will never reach its full potential.

That takes a little work. (OMG, FinDomme and work are anathema right?)


I read every bit of information on Mind Control I can get.

I absorb facts on sexual addiction. (All the better to cause it!)
On brainwashing–on hypnosis—on the Stockholm effect–on interrogation–on abusive relationships.

I get My best info from scholarly papers, and a certain ability to translate that info into a few choice techniques that make you into a weak fool, an addicted junkie for Lauren–a victim.

I didn’t get so dangerous by being born that way. I chose to be dangerous, to nurture that Fem Fa-tale inside. …to intentionally become the kind of woman that exists to take from you.  And that is why I deserve your cash.  I am smarter than you.

Now hand it over Loser!

The combination of all of those techniques is deadly and effective.



1 Losershadow { 10.02.12 at 2:08 pm }

Armed robbery it is – and disarmed slaves are easy prey 😉

2 peter { 10.03.12 at 10:08 am }

Is that a real rifle?

3 Stephan { 10.19.12 at 4:28 pm }

That lady is more than a real rifle;-) She is an nuclear bomb for our minds and wallets. And, she does not promise anything nice – so do not be surprised if you end up as predicted: Fucked-up, wallet raped, maybe personally ruined – and waiting to be accepted again as her pet without any exclusivity.
Lauren, I unconditionally adore the choises of life you have made. You are the role model of true emancipation in the original meaning of the word: E manu cipere: Take it out of the hand (of somebody else)

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